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Brunell at week 6...not what you think


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I remember the depression that set in whenever we discovered that Patrick Ramsey had been pulled from his starting position half way through the first game.

I know that not many people like surprises, but what Brunell has been able to pull off since assuming the starting job at QB is only proof that the Coach really knows what he is talking about. Ohhhh... the irony.

I don't think that we could have ever imagined how good that decision really was. Boy, was I initially wrong in my judgement. I am really liking Brunell...more now than I ever have.

So, how does everyone else feel now that Brunell is THE starting QB for the 'Skins at Week 6? :logo: :notworthy :2cents:

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he had 2 fumbles, and those were pretty horrible. Other than that, he has only thrown 2 INT's, Ramsey may have thrown more. I was in the anti-Brunell camp as well, but now I do not mind at all. He has been lighting up the stats overall.

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Thank you Bryan Young for being man enough to admit your mistake. That's a lot more than I can say for so many of the media pundits out there. I for one have always been a Brunell fan and knew that Gibbs knew a lot more than me. I did doubt that philosophy once or twice last year because of how poorly the entire offense was playing, but it's great to know that Gibbs truly does know his stuff. He hasn't lost a beat and this team is finally turning into what we want it to be. Aside from the Patriots, there really is no more domination in the NFL, but I feel that this coaching staff has its player playing to their potential. They have a great chance to win each and every week, regardless of who they play. They are certainly improving (definitely offensively) and I can't wait to see them put it altogether in the coming weeks. Remember, it's a war... fought one battle at a time. We'll win some and we'll lose some, but I firmly believe this team is headed into the right direction... it's headed to the playoffs!!

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he had 2 fumbles, and those were pretty horrible. Other than that, he has only thrown 2 INT's, Ramsey may have thrown more. I was in the anti-Brunell camp as well, but now I do not mind at all. He has been lighting up the stats overall.

And his two fumbles only led to 3 points by the other team. Yes, I was pissed when they happened, but all in all he has done a pretty damn good job of not turning the ball over.

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I'm not going to get into a well if Ramsey were in there thing myself. No way of telling and right now Mark is the starting QB :obvious: He's been improving and therefore so has the offense since being named the starter. His improvement over last year is there for all of us to see. From the comfort of the chair I'm sitting in on gameday, he seems to be hitting his stride. He looks comfortable back there and is clearly in charge. His passes have zip on them and he is accurate. He knows when to throw it away and he gives the offense a bit of flexibility due to his mobility. Those fumbles hurt and I'm sure he's going to be working on that. With him in there, and this is with the Dallas game in mind, you get the feeling the team is always in it. Overall I'd say he's doing fine thankyou very much. Let's hope this continues.

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That I'm entertaining the thought, not the impulse, to buy a Mark Brunell jersey speaks wonders as to how much better he is this year. I had totally written him off and rejected the discussion that he was injured. I thought the guy was just awful--he didn't show any of his former (impressive) prowess.

I still find it pretty amazing how much a hamstring injury affected his performance. It makes sense when you think about it given how important leg strength is in pitching, throwing, shooting a basketball, etc, but I never thought that it would have made such a difference.

And this is to say nothing of the fact that we have a QB who can scamper for first downs.

This is a great time to be a fan of the 'Skins.

We are on the rise. I can feel it.

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I was not hapy with Brunell being the starter QB until the two TDs against Dallas, from that moment on I'm realy surprised the way he has played in every game, I would never thought he was gonna play that good :doh: I hope he keeps it up, now I think that Brunell will be our starter QB if not injured, until Campbell is ready, hope the best for Ramsey but I think he is not in the future of the Redskins :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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they are two different qbs. brunell has made plays with his experience that ramsey or many young qbs would not have made. ramsey maybe could have thrown for more yards per throw and possibly more long tds, but he can't see all the defenders or throw the ball away when under pressure.

i think gibbs could win with either of these guys if he had to. but given how we are playing so close to the line of winning and losing its smarter to play with the more conservative/consistant qb.

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