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The Boy Who Cried Wolf


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I am a Giants fan, and enjoy coming to your board, as there are many knowledgable football fans here, and I have learned a lot about football and about the Redskins.

Secondly, I am happy to see the old NFC East rivalries rekindled, with tough, smash-mouth football. I consider the Redskins' loss to the Giants, as well as their recent victory over the Cowboys, somewhat of an anomaly, as these are usually close games.

Given that, I am at a loss as to how so many fans here can state with conviction that the Redskins will destroy/mangle/walk over/etc the Giants. Heck, I am not even sure who will win, I didn't think the Giants would dominate last time, and I can not predict ahead of time who will get the most lucky bounces or ref's calls/non-calls.

So how do some of you make the same statements you made last time? Seriously-I see all the same stories here:

Our defense will pound Eli into the dirt.

We will stop Tiki.

Stop Tiki and you stop the Giants.

Moss will bust one/two/three big plays.

Emotion is on our side.

The crowd/12th man will cause innumerable false starts.

Yada, yada, yada


You didn't sack or pressure Eli much last time. Your D-line did a great job against Dallas, as did the Giants, because of Pettiti and Tucker. Not a great test, especially given the immobile Drew Bledsoe.

You didn't stop Tiki the first time. And while he won't run for 200 against you, probably, he can have an awfully big impact by gaining 125, and another 40 to 60 in reception yardage. No one else has really stopped him, and your D failed the first test this year. Yes, Griffin is back, which is a positive for you, but Arrington may be out. I don't see a huge difference.

Stop Tiki, and you stop Tiki. What about Shockey? I know you think Cooley should have made the pro bowl over Shockey, but Shockey is still pretty good, don't you think? If you commit ST to the line and stopping Tiki, who covers Shockey? This is the same problem all defensive coordinators have. And Burress hasn't been too bad. Toomer is quietly having a better year than last year. How do you account for all? Yes, Eli has his ups and downs, like all second-year QB's, but so does Brunell. You scored how many against the Cardinals? 122 passing yards for Brunell. And I consider him a very good cube. So I will allow Eli a little slack. He has also been very clutch. You didn't see that because the game was a blowout last time. But ask the Cowboys, Broncos, Seahawks.

I like Moss a lot, and fear and respect him. But he has had his ups and downs, as well. While the Giants won't stop him completely, their pass defense has been much better over the course of the season. And with Randy out, you might just have the same trouble you had last time with the Giants' pass rush. What has changed since then?

The Giants are playing to clinch the division. And they are playing the Redskins. Do you think they are going to be flat for this game? Since neither you nor I are in the practices, we have no way of knowing who is up and who is taking things too lightly. I seriously suspect that both teams will be very, very up for this game. You also say the Redskins were flat for the last game. Come on! Easy to revise history, and make excuses. If that is so, they are not very professional. Since when do NFC East rivals fail to get up for one of these games??? And if they did last time, who is to say they they won't again this time? Or the Giants won't? I don't know, and you don't know. Heck, the 'Skins might be overconfident after their Cowboy-crushing effort. Their last three included victories over the weak Rams and Cardinals. So are they improving a lot? Hard to say.

The home field is a definite advantage. But please remember this is a short trip, not a cross-country trip. Remember also that Eli played great in SD-I was there and it WAS extremely hostile, and in Seattle, where he gave the Giants all the chances in the world to win. So I am not very convinced that Eli will suffer greatly in this game.

So without sounding too much like a homer (remember, I am a Giants fan), tell me how much things have really changed since last game, so that you can predict a blowout or a certain victory. Here is my list:

Pierce is out. Biggest loss for the Giants. But they held the Chiefs to 17 points, and I don't think the Redskins offense is quite as good as the Chiefs'.

Giants' O-line nicked, but they played very well last week, and it looks like Petitgout and Mac will be back.

Giants have LB injuries. Again, they played well against the pass, gave up a lot to LJ last week, but stuffed the Chiefs on first and goal, and made stops all game in key third down situations.

Bad for the 'Skins:

Serious O-line injury. No one knows how old man Brown will play.

Arrington might not play. He didn't do well against the Giants last game, and gave away a lot of blitzes before the play.

The Skins are 8 and 6. While that is a good improvement from the last few years, and I look forward to them continuing to improve if Snyder is patient with Gibbs, and if Gregg Williams stays, they are not a consistently good team this year. That being said, the Giants at 10 and 4 are good, but also not consistent.

I look forward to your serious and insightful responses. Happy holidays, and let's all root for a great game, without serious injury.


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listen...i didnt even bother to read half of your post.

Your right...it will probably be close, but it is our job as redskin fans to be overconfident and considering this is OUR board we can say and do whatever we want.

You guys do the exact same thing. Only difference is you come to our board and share your opinions about how great your team is....when we simply dont give a crap.

