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DTC @ The 49'ers game

The President

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Pez, I was there around 11:45 for the Seahawks game but it was already too late to try the Brew, you guys were already breaking down. I will try to make it for the Eagles game. :cheers:

It is a hot item! I will say he is making more for this game though! :cheers:

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Is it cool to talk like you are ghetto? I mean seriously, is that what gives you confidence? The fact you can string together what you think are witty retorts using street slang when the closest any of you guys have ever came to the street is when your mom let you stay up late to watch MTV cribs?

What's next? The obligatory slam on my mom, sister, girlfriend who you and your boys inevitably just slept with? No, no, WAIT, call me son.....that's always a great insult. :laugh:

This post confuses me! One second before this you say you have no problem "with the guys" but then you post this.

The CEO aka Cowboykilla called you a buster, you did put up a pic of two random a$$ dudes to busted our balls, therefore you are a buster. It is a easy thing to figure out.

And lets be honest, our insults are much better than pics of some random guys or the Icy Hot Stunaz and then some one will either call us ghetto or as you chose to do pretend that you know us and know how “close” or “ not close” we are to the street. So when did you met any of us? You didn’t, cuz if you had you would know that my mom never lets me stay up to watch MTV cribs :(

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Thank YOU!!!

And thank you to all the people that are not Zeb and WB36.

Since when do you speak for the Florida girls? Last I check they don't speak to you from day to day, HELL I don't even think they know who you are!

But Back to the topic.

Some one had mentioned a harpoon. I don't mind, but you are on you are on your own if a 49'ers fan dies as a result :laugh:

Kevin B, I like you are a great skins fan so don't take this the wron way, but you beat us to the game one time in 5 years and it was not by two hours. But you were rollin with a rookie cuz he car died before the gates even opend. :D

Hey my battery just ran out, because I was jammin my redskins tunes for too long... Someone had to liven they place up ... the DTC was too quiet :D

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well, I meant "love" in the most vague sense.

"Much Love......." and all that

But, if you're willing to throw alittle love my way. I'd appreciate it.

Now come on... who here doesn't love Bufford. You can't not like a guy who is named after one of the better hamburgers at Checker's! :poke: :D

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