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DTC @ The 49'ers game

The President

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Which word in the reply you quoted did I spell incorrectly? This should be interesting. :laugh:

Also, Blondie, when a member calls me "worthless" for nothing, unless the thought police stop me, I'll respond however I want. I won't even ask you permission first. ;)

Ahem. You are trolling on a Redskins fansite as a Philadelphia Eagles fan. While I am tolerant of most things, Eagles fans and hardcore liberals are the exceptions. Considering you are of the former, "worthless" is one of the nicer terms I could use. But...I'm not going to be a jerk....because a TRUE redskins fan is classy and will not let anything as low as an Eagles fan ruin her spirit :D

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well thank you. I appreciate that. ANY name an Eagles fan calls me is offensive. He could call me "darling" and I'd be offended. Everything dealing with the Eagles is garbage.

You need to be more tolerant, darling. I've been a valued member of extremeskins way back when you were bouncing around on the ESPN boards, looking for attention. What's up with the picture of yourself in the signature....I mean is that just the final shot for anyone who didn't pick up on the fact that you were a girl? :laugh:

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Paredskinsfanclub, NICE! ! ! Can't wait to meet you.

MissU28, that's why you roll with the DTC. You're a great fan :)

I will take the high road here with you Zeb. It's easy to make a smart comment and then say you are done and that is your last comment. No smart comment from me. Just done with it.

Hail to the Redskins!

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Paredskinsfanclub, NICE! ! ! Can't wait to meet you.

MissU28, that's why you roll with the DTC. You're a great fan :)

I will take the high road here with you Zeb. It's easy to make a smart comment and then say you are done and that is your last comment. No smart comment from me. Just done with it.

Hail to the Redskins!

If you want me to stick around, I will. :) I just thought I was just doing you and your thread a favor. Does this count as a comment? I guess I got the low road.

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Which word in the reply you quoted did I spell incorrectly? This should be interesting. :laugh:

Also, Blondie, when a member calls me "worthless" for nothing, unless the thought police stop me, I'll respond however I want. I won't even ask you permission first. ;)

His name is CartWright......NOT Cartright.

Your attempt at humor is lacking Westbrook. And........as far as the "thought police" are concerned.....they only are interested in intelligent thoughts.

Therefore, you're safe.


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You need to be more tolerant, darling. I've been a valued member of extremeskins way back when you were bouncing around on the ESPN boards, looking for attention. What's up with the picture of yourself in the signature....I mean is that just the final shot for anyone who didn't pick up on the fact that you were a girl? :laugh:

#1- I'm representing my favorite football player of all-time...Darrell Green

**Please give me the name of an Eagle who deserves the same respect he does**

........if it were a pic of me dressed as a hooch or being all scandalous, then you could say something. But I'm not, I'm staying true to the spirit of the site, and I like personalizing things. I did have my license plate as part of it earlier on but the mods suggested I take it down... so sorry if you don't like my pic

#2- It doesn't matter when I started posting on this site, I am here for the RIGHT reason- for the skins.

#3- This is the first and ONLY message board I've ever been a part of, so no, I was never looking for attention elsewhere.

#4- Hail to the REDSKINS.

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I called someone a "broad" at work today, and a co-worker of mine got offended. I asked her if it would be OK if I called her "toots" instead, and I was told that's ok.

So that should solve this little issue. I'm more interested to know if I write DTC on a harpoon if I can use it in DTC dodgeball........

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I have known CowboyKilla a very long time and I'll tell you this much, he is a damn good guy, a damn good WR and a damn hard core Skins fan, so I'll always have his back anytime

And WB36, honestly, don't you think its silly to antagonize people on a message board, especially when its not your home turf?

But then again it is you WB36

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I have known CowboyKilla a very long time and I'll tell you this much, he is a damn good guy, a damn good WR and a damn hard core Skins fan, so I'll always have his back anytime

And WB36, honestly, don't you think its silly to antagonize people on a message board, especially when its not your home turf?

But then again it is you WB36

Cowboykilla is also an alumnus of the one and only James Madison University, and that should speak for itself. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukes. :notworthy

and he IS a great guy, very friendly and fun to throw a football with :)

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Cowboykilla is also an alumnus of the one and only James Madison University, and that should speak for itself. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukes. :notworthy

and he IS a great guy, very friendly and fun to throw a football with :)

Because he'll actually catch anything thrown at him

A Qb's best friend, a WR with hands

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Because he'll actually catch anything thrown at him

A Qb's best friend, a WR with hands

Well...not everything...I was Brunell and I had the CEO be Santana.... and we ran this play...and he didn't catch it though it was RIGHT to him. The President couldn't catch it either when he played Moss. Come on now, you'd think they were pretending to be Gardner instead!

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Well...not everything...I was Brunell and I had the CEO be Santana.... and we ran this play...and he didn't catch it though it was RIGHT to him. The President couldn't catch it either when he played Moss. Come on now, you'd think they were pretending to be Gardner instead!


