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How Important are Turnovers?

Thinking Skins

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I ask this question about turnovers because I am comparing them to forcing the team to go 3 and out as we've done so well this year.

Part of the problem we have with creating turnovers is that our defense is so good at getting the other team off the field, that there are many drives where we don't get a chance to let them make those mistakes. We could easily become more lax and give the team more first downs in attempt to make them make mistakes. But would that help our team?

By definition, a tunrover is an interception or a fumble recovery. But I think that a sequence of 3 & out's by our defense is better than a turnover. The real loss by not getting turnovers is that we're not getting the good starting field position or the momentium. But if we're forcing them to go 3 & out, then there's not much momentium on the other side either.

I'm not going to sit up here at my desk and say that turnovers are not a good thing cause I would love to have some. But to insult the defense as the one of these guys did by calling it a horrible defense since its not getting turnovers is just crazy.

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A turnover can give you the ball on thier 10/20/30 or an instant td.. As weve given to other teams..

A turnover that they go backwards 19 yds is not really a turnover... just an inconvienance... but it did stop a drive and put us 30yds back.. thats a bad penalty :)

A 3 and out still allows them to punt and make us do an additional 30yds+

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In one word.


The give aways have to stop and the take-aways must begin. We only have 1 interception so far this year....I think. We have recovered 3 fumbles and have 5 sacks so far.

This has to improve.


What Blondie said........it can not be emphasized strongly enough how important turnovers are....that's why the coaches are obsessing over them...

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blakman has a good point on the 3 and outs.

Turnovers are important, but hard to come by if the opposing offense is only on the field for three plays at a pop.

Although the last two games the opposing offenses have managed some great drives

against us.

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There is a high correlation between turnovers and wins and losses. Like most stats, this one is deceptive.

A conservative offense will have fewer turnovers but also lower production.

A conservative defense will have fewer turnovers but will allow fewer big plays.

A team that is often trailing on the scoreboard late, will have more turnovers since it has to take greater risks to get back into the game.

Many fans and coaches oversimplify. Turnovers are important, but not nearly as important as they seem to believe. It's just one factor of many that will determine whether you win or lose a football game.

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I'm not going to sit up here at my desk and say that turnovers are not a good thing cause I would love to have some. But to insult the defense as the one of these guys did by calling it a horrible defense since its not getting turnovers is just crazy.

That is great to go 3 andout but they never put the offense in good field position. We need turnovers so we do not have to drive 80+ yards for all of our scores. We need to be able to work on a short field for once.

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In one word.


The give aways have to stop and the take-aways must begin. We only have 1 interception so far this year....I think. We have recovered 3 fumbles and have 5 sacks so far.

This has to improve.


We only have created 2 turnovers so far this season, not 4

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There is a high correlation between turnovers and wins and losses. Like most stats, this one is deceptive.

A conservative offense will have fewer turnovers but also lower production.

A conservative defense will have fewer turnovers but will allow fewer big plays.

A team that is often trailing on the scoreboard late, will have more turnovers since it has to take greater risks to get back into the game.

Many fans and coaches oversimplify. Turnovers are important, but not nearly as important as they seem to believe. It's just one factor of many that will determine whether you win or lose a football game.

No kidding. In the end it just relates to how many points our offense can put up and how many points our D lets the other team score.

Turnovers make it easier for teams to score. If our defense was good enough to negate turnovers caused by our offense, or our offense was good enough to almost never turn the ball over, then no turnovers wouldn't not matter a much at all.

It's difficult for even a very good offense to put up much more then 21 points a game when they are getting no help in the field position battle from either the defense or special teams. As we see, we can win when the D can hold the offense to under 21 points, but we lose when the D allows anything more, regardless of the turnover ratio. But it was pretty obvious this week that KC took advantage of the turnovers they got to the tune of a possible 20 point advantage in the game (possible redskin TD taken away and turned into a KC FG on the first, possible FG taken away and defensive TD scored on the third). One turnover by our D may have been enough to get us the time needed to tie up the game... a second take away may have just swung the game to our advantage. In Denver, with the way our offense was playing, a single take away may have been enough to get an additional drive for just a FG to win.

So yes.. with our D where they are right now, Turnoveers are very important!!

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Well if the other teams were as bad as creating turnovers as the Redskins are then they wouldn't be very important because the Redskins would be blowing out teams. The fact that the Redskins are turning it over and getting zilch from the otherside is what makes them so important now.

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In the last five games of the 2004 season, the Redskins were 3-2. They scored 102 points and gave up 71 in that span. In the five games this year, we have scored 83 and given up 86. There is, however, a strength of schedule difference that can probably account for that dropoff in differential.

However, the 2004 offense didn't have short fields either. The difference between this year and the team that finished our final 2004 games is that this one is much better in big plays and moving the football on offense but less productive in the red zone.

The 2004 team would have benefitted more from a short field than this year's squad.

A better turnover ratio would improve this team, certainly.

So would a better running game in the redzone.

So would a better passing game in the redzone.

So would a better pass rush.

So would....

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