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I just saved a bunch of money by switching to gieco. HA!

no but really. I just recently peaced out my current g/f like Dallas in the 4th quarter (I found her cheering for the wrong team, the PATS!)and yes... Ladies, i'm proud to announce i'm back on the meat market and i'm fresher than ever.

So for all those lucky single ladies --

Looking for a single 18-23 attractive female in the maryland area. Redskins fan is a must. :silly: Must be smart, ambitous, sense a humor (is a must), a GREAT smile and HAVE A JOB! Tall to medium height, slim or atheletic build (or just able to play a sport of some sort)

Me? 22/m/md I'm a humble young guy attending JHU. I'm an aspiring computer programmer and currently work as one. I'm 5'10 @ 155. I'm asian american (or politically correct, pacific islander) w/ short hair and a toned build.

So for all you interested ladies, PM me and i'll send u a pic =):applause:

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So let me get this straight... you ditched your woman because you caught her rooting for the Patriots?

And you tell other women this, before you give them the laundry list of physical attributes they must posess in order to date you?


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I just saved a bunch of money by switching to gieco. HA!

no but really. I just recently peaced out my current g/f like Dallas in the 4th quarter (I found her cheering for the wrong team, the PATS!)and yes... Ladies, i'm proud to announce i'm back on the meat market and i'm fresher than ever.

So for all those lucky single ladies --

Looking for a single 18-23 attractive female in the maryland area. Redskins fan is a must. :silly: Must be smart, ambitous, sense a humor (is a must), a GREAT smile and HAVE A JOB! Tall to medium height, slim or atheletic build (or just able to play a sport of some sort)

Me? 22/m/md I'm a humble young guy attending JHU. I'm an aspiring computer programmer and currently work as one. I'm 5'10 @ 155. I'm asian american (or politically correct, pacific islander) w/ short hair and a toned build.

So for all you interested ladies, PM me and i'll send u a pic =):applause:

I gotta figure one of three things was going through your mind when you wrote this.

1) Hahahaha, they'll think this is hilarious!

2) This has almost no chance of working, but maybe I'll get lucky, and I've got nothing to lose.

3) My plan is foolproof! Where better to pick up athletic girls aged 18-23 than a football message board? (No slight intended here to any of our female members, whether 18-23 and athletic or not.)

Am I right?

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