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Pissed about the game/players/coaches thus far? YELL ABOUT IT HERE [megamerge]


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It's not just the players, it's also the coaches. Just a few observations:

1. Prioleau and Clark are AWFUL in pass coverage. This is a real liability, although I love what they can do when blitzing.

2. Matt Bowen is taking up valuable roster space.

3. We need an offensive coordinator in the WORST possible way. Our playcalling is beyond predictable, and we seem to run only the same 5 or 6 plays all damn game long. As the players break the huddle, you can detect the disgust with some of the play-calls by the expressions on their faces.

4. Help Wanted: General Manager

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The team has issues? Hmm, so do some of the posters apparently.

Hey Hoggg,

Slap me huh, well the post I started is stated for the very reason that Gibbs needs to get this teams attention, hell someone does. You don't come out and play the kind of ball we are playing. Make sense now?

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Guest sith lord
Look at the teams we've beaten and come back.

The teams we've beat:

1. Chicago- Everyone thought we would blow them out. We wouldn't beat them now.

2. Dallas- Are they all that good.

3. Seattle- Very good team. Again, if we played them now, we would lose.

4. San Fran- We don't need to go there.

5. Philadelphia- Not a good team this year. We barely won.

6. St. Louis- We struggled way to much on offense against one of the worse defenses.

Teams we lost against:

1. Denver- Very good team

2. NY. Giants- Good team

3. KC- Good team

4. Tampa- Good team

5. Oakland- Very bad team

6. San Diego- Very good team

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