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World's Smallest Political Quiz: Which way do you lean?


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Isn't this a quiz put out by the libertarian party?

Something like that, yeah. It's supposed to show people that there are other options than simply left and right, and geared to lead people to libertarian. I remember taking it when a friend showed it to me in high school and I was solidly libertarian.

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Isn't this a quiz put out by the libertarian party?

I believe it is put out by the Libritararian party, as I've seen it on one of their webcites before.

I have strong libertarian leanings but fundamentally dislike being a member of any political party. People like me assume that a lot of people would be libertarians if they thought about it :laugh: .

A lot of other people like certain forms of authoritarianism though, whether they want the government to make society better by righting social injustice (democrats/liberals) or they want the government to enforce their traditional morality (conservative/republican). Or, they want the government to get involved in a lot of foreign wars (hawks/conservatives now). Or, they want the government to take lots of steps to preserve the environment (greens and democrats).

Most peoples problems with the Libertarian Party stem from their wish to allow people freedoms with drugs that have been effectively stigmatized like marijuana, or, as previously stated, they are just a fan of having the government control society in the way THEY wish.

Me, I want guns, drugs, a reasonable military (much smaller), a government that limits itself to ensuring my private property and safety (as well as being much smaller), limited social welfare (roads and bridges), regulation of businesses that abuse things, and making our environment livable (non-toxic) as well as privacy, being left alone, and being allowed to make my own moral decisions with my own freaking body (euthanasia and abortion). Aside from that, I want the government the heck out of my business as much as humanly possible (stay the heck out of my bedroom you freaks).

So, who the heck am I supposed to vote for now?

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There was a time when conservative meant small less intrusive government. There are cave paintings describing this ancient movement....or so I'm told.

You know, I was actually conservative then. i like to think my views haven't changed and the parties have around me, but I will be honest, this administration has turned me more left then I ever thought I would be.

Hell, I'm defending welfare as it exists today, and I was strongly for welfare change in 96'. I guess what they say is wrong though. . .

It used to be 1f your 19 and don't vote for a democrat, you have no heart, if your 40 and don't vote republican you have no brain. . . but. . . The 40 bit is now democrat also.

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Pretty accurate.



CONSERVATIVES tend to favor economic freedom, but frequently

support laws to restrict personal behavior that violates "traditional

values." They oppose excessive government control of business,

while endorsing government action to defend morality and the

traditional family structure. Conservatives usually support a strong

military, oppose bureaucracy and high taxes, favor a free-market

economy, and endorse strong law enforcement.

LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal

and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government;

one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion

and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual

responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes,

promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the

free market, and defend civil liberties.


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My Results:


The political description that

fits you best is...



CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government

control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on

the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention

and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.

Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,

tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what

they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

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. .

The one thing I found really interesting, here is what a "conservative" wants. . .

Government should censor speech, press, media or Internet

Military service should be mandatory. There should be a draft

There should be laws regarding sex for consenting adults

Laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs should be illegal

There should be a National ID card

I wonder what ever happened to the old conservatism of the 80's? Man, the Rush's, Hannitys and Navy Daves of the world have destroyed the party.

Actually I don't want mandatory military service why have a bunch of selfish unpatriotic types in my military?

We are for free speech its liberals that use PC to censor, Cleaning up the internet to prevent kids from seeing kiddy porn isnt censorship.

Oh the sniveling spin like sex would be restricted to the missinary position instead of obviously keeping sodomy laws in place so a 13 yr old isnt considered an adult so his 40 yr old internet boyfriend/lawyer does go to prison makes sense.

A National ID Card to prevent voter fraud, prove citizenship and reduce Identit theft? Why thats a horrible concept.

You are kidding about whining about drug laws right. When some people actually want to sue Big Mac and Candymakers if thats the case the government should give back the billions they took form Big Tobacco

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I'm trying to figure out your reasoning. Because you're a patriotic, law abiding, god-fearing, tax-paying proud to be a native American blackneck nuclear family man, I can't be any of those things? Why, because I'm a centrist? They are not mutually exclusive.

And, I never called you a nobody. I merely called you an extremist. I didn't say there was anything wrong with that, but apparently, judging by your reaction to being called an extremist, you think I must have been saying something bad about you. That's your perception of an extremist, not mine.

I was being funny yet factual.

Hey Im sure centrist can be patriotic to an extent :D

Notice the smilie?

The word extremist is no big since most use it to smear those who beat them idealogically

"Nobody" is perfect

I hate being called a nobody, so replace it with NavyDave and you get NavyDave is .........

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