Most of us dont even try to have a decent/knowledgable convo's about football with fans of opposing teams because most of you are jack*****...especially G Trolls on this board:D

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I could go through and pick apart everyone of your arguments and show them from a Redskins fan's perspective but its just not worth the time. You beat us in every aspect of the game last time, but in the NFL history never truly repeats itself. We hope our team is ready to play as you guys were last time. We'll see Saturday. OUT!

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dude, first of all, the first game was at ur stadium and u guys had the emotion on ur side due to the death of ur owner.

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11. Please do not use the “Quote” feature to quote huge blocks of text or pictures. If you would like to respond to the contents of a particular post, simply quote the sentence or idea that you're commenting upon, not necessarily the entire post. It wastes space on the database and unnecessarily extends and clutters threads.

wow you had a lot to say nice job:applause:

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"I could go through and pick apart everyone of your arguments and show them from a Redskins fan's perspective but its just not worth the time. "

But you took the time to post anyway?? Who are we fooling here?

I AM asking for any reasons you guys have for a super-solid prediction. If you can't make any reasonable argument other than it is on your homefield, or 'emotion' ( which is such a nebulous argument that it shows you have nothing stronger), then I will allow you the three points on each side.

Do you really think the Giants will win by thirty??? I don't. I have not posted anything inflammatory, so don't try to make it so. These are all your words.

I still am curious if there are any folks out there who are seriously analyzing this game, and can bring a few subtle point to the table.


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Dude, that the longest post ever and completely unnecessary. Way too much talking. I didn't bother to even read the whole thing to be honest but I'll tell you this. I'm with all Skins fans, we Love Arrington but why are we in more trouble if he doesnt play? Sure, it would be a major plus if he did, but he has missed plenty of games already including the last 2 and we've been fine. He would help against your offense though. Also, your O line is real banged up. I would be concerned about that

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A game is more than just the pass rush. I agree with you that the score and mismatches occurring in all phases were out of the norm, in combination.

But I did not say that this point invalidates EVERYTHING that happened in the game.

And that is exactly what I am asking. What will be different this time, and why?

If you think the 'Skins D-line will step it up, please tell me why.

No antagonism intended, no smack meant. The Redskins have made a significant step forward, as have the Giants and Cowboys this year. Glad to see the Eagles don't dominate.

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We had no shot last time.......there is no way the Giants were losing the weekend their owner died. You know what the difference is between the Giants and Skins right now? They held serve at home against Denver and KC and we lost to Oakland and San Diego. These two teams are close in ability, weapons, coaching, special teams etc....

It should come down to who has the better game plan and turnovers. The home field advantage, 12th man, should give the Skins an advantage with all other things being pretty equal.

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Very simple. Homers will be homers. Knowledgeable football fans will be knowledgeable football fans. My question to you is, why don't you post the same thing on a Giants' board?

I don't think the average Giants fan is as knowledgable about the Redskins as some of the folks here. Seems simple enough to me.

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I think a lot of it is just pumping other Skins fans up and giving the ones who are maybe on the fence, some posotive re-enforcement. A lot of it ia defending our team from trollers from other teams. (Not you, I actually think you set up the thread nicely) Dont take it personal, you are on a Redskins site and us Homers are just gearing up for a WAR, and it will be a war. We arent going to lie down like last time and you guys wont be riding the emotions of a fallen owner this time. All the Redskins fans know your team is good, they are. We just may think they arent as good as their record shows and Im sure your fans think the same of our team. My thoughts on "Old man Brown" : he hasnt been touched all season long, he is in great health. He is a physical speciman to be playing the position he is playing at his age, even you have to agree with that. Also, these are his last two games as a player. He is going to play with EVERYTHING he has. It is his last two games on the field before he becomes an offensive line coach. He will be ready. We also signed two more offensive linemen this weekend. One from our practice squad. We will be fine on the O-line. So in short, dont mind us talking it up because in the end you and both know how cheap talk is, I'd like to thank you for being an objective fan and not being a troll during your stay here. Im glad we are back to the NFC BEAST! Arent you?

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Man! There are so many people on this board it isn't even funny. So to have some skins fans saying outlandish things about what is going to happen is pretty much meaningless. No one knows jack! Most fans speak from the heart instead of using fact and logic. If someone sayed "the Skins are going to kill the G men this Saturday. They are gonna mow over them with AK47's and sharp swords" would you believe it? good luck and good night.


Surf Or Die!

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Great post!

Yeah, you have every right to pump each other up. Like Jints fans, when was the last time we had a shot at the playoffs, right? And I agree with the NFC Beast being back. Especially in December.

I didn't realize Brown hasn't played all year.

