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DTC @ The 49'ers game

The President

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Since the "DTC Mom" won't be coming to the 49er's game with me, I will be bringing a special guest that will surely light up the tailgate.

I have a few questions I would like answered

The CEO is going to cook the DTC breakfast on Arena Dr., right???

Will pez's SUV start this time when the gates open??? :D

Will all the haters who hide behind their computer screens ever show up to F-51 to see what the REAL DTC is all about???

Should Bufford have used "spell check" when picking his name???

Should the "first ladies of ES" go after WB36 for using a "derogatory" term by stomping on him with their high heels???

Should the Mayor give up his "sweet tooth" before he gets fat???

Should WB36 get a life and stop hanging out on a REDSKINS message board???

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Kevin B, I like you are a great skins fan so don't take this the wron way, but you beat us to the game one time in 5 years and it was not by two hours. But you were rollin with a rookie cuz he car died before the gates even opend. :D

Gibby dude... if you think I was serious then too bad man... If you want to make it a poker game then I AM GONNA HAVE TO PUT YOU ALL IN!

Pez make up the sofa for me!! (Sorry Huly I cant resist!)

Better get there before 7am this time guys!!

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Well...not everything...I was Brunell and I had the CEO be Santana.... and we ran this play...and he didn't catch it though it was RIGHT to him.

Okay. First off, the ball you threw looked like someone shot a duck with a sawed off. 2nd, I was ZONIN ZONIN so what do you expect. SkinsHokieFan is talking of the days when my existence was pure and wholesome, which is no longer the case. I appreciate the love though man, those were fun times playin ball back in the day.

As for next Sunday, I'm really looking forward to going 5-1. Imagine FedExField. Every week our tailgates grow, and I love it. We need more Extremeskins members coming out to games. This is the biggest and best fan base and internet group out. We need to show up in masses. You guys are all welcome at our tailgate, and obviously at the official, yet unofficial tailgate. If you have been thinking about getting to a game, San Fran is an easy ticket to land. GET OUT AND REP DC WITH US! ! !

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Yes I will be cooking a 3 course breakfast on Sunday.

If you show up before 6:45, you are invited to the official DTC breakfast. This includes Pez, Huly, Kevin B, anyone who shows up that early.

If you are not in the normal group who shows up at 6:30-6:45 AM, send me a PM to let me know you'll be there so I can plan accordingly. All are welcome, and I will take care of planning/execution.

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Gibby dude... if you think I was serious then too bad man... If you want to make it a poker game then I AM GONNA HAVE TO PUT YOU ALL IN!

Pez make up the sofa for me!! (Sorry Huly I cant resist!)

Better get there before 7am this time guys!!

I know you were only kidding!

And like I said we will be there between 6-6:30 am, the same way we have for all 1 O'clock games for the past 5 years!

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I know you were only kidding!

And like I said we will be there between 6-6:30 am, the same way we have for all 1 O'clock games for the past 5 years!

We were there earlier than that last game and will be this game too! Your streak is out like the fat kid in dodge-ball!

(nice reference huh?)

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We were there earlier than that last game and will be this game too! Your streak is out like the fat kid in dodge-ball!

(nice reference huh?)

Great reference!

The DTC is the Cal Ripken of tailgating! Our streak will never be beat though! And anyone one is trying to better start now!

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Gibby dude... if you think I was serious then too bad man... If you want to make it a poker game then I AM GONNA HAVE TO PUT YOU ALL IN!

Pez make up the sofa for me!! (Sorry Huly I cant resist!)

Better get there before 7am this time guys!!

All ready dude....

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While it is nice to be at the game early, 6:30-7:00 is the time I will get there.

If you guys beat us, good for you, I am glad that you attempts to compete with the DTC have you at the stadium early.

We need more people imatating us like you guys!

Hmmm... wouldn't call it imitating... we have our own thing goin on where we are... No bullhorn or anything like that... just laid back fun, beer pong, GREAT food, GREAT beer, etc, etc

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Well, you can't replicate the DTC experiance, after all we are the Undisputed Tailgate Champions of Fed Ex Field, but lets call a spade a spade, your imatating us somewhat.

Just so everyone knows, I am not being inflammatory, I just would seriously like to know how we are imitating you..

Curiosity kills... :laugh:

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Well, you can't replicate the DTC experiance, after all we are the Undisputed Tailgate Champions of Fed Ex Field, but lets call a spade a spade, your imatating us somewhat.

Mayor... :laugh:

1.) We are all fans

2.) You seemed to allude to the fact that being first made you the hardest of hardcore fans on earth.

3.) Now it seems being second has made you into Howard Stern.

4.) We will be there earlier than you.

5.) You will accept it and move on.

6.) We will not dress like you, dance on the roof like you, yell and carry-on like you.

7.) You guys are good people (contrary to the rap you get here sometimes) and we're good people.

8.) We will drink and eat with you, cheer with you, and celebrate with you when we win!

Other than #7 & #8 I can hardly find any similarities between us. Well except that we both appreciate some fine young turd cutter. :cheers:

So stop hatin' on US.. :)

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Pez, this thread is to talk about the DTC tailgate, you have your thread to talk about your tailgate.

All I will say is this. If I had 37 minutes to root through the Pez and Huly chronicles aka Your tailgate threads, I am sure I could find examples of imations, including but not limited to your poses in pictures, your sudden motivation to be the first ones at the stadium.

I see you take stabs at us, you are vey sly, but I still see them.

I dont care of you imaate me. Infact, I like it, it is the most sincere form of a compliment, but you are kidding yourself if you dont think you are imatating us.

I mean christ on a crutch, you set your tailgate 200 yards east of ours.

Again, I am in no way insulted that you imatate us, just be a man and admit it, even if it is for spiteful reasons.

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Just so everyone knows, I am not being inflammatory, I just would seriously like to know how we are imitating you..

Curiosity kills... :laugh:

Well the DTC is know for getting their early, and now out of the blue the ES tailgate has shown an interest on being the first tailgaters on the seen. Two, Pez you spent the entire last season tailgating with the DTC, in fact I a pic of you drinking beer threw the road cone. I believe that made you an official member, and like any good “gang” once you are in, you are in. So in theory by you coordinating an other tailgate it is like DTC tailgate, just the water down version. (I mean nothing bad by this)

I would like to believe that DTC and your year tailgating with us has inspired you to put on a good tailgate, Hell you use the hill and Jerchico’s church as land marks, something the DTC has done for 5 years. It’s all good. We want as many tailgates to be as close to the same caliber of a DTC tailgate. If laid back is your selling point that is HOT! Ours is just of a different nature we will say :cheers:

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