Well at least when the man is completely sober and in the zone

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Heindrich. Not really. I was brought up not by just any lady, but a southern lady,( :) ), and she brought me up to respect women and that terms like broad, toots, babe, (in the bad way, not the affectionate way), and some others were not the things to say in the general direction of most women. I have found that to be largely true in my 43 years. To each their own, but I tend to err on the side of respect and being a gentleman.

Sorry ladies, you do have this well under control,( one thing about the ladies here on Extreme, they can handle themselves just fine thank-you. so of course I butt in. :rolleyes: ), but can't help myself. Please indulge me for just a moment.

Calm down, toots. Even the DTC guys laugh at the Icy Hot Stuntas references. I have no problems with the guys. I don't agree with throwing balls at people but life ensures you deal with the repurcussions of your own actions.

Correction 1. It's repercussions.

Correction 2. Valued member? When did this happen? One must have value before being valued. You have none of the former,so you can't be the latter. You're still here, more than likely, because of tolerance. Oh. And you joined when oh long "valued" member?

Correction 3. No. You will not answer any way you want. That is clear in the rules and guidelines. May want to consider those in your responses, no matter what the comments. In this case, the ladies have taken exception with something and as in real life, you should conduct yourself accordingly. Not by trying to instigate any further or not so subtle cheap shots that really don't help you out any, no matter how much you puff out your chest. Only thing that accomplishes is the ladies making you look like a buffoon.

Oh. And I've met and talked to Killa myself. Nice guy.

I'm outta here before I get hammered too. Let these people talk about the Tailgate. And the punch. Have to try some some day.

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So as yall might have read, the DTC will be arriving at 6:30am on Oct. 23rd.

We have new things that we are gonna be doing for the first time. I will not mention them because it seems to upset too many people, but it will be tons of fun. I (The President) promise you that.

Who else will be there at 6:30am? I know the CEO and Mayor will. Along with The Head of Security aka Skins Fan 44, The SOC aka ASHLO, The Head Coach aka Coach Taylor and our Advertising Director SMANNS!

For those that have forgotten, heres the topic of the thread. If you're not interested, surf on.

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PCS, fair enough. Toots & Broad fall under the same category as boss, chief, son, etc. Some people don't mind it, some people do. In my short time on this board, I see you're a stand up guy. There won't be any hammering from this direction.....

And taking Tarhog's advice, I will take my leave, as I will not be making the trek next weekend. (I do have to make it soon, though. I'm getting antsy!)

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Not taking sides, believe me. I just tire of seeing nearly every thread turn into a pissing contest of some kind. Not necessary. And not fair to the guy who originated the thread for a different purpose.

There are so many more productive things to talk about, like the number of ways we plan to wreak absolute havoc upon the Chiefs Sunday, and what kind of beer we'll be drinking to celebrate.

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Not taking sides, believe me. I just tire of seeing nearly every thread turn into a pissing contest of some kind. Not necessary.

There are so many more productive things to talk about, like the number of ways we plan to wreak absolute havoc upon the Chiefs Sunday, and what kind of beer we'll be drinking to celebrate.

:applause: :cheers:

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Not taking sides, believe me. I just tire of seeing nearly every thread turn into a pissing contest of some kind. Not necessary. And not fair to the guy who originated the thread for a different purpose.

There are so many more productive things to talk about, like the number of ways we plan to wreak absolute havoc upon the Chiefs Sunday, and what kind of beer we'll be drinking to celebrate.

I know you're not taking sides. I just know when it's a good idea to bail before it gets worse. This thread certainly didn't need my 2 cents (i know that) but one gets bored easily when he gets busted out of his poker game early & has to kill an hour before the next one starts.....

Onto the more important subjects, I think we will wreak seven kinds of havoc on Sunday, and it will be Miller time before, during, & after the game. No doubt about that.......

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Not taking sides, believe me. I just tire of seeing nearly every thread turn into a pissing contest of some kind. Not necessary. And not fair to the guy who originated the thread for a different purpose.

There are so many more productive things to talk about, like the number of ways we plan to wreak absolute havoc upon the Chiefs Sunday, and what kind of beer we'll be drinking to celebrate.

I say michelob...I like michelob :cheers:

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Not taking sides, believe me. I just tire of seeing nearly every thread turn into a pissing contest of some kind. Not necessary. And not fair to the guy who originated the thread for a different purpose.

There are so many more productive things to talk about, like the number of ways we plan to wreak absolute havoc upon the Chiefs Sunday, and what kind of beer we'll be drinking to celebrate.

Thank YOU!!!

And thank you to all the people that are not Zeb and WB36.

Since when do you speak for the Florida girls? Last I check they don't speak to you from day to day, HELL I don't even think they know who you are!

But Back to the topic.

Some one had mentioned a harpoon. I don't mind, but you are on you are on your own if a 49'ers fan dies as a result :laugh:

Kevin B, I like you are a great skins fan so don't take this the wron way, but you beat us to the game one time in 5 years and it was not by two hours. But you were rollin with a rookie cuz he car died before the gates even opend. :D

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