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Political Poll: Has Bush done anything right during his administration?


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Stem Cells - not federal spending slow and steady...

Tax Breaks for all that paid.

Africa Aids funding thing...

Syria/Jordan thing

Iraq IF they grow democracy be it that flower or lame tree remark he made ;)

Palestine State vs. Israel farther than ever to show its not good enough and push Palestine int Egypt.. :)

Some of his picks that at this point has a Black Women on the top list of President hopefuls... Cabinet / Justice / etc... in deeds and not words only.

Pushing NK to the brink if it works.

The attempt on the Social Security Administration, What a glorious day that would have been.. Someone touched the 3rd rail and others may tempt it now...

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Yet you have chosen not to list one thing. On your own thread no less.

I agree with your last 4 words though.

Honestly I didn't think I needed to since I have debated over Bush's policies over and over and over on this board. But since you want me to list at least ONE thing done right, I would say easily his 9-11 leadership, the war in Afghanistan, the INVASION of Iraq (militarily speaking), and the way he has dealt with the families of the soldiers killed over there.

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really, only two of those things, he actually DID himself.

I'd also like to know what exactly about the Iraq invasion that he did, you thought was good.

But, I think when you just give him credit for post 9/11 stuff. It takes away from the 300 million American's who stood tall on their own.

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Honestly I didn't think I needed to since I have debated over Bush's policies over and over and over on this board. But since you want me to list at least ONE thing done right, I would say easily his 9-11 leadership, the war in Afghanistan, the INVASION of Iraq (militarily speaking), and the way he has dealt with the families of the soldiers killed over there.

I agree with everything except Iraq and 9-11 leadership. If this is a praise Guilliani thread- ill give you 9-11 leadership but Bush did nothing to inspire me during that whole time. He was understandly in hiding for security reasons.

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Y'know, I'm really enjoying how many people list Afghanistan as Bush's One Good Thing.

Doesn't anybody remember that Bush didn't want to go to Afghanistan, and viewed it as an unnecessary thing that those idiots in Congress were making him do? Something that was interfering with the real mission of invading Iraq?

9/11 - 9:00 pm

President Bush meets with his full National Security Council in the PEOC beneath the White House for about 30 minutes. He then meets with a smaller group of key advisers. Bush and his advisers have already decided bin Laden is behind the attacks. CIA Director Tenet says that al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan are essentially one and the same. Bush says, “Tell the Taliban We're finished with them.” [Washington Post, 1/27/02] He goes on to say, “I want you all to understand that we are at war and we will stay at war until this is done. Nothing else matters. Everything is available for the pursuit of this war. Any barriers in your way, they're gone. Any money you need, you have it. This is our only agenda.” When Rumsfeld points out that international law only allows force to prevent future attacks and not for retribution, Bush yells, “No. I don't care what the international lawyers say, we are going to kick some a**.” [Clarke, 2004, pp 23-24]

Doesn't sound like he doesn't want to go to Afghan to me....

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Clearly Bush has done many things right. Here's a list:

He hasn't been caught doing the following things:

Getting a bj from an intern in the Oval office.

ummmm, I'm having a hard time coming up with any others. I'll get back to you.

and I'd like to personally apologize to the parents of all those fighting young men and women, who lost their lives due to a freaking BLOWJOB!

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I wish I didn't start this thread, I started it because of the other (Bush done anything wrong?) thread mostly because I thought it was obvious that all of our presidents have done both good and bad deeds. All these threads just leads to more hate and negativeness :doh: I apologize

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Sorry Hoss...... but most of your Tailgate threads have the same theme as this one.

Remember your greatest Presidents? or where does W rank? or whatever it was called thread?

Its your M.O.

You know what you're doing.

Come on Bufford, the best thread was where he tried to pass off the internet chain mail e-mail letter as his own words. Man, the thread had like 50 people watching it, Tarhog got the same e-mail and posted it, word for word. . . it was toooo funny. I think the mods deleted the thread, but it was classic.

I will say this though, he has been a lot more tolerant lately, but you are right. . . the whole backward bashing of liberals, then claiming foul when they stick up for themselves is his MO.

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Come on Bufford, the best thread was where he tried to pass off the internet chain mail e-mail letter as his own words. Man, the thread had like 50 people watching it, Tarhog got the same e-mail and posted it, word for word. . . it was toooo funny. I think the mods deleted the thread, but it was classic.

I will say this though, he has been a lot more tolerant lately, but you are right. . . the whole backward bashing of liberals, then claiming foul when they stick up for themselves is his MO.

Hmm..bringin that up again eh? Well actually I never did copy any email and will never admit to doing so, I know my experience and remember it vividly what transpired during that time was extremely odd to say the very least, though I dont expect you to beleive me...im wasting my breathe. And actually I dont BASH liberals, I have many probably most liberal friends and think that we all have a right to stick up for ourselves....

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Sorry Hoss...... but most of your Tailgate threads have the same theme as this one.

Remember your greatest Presidents? or where does W rank? or whatever it was called thread?

Its your M.O.

You know what you're doing.

Haha, my greatest president thread? Where does W rank? yeaah, I like those threads and I started them to spur debate, thats obvious by the freakin titles. Obviously with a title as this one (has Bush done anything RIGHT) it just seems so obvious that its not to be taken seriously, its a given that all of our leaders of done both good and bad. Sorry if you dont understand that.

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footballhenry has come a long way as a poster - frankly, a lot further than I thought he'd ever come early on. I admire the growth I've seen.

I think its a little classless ganging up on the guy and bringing back distant posts in order to demean or mock another poster. Whatever his previous mistakes (assuming there were mistakes), he took his beating a long time ago.

Be nice guys.

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Bush's only big problem is his international policy. A lot of his overseas decisions haven't been very well thought out. On domestic issues he's been an average president (if you look at what he's done and not all the stupid **** he says.)

Unfortunately, Google doesn't seem to have an option for "links older than . . . ", and a search on "Bush Iraq Afghanistan war" will, I think, return just a few too many hits to work through. And I didn't save any information three years ago in anticipation of people attempting to deny history.

But I'm willing to suspect that a lot of posters here will remember that particular piece of information.

Nope, don't remember that.

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His primary screwups have been trying to make nice with liberals and depending on the spineless yet presidential ambitious minority of republicans to get his message out or counter the lies and half truths spewed by the media and his political enemies instead of doing it himself.

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His primary screwups have been trying to make nice with liberals and depending on the spineless yet presidential ambitious minority of republicans to get his message out or counter the lies and half truths spewed by the media and his political enemies instead of doing it himself.

The really sad part about this post is that you truly believe this :doh:

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What do those kind of accusations accomplish? You can say "the sad part about that is you actually believe this", but why is that so "sad"? If you believe differently, does that make anyone else's leanings any less valid? And here I was thinking Boston was accepting of "alternative" points of view.

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