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Yes, I am a moderate democrat, just because you are uninformed on the issues does not make the rest of us uninformed. The problem is exactly what destino said. . . anyone to the left of you is a liberal and that is simply not the case.

As for a "liberal democrat" being a Marxist, would you consider a conservative republican a Nazi?

Chom lets be honest you are not a moderate democrat, I would classify you as a leftist democrat, moderate would mean you can see yourself voting for both conservative and liberal issues. A good example of a Moderate Democrat would be the VA governor. You are so on one side it isn't funny.

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I put liberal Democrat, though occasionally I find myself as far more fiscaly conservative than many who would take that label. It's just my reasoning (even for the fiscal side) is liberal based.

For example: am i for the prescription drug benefit? No because it wasn't funded adequately to get the job it was supposed to do done.

Am I for universal healthcare? Sure, but only if we can some up with a coverage sceme where people can buy supplimental insurance. What we need covered are the catostrophic damages. The rest should be private, and it would be cheaper for not having to cover the catastrophic. It should be a safety net that doesn't require poverty. The whole idea is to prevent poverty. Requiring it before we help kind of defeats the purpose.

Am I for cutting Social Security? Yes. It should be a safety net not a well traveled path. Thus, I would cut it for every dollar above a minimum needed to rent an appartment and have food on the table. If you want more than that, save more.

Where I am a real tried and true liberal Democrat is on all the social issues. I'm still annoyed at Clinton for not taking a stand on needle exchange programs because he thought he would lose the conservatives (did he keep their support by the way?).

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Am I for universal healthcare? Sure, but only if we can some up with a coverage sceme where people can buy supplimental insurance. What we need covered are the catostrophic damages. The rest should be private, and it would be cheaper for not having to cover the catastrophic. It should be a safety net that doesn't require poverty. The whole idea is to prevent poverty. Requiring it before we help kind of defeats the purpose.

Am I for cutting Social Security? Yes. It should be a safety net not a well traveled path. Thus, I would cut it for every dollar above a minimum needed to rent an appartment and have food on the table. If you want more than that, save more.

wow we are the same :cheers:

I would actually cut Social more since it was just meant to be inusurance, not to live off of, and do agree with having it set up like a 401K type of account.

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What exactly is the difference between a moderat democrate and a moderate republican, isn't it the same??
There really is not much of difference. Rarely however will you see a moderate choice from both sides. Typically a moderate republican is found in a very liberal state, while a moderate democrat is found in a conservative state.

Warner in Va for example, the Governator in Ca is another.

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There really is not much of difference. Rarely however will you see a moderate choice from both sides. Typically a moderate republican is found in a very liberal state, while a moderate democrat is found in a conservative state.

Warner in Va for example, the Governator in Ca is another.

Maybe it is time to start a Moderate party :silly:

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Chom lets be honest you are not a moderate democrat, I would classify you as a leftist democrat, moderate would mean you can see yourself voting for both conservative and liberal issues. A good example of a Moderate Democrat would be the VA governor. You are so on one side it isn't funny.

Booma, you really don't know much about me then, or you pay no attention when I come down on your side of the issues. I have voted for numerous republicans in the past, and I voted for Mitt Romney in the last election, that by no means makes me a liberal democrat. I would consider Warner a centrist, and I am pretty close to him ideologically speaking.

I am also a financial hawk, I loath spending, I like tax cuts when initiated properly, and I am pro death penalty. If you put an ideology next to mine, it would be Clinton/Kerry/McCain/Powell. Not even clost to a liberal democrat.

That is exactly what the problems are, people on the conservative side automacially assume that anyone who doesn't like Bush is a liberal democrat, if anything, I am a conservative democrat, and I used to be a LOT more conservative then I am now.

But then again, I back up my positions pretty close to vest, and I have strong beliefs that I am right. That doesn't make me more liberal, it just makes me more stubborn.

edit: Here are my exact views, and I don't think they are all that liberal.


Free Trade for all nations

Pro-Death Penalty





Smaller Government

Eliminate subsidies

Create limited welfare for working individuals

Leave SSI alone

Revamp Medicade/Medicare

Eliminate NCLB

Eliminate Senior Drug Plan

Eliminate Affirmitve Action in certain situations

Increase Pell Grants

Stop BRAC closures

Institute a compitition agreement for ALL government awarded contracts

Eliminate all tax shelters for business, especially the non-profit sector joint venture corporations.

