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RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman blasts Kerry on CNN


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I wonder if you asked 10 random American's. Could they name the Chairmen of both parties?

Most of us know, we're tailgate junkies. But, would some guy off the street in Richmond, or Pittsburgh?

Most Americans don't know who the Vice President is. Sad, but true.

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Come on Cho... I know you lean left... but I respect your point of view and your posts... please tell me you're not defending Kerry. The guy is a bumbling idiot.... and his senseless blather isn't helping when categorizing our troops as "terrorizing women and children at night". A US Senator should have better sense than to say those things. Durbin was "woodshedded" to apologize for calling US Detention facilities gulags and utilizing tactics similar to those utilized by Nazis, Pol-Pot, and Russia.

I think it was a poor choice of words from a desperate, and still numb, US Senator who lost a national election and still can't believe it. The more Kerry speaks... the more mistakes he makes. Just keep him behind the curtain and out from behind a microphone and the Dems would be doing the world a favor.

I think he should apologize for his choice of words, eventhough I think his words are actually a deeper look into what he thinks about the American military, and we should move on. We know he's a blame America Liberal.... and the more he talks the more he proves it to the nation.

I think I said the same thing in the other thread, but he chose his words very poorly. His point was spot on though, I think the Iraqis should be the ones doing the work now, lets start to pull out after the 15th . . . that should be the red letter day, and it would allow us to at least save a little face.

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Nuance Chom, NUANCE!!!!!

Haha, I only laugh about it because like I said it was like Bush saying "crusade" in a non christian holy war context

It gets played over there and translated directly, so now a propaganda tool of our Arabs can be "even their own say they are terrorizing us"

Poor poor choice of words, to me its nothing beyond that. I do not think he is calling our soldiers terrorists, I just think he should have chosen his words better

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Nuance Chom, NUANCE!!!!!

Haha, I only laugh about it because like I said it was like Bush saying "crusade" in a non christian holy war context

It gets played over there and translated directly, so now a propaganda tool of our Arabs can be "even their own say they are terrorizing us"

Poor poor choice of words, to me its nothing beyond that. I do not think he is calling our soldiers terrorists, I just think he should have chosen his words better

I dunno, when I interned at the VOA last summer I watched a ton Al-Jhazeera and similar stuff and it was nowhere near an Arab Fox News. A lot of the Arab and Persian TV stations are not as bad as people think, basically the Pat Robertsons of the Middle East make most of the headlines here, a lot of people do not watch that stuff. I think there was this report on TV viewing habits of the Middle East, and more and more people are buying dishes or watching TV at bars so they can get away from the state-controlled broadcasts. Some young Saudi buck is not going to strap on a suicide bomb because of Kerry.

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I dunno, when I interned at the VOA last summer I watched a ton Al-Jhazeera and similar stuff and it was nowhere near an Arab Fox News. A lot of the Arab and Persian TV stations are not as bad as people think, basically the Pat Robertsons of the Middle East make most of the headlines here, a lot of people do not watch that stuff. I think there was this report on TV viewing habits of the Middle East, and more and more people are buying dishes or watching TV at bars so they can get away from the state-controlled broadcasts. Some young Saudi buck is not going to strap on a suicide bomb because of Kerry.

Do you actually understand what is being spoken though?

I speak Urdu fluently and I have a cousin who speaks Arabic fluently

Sometimes you see a completely different story, the sky is red in their world sometimes

And I do agree, people are buying dishes and Z TV (an Indian MTV type channel) is VERY popular in Pakistan

But you still get the news via certain mediums. Al Jazeera is actually one of the better ones over there

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Do you actually understand what is being spoken though?

I speak Urdu fluently and I have a cousin who speaks Arabic fluently

Sometimes you see a completely different story, the sky is red in their world sometimes

And I do agree, people are buying dishes and Z TV (an Indian MTV type channel) is VERY popular in Pakistan

But you still get the news via certain mediums. Al Jazeera is actually one of the better ones over there

Naw, can't speak a lick, we had our crack team of translators giving us the feed (This was in 2004 so in all honesty maybe things have gotten a lot worse). I just get annoyed with claims that all middle-eastern or muslim television pounces on our stuff and misrepresents it. It appears that we do an equal amount of misrepresentation, though you probably have more experience in the matter. But if you truly believe this Kerry thing will lead to increased violence, then that is your prerogative I guess.

