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LMFAO Hillarious Page About Idaho


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Idaho is just one of those fake states they made up to make it an even 50, like Wyoming. I mean, have you ever MET anyone from Idaho? If you have, they are working for the "Make it an even 50" propaganda machine. Idaho does not exist.

So where do all those potatoes come from you ask? Siberia.

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What do you want. You want every square inch in the U.S to be like NYC? The idiot probably got played by some girl from Idaho and is pissed.

You have to know maddox to get it. Everything he does is pretty tongue in cheek. Although, I think his days of "quality" material are through(although I never thought it was that great). The joke is too simple and unsophisticated to be carried on for 3 years, which is what he's doing.

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