And I don't even know if the Giants are as good as their record. As a long-time Giants fan, one learns to take everything with a grain of salt, so I am hopeful but guarded!

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A game is more than just the pass rush. I agree with you that the score and mismatches occurring in all phases were out of the norm, in combination.

But I did not say that this point invalidates EVERYTHING that happened in the game.

And that is exactly what I am asking. What will be different this time, and why?

If you think the 'Skins D-line will step it up, please tell me why.

No antagonism intended, no smack meant. The Redskins have made a significant step forward, as have the Giants and Cowboys this year. Glad to see the Eagles don't dominate.

Did you or did you not state that the last game between the NY G-Strings and the Redskins was out of the norm...........? Let me answer that for you. Yes you did.

Therefore anything that did happen in that game means absolutely squat!

I can't remember, but I don't think we touched Bledsoe at all in the fist meeting with the Cowgirls and he was sacked 7 times on Sunday. What does this tell you... This tells you that the last game means squat, zilch, nothing, etc...

You said that the game was out of the norm. And usually we could expect a very close game. Then you go on about the last game and using that as reasons that we will have problems.

Get the point. You contradicted yourself.

I would go into it more, but I didn't even read your entire post. Once I got to that point I knew it was not worth my time.

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You didn't sack or pressure Eli much last time. Your D-line did a great job against Dallas, as did the Giants, because of Pettiti and Tucker. Not a great test, especially given the immobile Drew Bledsoe.

The first game we were without Griffin... a huge loss. Since his return three games ago we have had a splurge of sacks and turnovers... not a coincidence. Also Arrington didn't play much, and he will be in Saturday. Sean Taylor was hobbled with an ankle injury now healed. The defense is peaking, and playing like last season the past 3 weeks.

You didn't stop Tiki the first time. And while he won't run for 200 against you, probably, he can have an awfully big impact by gaining 125, and another 40 to 60 in reception yardage. No one else has really stopped him, and your D failed the first test this year. Yes, Griffin is back, which is a positive for you, but Arrington may be out. I don't see a huge difference.

last season will held Tiki under 100 yard both games combined... take away the two large ones from last game.. his numbers were good not great... see above for rest

Stop Tiki, and you stop Tiki. What about Shockey? I know you think Cooley should have made the pro bowl over Shockey, but Shockey is still pretty good, don't you think? If you commit ST to the line and stopping Tiki, who covers Shockey? This is the same problem all defensive coordinators have. And Burress hasn't been too bad. Toomer is quietly having a better year than last year. How do you account for all? Yes, Eli has his ups and downs, like all second-year QB's, but so does Brunell. You scored how many against the Cardinals? 122 passing yards for Brunell. And I consider him a very good cube. So I will allow Eli a little slack. He has also been very clutch. You didn't see that because the game was a blowout last time. But ask the Cowboys, Broncos, Seahawks.

Eli's numbers in 2 games against the Redskins:

05 WAS 31 att 12 comp 38.7% 146 yards 1 TD 1 Int. 51.3% QB rate 2 sac

04 WAS 25 att 12 comp 48.0% 113 yards 0 TD 0 Int. 60.9% QB rate 1 sac

The receivers need to get the ball to do anything with it.,

Again we have players getting healthy and playing that wasn't there or 100% for game one. And we are getting sacks & turnovers in bunches.

I like Moss a lot, and fear and respect him. But he has had his ups and downs, as well. While the Giants won't stop him completely, their pass defense has been much better over the course of the season. And with Randy out, you might just have the same trouble you had last time with the Giants' pass rush. What has changed since then?

We are a running team now, and selectively use Moss, setting it up with play action. He had only 2 catches Sunday, both set up TDs

The Giants are playing to clinch the division. And they are playing the Redskins. Do you think they are going to be flat for this game? Since neither you nor I are in the practices, we have no way of knowing who is up and who is taking things too lightly. I seriously suspect that both teams will be very, very up for this game. You also say the Redskins were flat for the last game. Come on! Easy to revise history, and make excuses. If that is so, they are not very professional. Since when do NFC East rivals fail to get up for one of these games??? And if they did last time, who is to say they they won't again this time? Or the Giants won't? I don't know, and you don't know. Heck, the 'Skins might be overconfident after their Cowboy-crushing effort. Their last three included victories over the weak Rams and Cardinals. So are they improving a lot? Hard to say.

But the Giants have an extra game in Oakland to still try to capture the title. The Skins are do or die... and the game is in DC... ask every team that has played here this season.. the noise has had effected everyone of them.

