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Worst brodcasters in America (Denver game)


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My god, people do make mistakes.

Sure, but they probably were preparing that piece about us beating Denver in the Super Bowl all week...and they can't get their facts straight. When most broadcasters say things that are incorrect, they say them with such gusto and arrogance that it becomes really irritating. It's not what's said as much as it is the delivery.

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Guest BleedinBurgundyandGold

maas thought that "The Drive" was made on the field the game was played today. Not only was it played in CLEVELAND not Denver, but if it had been in Denver it would have been played at Mile High Stadium, not corporate park or wherever the hell denver plays now.

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Maas actually had my back today. I had the, uh, pleasure of watching the game at home with my wife. When I was complaining about one of the bad calls, she said something like, "Everytime the Redskins are losing, you blame the refs."

Suddenly, Maas agreed with me, and I started frantically pointing at the TV like a two-year old and yelling, "See! SEE!!!"

Thanks Bill. :cheers:

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Have to agree with you, the production was worse than the announcers.

I could care less who they were pulling for, Maas and Rosen are by far the worst announcers in the history of anything!!! Ive never heard a man harp on one thing like Maas does everytime he calls a game, doesnt matter what game it is. If its the game against the Steelers last year, how Roethlisberger is a fused QB, from the likes of McNabb, Culpepper, and some other scrub. But he mustve showed his little robot figure of the 3 fused QBs at least 35 times in that game. Or how about THE BUS!!! Bettis doesnt actually have a name you know, hes just the almighty BUS. How many times is he going to say that he got an oil change, or how he got new and improved tires...hes just so overly moronic I seriously have trouble concentrating on the game(a little over exaggeration on that one) What about todays game, the cleats issue, my GOD!! How much do you know about different cleat sizes today, then you did yesterday? I know I can sleep much better knowing that if as a fat @ss lineman, as Maas was(the fattest), you must look at the running backs, or wide recievers, because they know best, WOW, I can sleep well tonight!!! We got it moron, its slippery outside and they need to wear longer cleats, YOU SUCK!! Not to mention, everytime the idiot talks, hes sounds like hes having an epileptic seizure. Before he can get his worthless thought out, he has to go..."we, we, we, le, uh, uh , uh, Brunell, uh, uh, uh...hes playing a heck of a game!" Thanks for stating the obvious, jack@ss. Now through all this, we lost the game...thank you Maas for making my Sunday afternoon the best it can be! :helmet:

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they were awful, both of them, but especially Maas. He got every call wrong. I didn't even see the Plummer safety play (poorly planned bathroom break) but when I got back and heard Maas say they wouldn't overturn it i knew they would. He was wrong on the Moss challenge, he called Robert Royal Stephen Alexander; he's an idiot.

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they were awful, both of them, but especially Maas. He got every call wrong. I didn't even see the Plummer safety play (poorly planned bathroom break) but when I got back and heard Maas say they wouldn't overturn it i knew they would. He was wrong on the Moss challenge, he called Robert Royal Stephen Alexander; he's an idiot.

No question. It was amazing how many times he was completely wrong. I especially liked when he was talking about Denver's LB being able to cover Santana Moss. Uh Bill, Moss was about 5 yards behind him and if Brunell hadn't underthrown him he wouldn't have been close.

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I like the guys, in that their opinions were pretty honest with the bad calls and all, but they need to fire their fact checker and production manager. Lot's of mistakes on the facts. It's just another attempt by the media and the NFL to put the Skins on the back page news so to speak. When we play a division team I bet we get Troy Aikman (whoop-de-do!!).

Hey maybe if Lavar is still not playing he can go up and ring Aikman's bell again during the next Skins-Cowboys game. You know he'll be biased, he can't help it.

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Sam Rosen was ok but Mass?? I wanted to throw a rope over a rafter,climb up on a chair and jump off of it, just to get some relief from his commentary.

The man can't even work a telestrator..:doh:

SO true and I was expecting to see this thread today. Maas was absolutely and even phenomonally (sp?) bad yesterday. I got to a point in the 3rd quarter where every word that came out of his mouth was simply wrong. :)

He was amazing. I never saw a guy miss so many observations and then try to beat the bad point home with extensive blabber. I know for SURE that Rosen must have been in awe of how bad Maas was. I swear Bill must have been drunk. It was the worst color commentary I've ever seen attempted in the history of the NFL. :doh: :)

(edit)- Wait, let me go on. :)

The best parts were when Maas would crack down on Rosen with a "correction." His counter-point to Rosen's observation would be SO wrong everytime. I'm still laughing 24 hours later, actually. What a maroon. What an ignoramous.

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