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State of the rivalry?


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Hello! New to the boards, been a skins fan since forever.

Anyway, a coworker and I were discussing the Dallas game the other day and I was commenting how Dallas really got thier ***** handed to them. He makes the statement that the rivalry is more important to skins fans that it is to Dallas fans!:doh: To which I ask if he's been smoking crack? But, no, he's serious. While I admit it has cooled in recent years since they have pretty much had our number for the past decade, I feel that the rivalry is just as strong for both teams as it ever was. What do you guys think?

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The idea that it was getting weaker was a bunch of BS propaganda from ESPN and FOX, the rivalry is ALWAYS strong and a few years of skins losing made it even more bitter, or more of an angering shock to Cowboys fans that we whooped em on a miracle, then on a devastating display of superiority. Our win over them probably hurts em enough to make them miss the playoffs, next year, expect the Dallas fans to be as into it as ever. The flame was always there, this season Joe Gibbs threw a lot of gasoline on it.

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I know quite a few Cowboys fans, and I can tell you that they hate the Redskins. Doesn't matter who's won how many in a row, or who's worse, they hate us and want to beat us. Considering the way we won both games this year (a miracle come from behind, then a thorough a** kicking) it's definitely bitter now.

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I know quite a few Cowboys fans, and I can tell you that they hate the Redskins. Doesn't matter who's won how many in a row, or who's worse, they hate us and want to beat us. Considering the way we won both games this year (a miracle come from behind, then a thorough a** kicking) it's definitely bitter now.

I agree. I live in cowboy country and they hate us. I have people at work who avoid me because the site of me brings back memories of last weekend. GOOD!!! I don't want to talk to most of em anyway. Next year will be hard core. Also, even SI had ours listed as the best rivalry of all time. So, typical of the mediots they might have downplayed it but they have to cover both sides of their arse.


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If you want to hear a bad rivalry story get this. I go to college in Tennessee, right outside of Nashville at Middle Tennessee. I was born in Annapolis, MD and I'm a 3rd generation, life-time Skins fan. I get to go back to DC about twice a year and go to the games...its a family tradition. My roommate is from Dallas, die-hard cowboy fan. His dad still lives there and he goes back for about 2 cowboys games a year...he was actually at the Monday Night game when Santana torched them, God I love Santana Moss. He came home with a big bruise and blister on his knuckle from punching the seat in front of him. The guy epitimizes the obnoxious cowboys fans...He couldn't believe the sweep...all I've been hearing for years is 13 out of 14 or some variation. The Sweep has changed this rivalry for the better...especially the way we beat them...before last week's BLOWOUT all he was telling me was how Monday Night was a fluke and Santana got lucky...we all know that that Dallas secondary is weak, led by Roy "texas toast" Williams and Terrance "My back hurts, Ladell" Newman. We are clearly the better team this year and I think we have more talent in our younger players which will dramatically turn this rivalry in our favor. Gibbs knows how important these games are...I'm already preparing for next year's sweep!

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Armstrong is the man! We should all chip in $1 and pay the fine for him, even though $1000 is probably like $1 to him. Seeing that on SportsCenter made my night. That says a lot about the rivalry. Man, I wish I had been at that Mavs game, I bet the stadium was stunned...one of their own turning on them like that, I will always respect Armstrong for that.

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Well, living in Richmond and being a die-hard Giants fan makes the Skins Rivalry the biggest for me. That said, the 4 teams in this division are all strong rivals and the degree at which one team is more of a rival than another is directly related to the teams records.

Don't cha think?

Nope, Skins-Boys is the premier rivalry in both the division and the league.

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Well, living in Richmond and being a die-hard Giants fan makes the Skins Rivalry the biggest for me. That said, the 4 teams in this division are all strong rivals and the degree at which one team is more of a rival than another is directly related to the teams records.

Don't cha think?

No. Not really

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i was talking with someone about the redskins rivalry and they asked my if i would ever root for the cowboys and i told them no. they then asked, "what if them winning a game would get the skins to the playoffs?" at this point i looked him dead in the eye and said, "i don't care. i would rather have the cowboys lose even if it meant the redskins would clinch the division. seeing them win is like stabbing myself in the eyes with a pencil." hows that for the state of the rivalry?

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If they really didn't care they wouldn't have fined Darrell Armstrong for his "how bout those Redskins" comment before the Dallas Mavericks game. To me, that's a pretty strong statement on the state of the Skins/Cowgirl rivalry.:dallasuck

:applause: He said it, it's a line. I remember the first time I heard that line a Texan girl announced to the whole History class the week of the big game. The game turned into a giant cowboy temper tantrum and they spiked the ball on Grant's Helmet. She got razzed bad & The girl never opened her mouth again.

Another one was when they tried to break of the funbunch in the endzone after a TD. When they lose, they say they don't care (when they win they say they care). They care!

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a lot of dallas 'fans' are people who still wear dallas gear from their childhood, just ask one of them how their 'team' is doing and they'll tell you that Smith and Aikman are still going strong

the poor folks just forgot to grow out of the dallas phase, thank goodness i never had one of those

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The idea that it was getting weaker was a bunch of BS propaganda from ESPN and FOX, the rivalry is ALWAYS strong and a few years of skins losing made it even more bitter, or more of an angering shock to Cowboys fans that we whooped em on a miracle, then on a devastating display of superiority. Our win over them probably hurts em enough to make them miss the playoffs, next year, expect the Dallas fans to be as into it as ever. The flame was always there, this season Joe Gibbs threw a lot of gasoline on it.

You got it, man. The real rivalry isn't from the TV or Internet. What it IS from is local folks in Redskins' country that hate the Cowboys and the locals in Dallas country that hate the Redskins. As well as the fans' competitive relationships with each other when it comes to football. Real people... like your 10 year-old kids that debate with Cowboys fans in school.... or adults bragging about their teams' victories to opposing fans... these people KNOW it is a rivalry.

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Skins vs TheBoys DEFINES rivalry, there is no other head to head that even comes close. Just the fact that the sorryazz Dallass fans would say it doesn't matter is an indication, they simply cannot bring themselves to accept that they got swept by DC. ANYBODY else, in the div, hell in the league and they'd deal with it but us? You KNOW it sticks in their collective craw and it's gonna be there til next season starts, at least! And I have to agree with an earlier poster, there are NO circumstances where I could bring myself to root for Dallass, none, zero, zip, zilch. I am still smoked about what the Giants did earlier this season and I aint too fond of Philly (remember the Body Bag Game anyone?) but when it's all said and done they are our opponents and divisional foes, Dallass is our ENEMY! Our HATED RIVAL! The team you love to hate with the most blowhard fans. No matter how bad things get seeing Dallass drop one can always cheer you up. Seeing Dallass get their asses handed to 'em like last week, oh baby that just welds a grin on your face all week that a mortician couldn't get off with a jackhammer.

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