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Confessions of a 49er fan


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Ahhh...this is classic. I mean, it sucks because my bretheren are getting roped in left and right, but I haven't seen this many people :owned: since the Art's quitting April Fool's Day fiasco...:laugh:


I think if he had had smilies in the first post most people would have realized the sarcastic tone of the post and how unserious he is

I mean come on, Alex Smith throwing INT's to cure cancer :laugh:

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Were you actually crying when you posted this MORONIC post?? Who comes on the board AFTER a loss like that and still try and fire bullets? Dude we put 52 shots in our Gun and UNLOADED ON YOU LIKE THE NRA WAS OUR DADDY!! Get over it Moron!! 49ers Suck YOU SUCK ALEX SMITH SUCKS MIKE NOLAN SUCKS THE WHOLE BAY AREA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hilarious, I think this guy is freaking funny, hopefully he comes on and trashes the Skins who whipped his boys 52-10 more often. He reminds me of one of my freinds fathers who use to teach special ed students the roman numerics with jumping jacks. I, I, I, II, II, II, III, III, III, Iv, Iv Iv

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Confessions of a 49ers fan.

I am a 49ers fan for life. Much like many of you are to the redskins however I don’t spend my days talking about how such and such coach/player will be the new god in DC during preseason only to turn on him as soon as he makes a mistake (i.e. Turner, Spurrier, Schottenheimer the list goes on). As I sat Friday in class I heard my students talking about the upcoming 49ers/Redskins games I knew the outcome. The students knew the outcome, hell even the 49ers knew the outcome and I say this. 52 Points, is that the best you can do? I mean our secondary is in shambles and we’ve traded away the most experienced offensive player we have in Tim rattay. As I sit here at 23 years old, unless I talk to Bryant Young or Mike Nolan I would be known as grandpa on the team.

Clinton Portis 101 yards oh my god are you kidding me. Did you see how bad the rush defense was. Did you see those holes he had? Anything less than 300 yards is a loss. I was expecting a 70 point game. You couldn’t even get 60 with your starters hell we almost scored that on San Diego in our last super bowl and you couldn’t put up more against the team that needs the most rebuilding in the NFL. I had a kid in my class who was a redskins fan and he came up to me and said all he wanted for Christmas was for Clinton Portis to score 4 rushing TD against the 49ers this year. Nice Portis very nice. Break this young kids heart because you don’t have the balls to do what’s necessary. But with all do respect he may have had to leave early to go get a new pair of uggley’s (get it it’s a play on Oakley, im clever) to wear to his press conference. FYI that fashion style works for Andre, not for you dawg.

Another student asked for Alex Smith to throw an interception for him in order to cure his cancer. Did Alex Smith screw the kid over like Portis. NO he went out and threw the int for the good of the world. Make no mistake of it, Alex Smith Interceptions cure cancer. FACT!

All I kept hearing about was Redskins secondary, redskins secondary. Look how great they are. If you’re so great why can you only get 1 pick off of Alex Smith? Rookie QB, 2nd start, no backup this should’ve have been at least a 5 pick game for you guys and you blew it. Hell I went to watch the pregame warm-ups and I picked him off 4 times. Maybe you miss Champ Bailey more than you thought (uh oh sore spot). At least if you kept Smoot you could’ve had a good boat party to go to afterwards. But now you have the great Shawn (I shouldn’t even be on the field) Taylor. Hope Snyder isn’t planning on giving him that long term contract because I think Prison State wants to sign him for a few. What is it with Redskins secondary and criminal backgrounds. Im starting to wonder what Darrell Green was doing the day Kennedy was shot. Nothing better than a fast black man across a grassy knoll to confuse a nation.

But I digress.

I congratulate you guys on your win. You fought hard to beat down a team with a total of like 3 returning players. The problem with the 49ers is they don’t stay down long at all. It’s usually 2 bad seasons followed by a playoff run. Until next year, hold your head up high you just dunked over a one legged, blind, 12 year old Michael Jordan. You just kicked ass and won 590 gold medals at the Special Olympics, you just lost your virginity at a frat party to the girl who was just sober enough to mumble uugh before passing out. You won fair and square. You killed the rabbit that was eating your crops but you still needed an assault rifle and a reload to do it. You won the game but just remember. It should’ve been 100-0.

you're right...35 at the half means we could have scored 70 if we wanted..we were nice!

