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Skins will not win another game this year


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Yeap, we are done. We can not do the basic fundamentals of football. We can not tackle, block or cath the football. Our D line is hurt and we have no decent back ups. We can not get to the QB unless we rush 7 players. We have peaked, and it's a quick way down to the bottom of the league. Next week Fed Ex Field will turn into south Phily (again), and on national T.V we will get our *ss handed to us.

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Yeap, we are done. We can not do the basic fundamentals of football. We can not tackle, block or cath the football. Our D line is hurt and we have no decent back ups. We can not get to the QB unless we rush 7 players. We have peaked, and it's a quick way down to the bottom of the league. Next week Fed Ex Field will turn into south Phily (again), and on national T.V we will get our *ss handed to us.

:laugh: you are a funny person with that ignorant statement

if you dont think this team will win another game all season, then you arent a true fan

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Yeap, we are done. We can not do the basic fundamentals of football. We can not tackle, block or cath the football. Our D line is hurt and we have no decent back ups. We can not get to the QB unless we rush 7 players. We have peaked, and it's a quick way down to the bottom of the league. Next week Fed Ex Field will turn into south Phily (again), and on national T.V we will get our *ss handed to us.


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Yeap, we are done. We can not do the basic fundamentals of football. We can not tackle, block or cath the football. Our D line is hurt and we have no decent back ups. We can not get to the QB unless we rush 7 players. We have peaked, and it's a quick way down to the bottom of the league. Next week Fed Ex Field will turn into south Phily (again), and on national T.V we will get our *ss handed to us.

You thought this statement was important enough to begin a new thread?

News flash.

You are upet......as many of us are......about the loss today.

Only MOST of us have enough sense to recognize we will bounce back from this loss.

Rantings of this sort get old.

No knowledge basis for this.......just rantings.

If you truly think this.......give valid reasons for the statement.

Don't just stand up and thump your chest and proclaim we should listen.


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I will continue to show up, at every home game like I have every for the last 8 years. Look at our remaining games, as a football fan, can say the Skins will compete with the Eagles, Chargers, Giants (we just found out today) Bucs, Cowboys, Rams? Nope, Sad but true.

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I will continue to show up, at every home game like I have every for the last 8 years. Look at our remaining games, as a football fan, can say the Skins will compete with the Eagles, Chargers, Giants (we just found out today) Bucs, Cowboys, Rams? Nope, Sad but true.
Eagles aren't as dominant as they once were

Chargers probably will beat us

Giants, will be a different story at home, but after that loss, OK maybe they'll sweep us

Bucs, are losing to SF who we just beat 52-17

Cowboys, already beat them in Dallas

Rams, lol the Rams have only beat 1 team with a winning record

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Yeap, we are done. We can not do the basic fundamentals of football. We can not tackle, block or cath the football. Our D line is hurt and we have no decent back ups. We can not get to the QB unless we rush 7 players. We have peaked, and it's a quick way down to the bottom of the league. Next week Fed Ex Field will turn into south Phily (again), and on national T.V we will get our *ss handed to us.


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Hey folks, I hope that I'm wrong, and all of you can tell me that I was full of it at the end of the season. We can not run the football. The left tackle spot is horrible, injuries are starting to be a big factor, and our D line is done. Just calling it as I see it. Ray Brown is the back up left tackle. :doh: :doh:

He was a good player once. Not now.

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NO, today your team didnd't do this. That's why it was 36-0. I think this team is avergae. They arent as good as people thought, IMO. But this team isnt a 4 win team. If they play in the NFC North, they win it. You guys don't, I think 7-9 is what you guys are

What? Try to have your writing make sense.

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Hey folks, I hope that I'm wrong, and all of you can tell me that I was full of it at the end of the season. We can not run the football. The left tackle spot is horrible, injuries are starting to be a big factor, and our D line is done. Just calling it as I see it. Ray Brown is the back up left tackle. :doh: :doh:

He was a good player once. Not now.

Well, no one will ever accuse you of being overly optimistic.

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