Eliminate income tax on people making under $50K.

Give a tax cut to people making over $50K. The new basis for income tax.

Reinstate the rent writeoff on income tax.

Lower income taxes on people making over $500K by 1%.

Increase capitol gains tax from 15% to 20% for individual/married filers.

Eliminate the earned income tax credit.

That's for starters.

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Booma, you really don't know much about me then, or you pay no attention when I come down on your side of the issues. I have voted for numerous republicans in the past, and I voted for Mitt Romney in the last election, that by no means makes me a liberal democrat. I would consider Warner a centrist, and I am pretty close to him ideologically speaking.

I am also a financial hawk, I loath spending, I like tax cuts when initiated properly, and I am pro death penalty. If you put an ideology next to mine, it would be Clinton/Kerry/McCain/Powell. Not even clost to a liberal democrat.

That is exactly what the problems are, people on the conservative side automacially assume that anyone who doesn't like Bush is a liberal democrat, if anything, I am a conservative democrat, and I used to be a LOT more conservative then I am now.

But then again, I back up my positions pretty close to vest, and I have strong beliefs that I am right. That doesn't make me more liberal, it just makes me more stubborn.

I am amazed when you and I both agree (which is a lot) I guess with all the effort you put in to making this administration look like and idiot to me it seems you are more liberal. Have you ever posted anything postive about the republicans?? Could you ;)

I normally keep my positions close to the vest as well because I strongly agree personal feelings should not be the just of political views. Which would be why many like Lucky can't read where I stand.

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edit: Here are my exact views, and I don't think they are all that liberal.


Free Trade for all nations

Pro-Death Penalty





Smaller Government

Eliminate subsidies

Create limited welfare for working individuals

Leave SSI alone

Revamp Medicade/Medicare

Eliminate NCLB

Eliminate Senior Drug Plan

Eliminate Affirmitve Action in certain situations

Increase Pell Grants

Stop BRAC closures

Institute a compitition agreement for ALL government awarded contracts

Eliminate all tax shelters for business, especially the non-profit sector joint venture corporations.

Eliminate income tax on people making under $50K.

Give a tax cut to people making over $50K. The new basis for income tax.

Reinstate the rent writeoff on income tax.

Lower income taxes on people making over $500K by 1%.

Increase capitol gains tax from 15% to 20% for individual/married filers.

Eliminate the earned income tax credit.

That's for starters.

What about Gay marriage?

Drug legalization?

Partial birth abortion?

Registering Guns?

Minimun Wage?

Universal Healthcare?

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Before I classify myself I need some help.

What is the difference between an independent and a moderate democrat? According to chom I should be a moderate democrat because I am pro-choice, but in local elections I tend to vote republican. I am super anti-bush as you all know, but I registered as a republican before bush was elected. Now in LA I'm registered as an independant.

What should I vote?

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Before I classify myself I need some help.

What is the difference between an independent and a moderate democrat? According to chom I should be a moderate democrat because I am pro-choice, but in local elections I tend to vote republican. I am super anti-bush as you all know, but I registered as a republican before bush was elected. Now in LA I'm registered as an independant.

What should I vote?

In California you would be a moderate Republican, in Alabama you would be hanging from a tree.

That is why this poll isn't very accurate, Dems and GOPers vary a lot by geography.

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See if you can guess what I chose :laugh:

In the current political climate, I am a liberal democrat. I have voted for Republicans in the past, but less and less lately as the GOP has become more and more captured by the religious conservative wing.

Of course, in San Francisco I'm a conservative nutball. :cool:

Fact is, I'm very socially liberal but am strongly for fiscal responsibility. Government programs (especially entitlement programs and subsidies) must be reigned in for this country to survive financially. At the same time, taxes hikes may be necessary to close the budget gap. There is something particularly dishonest about being for tax cuts and spending increases at the same time. It is like taxing your own children.

This does not make me a Libertarian, because I feel their views are pie in the sky unworkable. I hope the "New Democrat" movement can come back.

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