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very true but in the response to get a life i respond with this. who really needs the life. the guy who is apparently lame and stupid or the guy who finds it so necessary that he must respond to it. Youre one of those guys who keeps playing with a hurting tooth just to make sure it still hurts arent you? :silly:

so to you i spit out the even MORE oldest, LAMESTER, cliche, in all of comedy.... "cant you take a joke?" :nana:

Mea culpa. Good enough :) I admit to having stopped reading it after the first few paragraphs. I had just been reading some overly-ridiculous smack from some of the less-than-eloquent among the giants fans, and flipped this off too early.

I'm really pretty big on humor, more than you could know ;) , and hate dentists and hurting teeth :laugh:

Re-reading it, it is clever and funny, I shall endeavor to perservere :D in my being more cognizant of what's being presented. One of my best buds is a niner and I wish you both healing. :cheers:

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What a moron. Trying to diminish our win by talking down your own team. What the hell kind of fan are you, you little panty waist? Bottom line we dropped 52 on your worthless teams ass. You made reference to the fact that you are a teacher, well I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near your class with your obvious moronic reasoning.

Have a great season... LOSER!

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soooooo note to self. apparently redskins fans are not capable understanding a satirical post. duely noted. i just came on to mess with you guys because every redskins fan i know messes with me and vice versa. I didnt realize humor isnt allowed.

but i really do think the 49ers have a solid year ahead of them. The healty 49ers beat the rams and shouldve beat the cowboys (if not for them self destructing like a young team would) and lost to one of the top 3 teams in teh nfc (in the eagles) and the best team in the afc (in the colts). Our leading receiver is out (Johnson) and our Dbacks are in shambles so bad that the dude who started against the colts (and got an int) had just got promoted to practice squad a little before (cant remember his name) so of course our defense is gonna suck. Its hard to run anything but basic D which anyteam can figure out and exploit. With everyone healthy next year plus HOPEFULLY reggie bush id say the 49ers will go from crap to at the least a wildcard team.


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Easy big guy. I understand LiveStrongSkins that this is very close to the mark with you and know why you react the way to do. Step back big guy, please, and let's see what happens with this. You made your point. As I stated I understand your problem with this. You're a good poster and even a temp ban is too long for the site to go without you, ( even when you believe it's worth it).

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Easy big guy. I understand LiveStrongSkins that this is very close to the mark with you and know why you react the way to do. Step back big guy, please, and let's see what happens with this. You made your point. As I stated I understand your problem with this. You're a good poster and even a temp ban is too long for the site to go without you, ( even when you believe it's worth it).

I over reacted I know that. I just think a cancer joke is as low as you can go to make a joke. What is the point really? I dont think that is funny at all. If we was going through cancer, or if his mom had breast cancer do you think he would have typed some smug joke about a stupid interception curing a kids cancer? I need to bite my tongue a little more, that just aggravates me more then anything.

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Like I said, I understand. I think many of your fellow members of the Extremeskins community and family do as well. Hang in there, ( PMing isn't a bad idea you had either). As for the initial post, I would love to say what I think about it, but it suspended most independent thought. :rubeyes: ;)

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Obviously, this 49er fan is spewing anger and frustration. Trying to diminish our accomplishment by demeaning his own team is low, not classy at all. Just like others have said, SF is still a professional franchise with paid professionals.

well said. i cant believe you would put your own team down, just to have something to say to us. i have never and will never do that to the redskins. you dont deserve to be a 49ers fan. your a discrace to all football fans.

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Like I said, I understand. I think many of your fellow members of the Extremeskins community and family do as well. Hang in there, ( PMing isn't a bad idea you had either). As for the initial post, I would love to say what I think about it, but it suspended most independent thought. :rubeyes: ;)

Thanks for talking a little sense into me. I need to be more controlled when it comes to things like that.

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