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Skinz WEAKNESSES vs Seattle


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I think BY FAR our biggest weakness is our DB's. Springs should lock down Darell Jackson but Carlos Rogers will have his hands full with Bobby Engram and Walt Harris will have his hands full with Joe Jurivicius. If I remember correctly, during the regular season game Walt harris was locked on Engram and Engram LIT HIM UP. I dont even think Engram played the whole game, because he got injured, and yet he still ended up with something like 9 catches for 100+ yards. Jurivicius was just getting into the groove of things that game so he was a non factor then. Since that game, however, Jurivicius has come on strong and played extremely well. Jurivicius is like 6'5 and Harris is like 5'10, that in and of itselt presents a huge matchup problem. Ther are many big recievers in this league who DO NOT PLAY BIG, and DO NOT know how to use their size as an advantage, Joe J. is NOT one of those recievers. He really knows how to take advantage of his size and isnt afraid to go over the middle. NOt to mention he has lots of playoff experience and I think hes a pretty good route runner with decent speed. The speed wont really matter though because like I said, he will use his size to push Harris around. Engram is an excellent route runner and is a savvy veteran going against a ROOKIE CB, that spells DOOM. LoL I know I sound very pessimistic but this is just MY OPINION. If you dont agree with me REFUTE WHAT I SAID WITH FACTS. I am a redskins fan and I am just being realistic. I pray Im wrong but I dont see how you can refute what Ive said. Also, Our offense has become very stagnant and predictable. Teams double both Moss and Cooley AND DARE us to throw elswhere. James Thrash is absolute GARBAGE, he couldnt get seperation if Cornelius Griffin was covering him, and Taylor jacobs has extreme stage fright. Jacobs plays like a pro bowler in practice but come game time he FREEZES. The only way our offense will have any kind of success is if Portis gets going. That will force the seahawks to put 8 in the box thus they will not be able to double team both Moss and Cooley. FInally, the seahawks have one of the best, if not the best, O-Lines in the NFL so it will be almost impossible for our front four to get pressure on their own. Greg Williams will probably have some elaborate blitz schemes BUT that will only make the advantage the Hawks have with their recievers even bigger because it will leave alot of one on one matchups. I wont be surprised if I see Jurivicius run alot of slant patterns using his body to shield the defender(harris) and then breaking Harris' tackle for big yardage(Harris is THE WORST tacker on the team). I PRAY IM WRONG THOUGH! :(

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Jurevicious is a possession receiver so the only thing that worries me with him is getting them to third down and having him execute on third down. Same exact thing with Jeremy Stevens. Truthfully, I am a bit worried about Alexander breaking a big one, but I think Seattle should be worried about CP breaking a big one.

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Walt Harris will have his hands full with Joe Jurivicius. If I remember correctly, during the regular season game Walt harris was locked on Engram and Engram LIT HIM UP.

Walt Harris didn't play the first game. It was Carlos Rogers' first start and he gave him way too much cushion. Ade Jimoh also played quite a bit in the 2nd half after Springs and Taylor went out with the Skins leading 14-3.

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Personally, I think we will be OK if we can put consistent pressure on Hasselback and make him throw before he really wants to. That puts our Defense at an advantage. If the Skins D lets the Hawks dictate on offense, then we are in for a lot of trouble. Stop the run, then deal with the pass....THAT is how we will beat them. If we're stuffing the run, then we should also be pressuring the QB.

On the flip side of this, scoring early, pounding the ball on the ground, and grinding out the clock should be the order of the day for Gibbs.

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I wont be surprised if I see Jurivicius run alot of slant patterns using his body to shield the defender(harris) and then breaking Harris' tackle for big yardage(Harris is THE WORST tacker on the team). I PRAY IM WRONG THOUGH! :(

Yeah and Sean Taylor coming up and laying his *** out. We will see how many times JJ goes over the middle :laugh: Please, Springs is lights out and Rogers was playing at that level before he got hurt. I personally think the D will be OK. HTTR

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DB is ailing, but our D-Line can put the pressure on Hasselbeck and get into his head. I heard an interview with Warren Moon, who is the radio announcer for the Seahawks, and he said that the O-Line of the Seahawks is going to have a long day due to the fact they are undersized compared to the Skins. He said Salavea' should have a huge day on that interior line

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We need to go up 14-0 like we did on the Bucs early, but we need offense, to keep Alexander as a non-factor. If we have the lead and are scoring on our long running/play action drives, they will have no choice but to put Alexander in the garage. I expect this one to go down to Overtime honestly.