With the playoffs hanging on the outcome, and having been embarrassed only one time in two season (by the Giants)... I seriously doubt over confidence will be a problem... they learned there lesson after the 49er game. If anyone might get big headed...the Giants are in danger of thinking this will be a cakewalk after beating the Chiefs so easily, and having shut out the Skins last game

The home field is a definite advantage. But please remember this is a short trip, not a cross-country trip. Remember also that Eli played great in SD-I was there and it WAS extremely hostile, and in Seattle, where he gave the Giants all the chances in the world to win. So I am not very convinced that Eli will suffer greatly in this game.

it's not the distance that gives the Skins home field advantage :D

So without sounding too much like a homer {too late} (remember, I am a Giants fan), tell me how much things have really changed since last game, so that you can predict a blowout or a certain victory. Here is my list:

Pierce is out. Biggest loss for the Giants. But they held the Chiefs to 17 points, and I don't think the Redskins offense is quite as good as the Chiefs'.

Pierce knew the Skins, not being on the field hurts in his alignments of players recognizing players etc.. The Redskins may not throw as much as the Chiefs but are just as good...in a different style... and when on... very good

Giants' O-line nicked, but they played very well last week, and it looks like Petitgout and Mac will be back.

The Chiefs defense stinks, they gave up almost 500 yards to the cowboys... look how much we gave up ;)

Giants have LB injuries. Again, they played well against the pass, gave up a lot to LJ last week, but stuffed the Chiefs on first and goal, and made stops all game in key third down situations.

Good luck, the Giants have been giving up rushing yards, the first game we got behind early and never went into a run game. The Skins are the #4 best rushing team

Bad for the 'Skins:

Serious O-line injury. No one knows how old man Brown will play.

Losing Thomas is huge, but Brown is a veteran, and is much better playing his natural position at guard.What he lacks in ability, he makes up for in experience. Gibbs will call plays to max his strengths

Arrington might not play. He didn't do well against the Giants last game, and gave away a lot of blitzes before the play.

He is playing, and he didn't play in the first game much recovering from his injury

The Skins are 8 and 6. While that is a good improvement from the last few years, and I look forward to them continuing to improve if Snyder is patient with Gibbs, and if Gregg Williams stays, they are not a consistently good team this year. That being said, the Giants at 10 and 4 are good, but also not consistent.

This can't be stressed enough. The Giants played a much easier schedule in overall win & losses the first 10 games, and the Giants played 9 home games in their first 14... no matter how you spin it, that is huge

Plus the season isn't 14 games long any more... as I stressed to cowboys fans last week :D..

2 more games left, a lot of things can happen.

Who wins... :whoknows: but it won't be like last time that is for sure.

One last point, in the two losses to the Giants the past two seasons we had 10 turnovers, most on our side of the fifty, both while playing in NY.... don't expect the free gifts this game. Brunell doesn't throw many ints (only 8,... 5 in only 2 games) hasn't fumbled in several weeks. Portis has only fumbled twice.. both in one game.

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if my memory is correct the giants have won exactly....ummm....two road games, and both against aweful team....they almost blew it against philly, and im not counting that 'road' game against NO, sure the NFL just give NY and homebody Eli another game in East Rutherford...Your kid is playing games that wont let him get his rating out of the gutter, he's a second year QB regardless of his last name and you guys put him up on far too high of pedistal. if i am correct (twice in one post, a longshot i know) your o-line likes to false start, and as you can see from dallas, one of the least penalized teams in the league before last sunday, we as the 12th man enjoy making teams jump. if you want to go fawn over your 'average' team at best then go back to a NY site, but on here we talk about redskins football.


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"I could go through and pick apart everyone of your arguments and show them from a Redskins fan's perspective but its just not worth the time. "

But you took the time to post anyway?? Who are we fooling here?

I AM asking for any reasons you guys have for a super-solid prediction. If you can't make any reasonable argument other than it is on your homefield, or 'emotion' ( which is such a nebulous argument that it shows you have nothing stronger), then I will allow you the three points on each side.

Do you really think the Giants will win by thirty??? I don't. I have not posted anything inflammatory, so don't try to make it so. These are all your words.

I still am curious if there are any folks out there who are seriously analyzing this game, and can bring a few subtle point to the table.


Heart.Thats why well win.Pure heart .

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Okay, fellow Redskin Fans I going to give him what he wants. First of all, the biggest thing that has changed is our ability to force turnovers and we have also improved our abilty to execute the system that both the offensive and defensive coaches have implimented. This was a major problem for us in the beginning of the year. And, Being an ex college football player, I know that it is very important to except and execute the system that the coaches present as this will raise your intensity level; confidence; and your abilty to focus on your assignment. Our team is now beginning to realize that they have a chance to make the playoffs. Lacking this confidence, coupled with my previuos statements, in my opinion is the rationale behind why we previousely lost three games in a row all in the fourth quarter and also why I believe we lost to the midgets the first go around. Now unless you have watched every game closely, don't even try to argue this point. We have the talent; we have the drive; we have life; and we can and will beat the midgets.


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