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The official stop making threads telling us to stop making threads thread.


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Well if you had beenaround for more than a minute or two, you would understand that what makes this place work so well is that the members help police the board. If you guys keep making threads for no reason, then you are making the job harder on the mods.


If you are offended by the members helping out the mods, you sir are in the wrong place. Please find another place to complain.

And ding!

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Oh fer crissakes here we go again! Of all the repetitious threads this may be the worst, someone crying about their "rights" being trampled because they can't do whatever they please. Just because you stole a can of spray paint doesn't mean you have a constitutional "right" to leave graffitti all over the neighborhood. You find it so oppressive and elitist here? Leave, that simple, problem solved. You want to change the way things are here? Ok, that's doable, join in in a productive fashion and persuade others to your point of view. Happens all the time. You want to just drive by and dump trash, but then whine because someone objects? especially those that formed and maintained this forum? FO, you rate no courtesy, go clutter up AOL or something but don't go trying to wave the "pity me" flag and expect a following.

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I think there are a couple points being confused a bit here.

Its absolutely valid to ask members (and especially new members who don't yet have their bearings - not a slam, just a fact) NOT to start multiple redundant threads. This week, I had a new member start 16 threads in 2 days. 16! Theres no human in America who has that much of value to say. And when guys do that, it DOES clutter the board, it DOES bump great conversations from sight. The idea that 'if the thread is good, it will keep going on its own' isn't necessarily true. If folks don't see it because, in the space of 20 minutes it moves to Page 3, then NO, it won't continue. It'll die.

Where I think I agree with the thread starter is in how this is communicated. To a certain extent its the staff here's job to communicate it. We do. But we also encourage our members to 'self police' and to help guide newer members. Thats a good thing, not a negative. What might be negative is those that do it nastily, with sarcasm, or in a mocking way. Thats not what we ask from our members. Most of our issues with members could probably be handled without staff involvement if another member would take someone under their wing, and in a friendly way, explain things, rather than giving the berating public tongue-lashing which frequently occurs.

Ultimately, the staff here wants to encourage as much energy and creativity as possible - the thread starter is right here - it IS a messageboard, and thats what its all about. But where I think the message goes awry is that we're not JUST a messageboard, we're a long-standing community that prides itself on some of the best discussion about all topics, not just Redskins football, anywhere. And any trend that reduces the quality of that conversation, our members are rightfully going to be concerned about. This place has always been special, and we'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way for all of you.

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Problem is people think this is My Space or their own personal Redskins blog where they can just come in and start a thread about whatever the hell they want. I haven't read a decent thread in about 3 days. When I pop on Extremeskins real quick at work I don't have time to wade through 2 or 3 pages of crap to find something worth reading.

I used to be in the "why can't I thread what I want camp" but now after being on here for a little while I see why some sort of control is needed. I mean, how many Lavar threads need to be started? If no one responds to or quotes someone's post people feel like they need to thread their idea to get noticed. Can't we all just get along?

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The official stop making threads telling us to stop making threads about analystis picking Against the Skins, and other gripes thread...

seriously, there are way too many people trying to limit the free exchange of Ideas on this board...Do you think by your ****ing that these threads are going to stop?....?....This should be a place where fans who like the Skins (and yes the trolls who hate us) should be able to share our what ifs...our trade rumors...our coaching questions....our gripes about the media...our hopes and dreams for (and against, in the case of trolls) the skins.

This should not be a place where the self proclaimed elite and their smug little toadies try to tear the rest of us down to their level of condesention by ripping on our glorious banter about the Skins.

These elitist want Extreamskins to be like a cheese pizza.....boring...

The rest of us what it to be like a Super Supreame pizza with extra sauce...and yes those little spicies that make you crap fire the next day.

So thread away you "trade Lavar for everyone (including Wolverine lmao)" people

Thread away you "ESPN Sucks" people

Thread away you "DR.Z, chris carter, Sean Salisbury, Jimmy Jones, ..Haters"

and Yes Thread away you trolls

Don't let the ego centric narccistic members stop you :2cents:

Spoken like a true newbie.

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I wonder if people are just somehow so convinced that their point of view or opinion is so amazing that they just have to shout it from the rooftops. They have to make sure EVERYONE can see it because THEY believe it is so profound. "I have an amazing, wonderful idea and if I just reply to this one thread no one will see it." Either that or they are just ego-maniacal attention whores. Maybe they are at a place in their life where this is the only place anyone will listen to them or pay attention to them. I'm not saying that's true, I'm just throwing out ideas.

I also am getting a little annoyed with calling every third thread the "Official" something. It's not official. Not even close. So stop it already.

EDIT: Also, it seems like a lot of people are missing a very simple thing. No one is limiting the free exchange of ideas, I don't understand where that is coming from. What it seems to me that they are saying is, free exchange away, just DO IT IN A THREAD THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE ABOUT THE SUBJECT! Why clutter up the board when it is ALREADY being discussed? Am I missing something? It doesn't seem to be that difficult of a concept to grasp! Who knows, though. Maybe I'm the idiot.

Otherwise, great site, buddy! Now let's go whup up on some Bucs.


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I think I should be able to post my nipple pic whenever I want. Because thats what a messageboard is all about.

And lets face it.

Its very very attractive.

Right. This being about free speech and all. I agree.


TK. I'm going to get you for this. ;)

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I am so glad that you did this!! I was going to do it myself. We are Redskins fans. We need to be able to say what we want as much as we want. If the control freaks have a problem with that, oh well. :applause:

I agree with you in general terms. But there have to be some common sense limits. Would you like the staff here to let opposing fans say 'whatever they want, as much as they want'?

The bottom line is, you're right - we are all Redskins fans. But not all conversation is productive, valuable, or pertinent. Thats just a fact. And if/when staff feel someone is significantly reducing the quality of the conversation, or violating forum guidelines by spamming, trolling, or posting multiple redundant threads, we will continue to take notice.

Its not personal. Its about keeping this place a fantastic place to talk Redskins football.

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you really think that about ALL september 05 members??? i feel bad when people say that man cuz i feel like im not just a random blogger person on here hell i dont even us myspace and stuff...I dont feel im like some of the people that average 1,000 posts a month thats crazy.

P.S. Great sig Park City Skins I dont know how many people out there are big lord of the rings fans but everytime i see that sig i think of the part in the last movie where the unsuspecting bad guys realize the ships have been taken over by Aragorn and his friends, then challenge them and get completely owned...ahhh perfect symbolism for this afternoon!!!

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