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All of this is amusing. First of all, JJ is big, really big, it's not like Sean Taylor is hitting a typical undersized WR... Never assume you're going to put a player out...it doesn't happen enough times. Second, while Alexander is a big worry, he becomes an impossible worry if the Seahawks get that ball control west coast passing game going. To stop Alexander you're going to have to stop the quick hits to Engram, the slants to DJack and the passes to JJ. By the way, all of the Seahawk receivers are possession receivers, they march the passing game up the field like a running game. It's how they play.

I finally got around to watching the Bucs/Washington game last night (tivo'd it). The one thing the Redskins have going for them is their speed. All of your linebackers can move. That may give you all a reasonable chance against this play, but it's going to be tough.


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The seahawks running game does NOT scare me at all. Last game we pretty much shut down Sean Alexander, and that was without Lavar. During that game we were still succeptible to that outside run because LaVar wasnt in there, but now that problem is solved. Alexander had one big run to the outside which accounted for 30+ of his 99 yards, that wont be an issue this time. However, I do agree with those who say Sean Taylor can sway the advantage in our favor if he plays big. We really need Sean Taylor to get some HUGE hits on the recievers early on to give those recievers something to think about when theyre out their running their patterns. Sean Taylor can change the complex of the entire game and I PRAY he has a huge game. Thanx for the info about Harris being out that game. Carlos Rogers is much improved since that game but he will stall have a huge challenge going against one of the most underrated recivers in the NFL(Bobby Engram).

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I would LOVE to see ANY ONE of the Hawks receivers go across the middle and get CRUSHED by Taylor! He's had guys fearing him all season for his ferocious hits....the one player I keep thinking of when I see his hits is Ronnie Lott. Let's see if ST can score a TD in three straight games (doing it on another fumble recovery would be a plus)!!

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I'm not worried at all about our secondary, springs, rogers, and taylor back there bodes pretty well against their three number 2 receivers posing as #1s. The seahawks have a good run defense, which may force us to pass to generate offense. Anyone knows my posts on here will know what I think is our main concern for the game: Playcalling, and the artist formerly known as Mark Brunell. We're solid everywhere else, that is the only thing that worries me.

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Guys, given that we'll play a 4-3 (with 3 linebackers) most of the day, the 'size' factor of J. Jurivicius + their TE is overblown. LA & Washington can keep pace with any TE + most big WR's (J. Juravicius ain't got blazing speed if you know what I mean). Plus Sean Taylor over the top will clean up any left over mess that manages to slip thru the cracks. My bet is that early on, G. Williams will see how our 7 man front (with minimal blitzing) fares against their running game... if they're holding up, Seattle is toast and expect hasselbank to throw 2 to 3 picks. If they aren't holding up, our risk of giving up the big passing plays increases as we send more bodies to stop Alexander. That's the key of the game for me.... our defense - 7man front vs. Alexander... and not their WR's.

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Brunell has got me really worried as well. If you've read my previous posts you'd know that I am definately NOT his biggest fan. He has gotten worse and worse as the year is progressed and thinking about him as our starter AGAIN next year makes me sick to my stomach! If our secondary holds up than Brunell might cost us the game. I dont know if its that our recievers(other than moss) SUCK or is it just that Brunell SUCKS at spreading the ball around and stares down one reciever (or 2 including Cooley)the whole time??? What do you guys think? Is it Brunell, the playcalling or the recievers??????

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The false starts worry me....drive killers

As long as the big guys on both sides of the line get it done...all else will fall into place. Hassecrack is holmgrens personal QB project since GB and has always had a tendency to make mistakes when under pressure.

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How many false start penalties did the Skins have last week? I thought it was only 2 or so. Anyway, my point there is that this isn't the Skins' first go at a road game in the playoffs, so the noise will be a factor, but no more so that it was last week. The secondary should be fine. I'll say for the third time, the key to this game is controlling the clock, which I think the Skins should be able to do with a steady diet of CP with a dash of LB.

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this is one of the first games that we get rogers, springs, and taylor in at the same time....i do believe this is the least of my concerns

our biggest weakness would be playing from a double digit deficiet...but for that to happen they have to score on one of the best defenses in the playoffs

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I don't think we have any weaknesses for the game. The D will hold their own and I think the offense will come to life this week. Last week was just a bad day against a very good defense. Gibbs has a good game plan I'm sure.

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LoL what "clutch" plays has Trash made? I'll admit hes a great team player and a great character guy but thats IT. Hes a special teams player AND THATS IT. He has NO BUSINESS being a teams #2 or even #3 receiver. Like I said, when you cant get seperation from LINEBACKERS as a WR, its time to call it a career! This whole WR corps needs an overhaul in the offseason, other than Moss ofcourse. Trash and Jacobs better BOTH be GONE.

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