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Naw, can't speak a lick, we had our crack team of translators giving us the feed (This was in 2004 so in all honesty maybe things have gotten a lot worse). I just get annoyed with claims that all middle-eastern or muslim television pounces on our stuff and misrepresents it. It appears that we do an equal amount of misrepresentation, though you probably have more experience in the matter. But if you truly believe this Kerry thing will lead to increased violence, then that is your prerogative I guess.

Like I said, part of it is Al Jazeera is actually very anti establishment in the middle east. It is viewed as fairly progressive, which shows you how much our message must get muddled by state television

Seriously, some Pakistani news channels give you a version of the news making the sky red

All of Kashmir is included in every single map of Pakistan made in Pakistan or on TV

Little things like that

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Like I said, part of it is Al Jazeera is actually very anti establishment in the middle east. It is viewed as fairly progressive, which shows you how much our message must get muddled by state television

Seriously, some Pakistani news channels give you a version of the news making the sky red

All of Kashmir is included in every single map of Pakistan made in Pakistan or on TV

Little things like that

A lot of countries do that. Old US world maps in schools used to have everything East of Berlin as one pink blob country. Or what about Indian maps? Kashmir is more worthless than Wyoming and Nebraska combined, only a Pakistani or an Indian would want it. And if a lot of people are fed up with state news, and its muddling, I do not think the Kerry comments will be more of an inditment against the US than these people already believe.

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Kerry was out of line but at the same time what this administration has done over the last 5 years is a betrayal of the American people. "We are going to bring honor and integrity back to the White House" the first lie made at the 2000 RNC convention in Philadelphia

Honor and dignity IS back. At least to the half of us who thought it was gone in the first place.

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Man, Kerry calls soldiers terrorists. Frist is guilty of insider trading. Delay is indicted and loses his leadership position. Libby is indicted for outing CIA agents and hurting US security and resigns. What's his name is indicted for taking bribes and quits. Brown is canned for utterly failing. Kerry sure is the worst of the lot though. Imagine saying that US soldiers breaking into a house at night can be scary.

On top of that, imagine him saying that since we have two hundred thousand Iraqis we've trained some of them should be put to use. Shame on him.

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John France Kerry (D-Defeaticrat) is one of the most pompous windbags in the Senate. And that says alot.

I guess he figured since he already called our troops in Vietnam baby killers- he might as well update his repertoire for backstabbing in the 21st century.

Al Gore is off screaming about global warming and Kerry is calling our troops terrorists- what great Presidential candidates the defeaticrats put up. :applause:

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Sure, cause that's so much more important than an attack on our embassy where people were taken hostage and executed or the US getting a failing grade on Homeland Security. Let's focus in on the important stuff. Sigh.

We get a failing grade by full of themselves liberal leaning bureaucrats who ignore the fact that we have not been hit since 9-11 and tried to attribute it to luck while ignoring that obviously we have covertly thwarted numerous attempts and wont air how we have done it.

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You know what's strange? Mehlman is gay. I wonder how the religious right feels about that. Pretty cool if you ask me -- I mean, it definitely shoots down some stereotypes.

While I dont like their lifestyle there are gays that are more patritoic than their liberal straight counterparts and would sacrafice themselves to protect the country and that isnt the issue.

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It won't go away because administration defenders like Newsmax and Mehlman won't let it, not because it is a real story. They know what he was saying, but they sense an opportunity to score points with the base, to put the democrats on the defensive.

You are right since the so called mainstream media NBC,ABC, CBS, CNN NY and LA times as well as the washington post will downplay if not outright ignore it.

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Ok Nelms, I'll spot you a Comrade Kerry and raise you a Herr Bush ;).

Please the only Nazi you could possibly know is the soup nazi from Seinfeld.

Everything the liberal democrat have done and not done shows them more likely to sellout to europe interests while undermining our own.

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