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Gibbs Confirms Arrington Benching (LaMerged Mergington)


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its simple. next home game, get a loud persistant chant going "We want LaVar". They want us to arrive early, and be loud, let them listen to what we have to say. I would LOVE to see the coaching staff get antsy on the sideline by being forced to hear 90,000+ screaming "We want LaVar" over and over and over and over.

Just my 2c

P.S. They are holding him out so he cannot get to the Pro Bowl, therefore not being entitled to HIS money. Flame On!

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by the way, there is no guarantee that McNabb will even be playing ina few weeks. The man is injured all over and personally, I don't think he will survive many hits, as you know Dallas (as much as I hate them) will put him on the ground SEVERAL times.

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Lavar deserves a chance. He's given a lot to this team and this community, to see some of the so called fans turn on him so quickly is sickening. Yeah we're 3-0 without him, but you can not sit there and tell me that any defence wouldn't be better with 56 on the field.

Lavar is a not only a good football player he's a good man. He gives his time and money to help those in need in the community, not just the Katrina victims, but plenty of things before that. Lavar has been one of the front runners in community work for years. Add that to the fact he's a good football player and to me you have quite the deserving individual.

Now on the flip side, if the coaches come and him and say "We want you to do this and only this" and he doesn't do it, well granted maybe he needs to be punished, but cmon atleast give the guy a game, hell we gave Patrick Ramsey a quarter, we can't do the same for Lavar?

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Let me start off by saying that when i pray i pray to joe gibbs, However i just cant see how in the world LA could hurt our D. Sure he likes to rome around and mirror the quaterback but hey what is the only weak point of our D ? Its the pass rush! I honestly cant think of anyone id rather have as a pass rusher so gimmie a break there is more to this than meets the eye i gaurantee it!

But, if he hurts your D in a way you are strong, would you be gaining anything?

Anyways, I think a lot of this is deeper than just this, but the overall philosophy now is that you aren't going to be given a waiver just because you are hugely talented and getting paid tons of money if your play isn't up to snuff. I think too many players have been given a waiver in the past, and that is something that has to change.


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Guest Matt Kyriacou
its simple. next home game, get a loud persistant chant going "We want LaVar". They want us to arrive early, and be loud, let them listen to what we have to say. I would LOVE to see the coaching staff get antsy on the sideline by being forced to hear 90,000+ screaming "We want LaVar" over and over and over and over.

Just my 2c

P.S. They are holding him out so he cannot get to the Pro Bowl, therefore not being entitled to HIS money. Flame On!

Joe Gibbs caving to 90,000 know nothings?


Don't hold your breath.

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If they aren't going to let him start at linebacker, they should at least have him play DE.

You can't have a guy as gamechanging (and expensive) as he is sit on the bench.

Seriously, how could he possibly blow a play playing DE? All he has to do is run at the quarterback every play.

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Joe Gibbs caving to 90,000 know nothings?


Don't hold your breath.

yeah, I'm sure the deafening boos vs. Cincy and Brunell's poor play at the start of that game didn't help him make that decision there.

As for this whole thing--it's yet another example of what I've been talking about. I don't expect Gibbs to openly discuss every detail. However, what I DO EXPECT is for the truth to come out when it IS the truth. I don't want to hear:

"We're bringing him along"

then "He's just not in those packages they're calling"

then "he's not a starter."

That's dishonorable, I don't CARE WHO IS DOING IT. If ANYONE else did this kind of thing, be it Gibbs or Williams to blame, they'd be called what they are.

Either level with teh player and the team and the fans, or don't. But it shouldn't come out a couple weeks after you talked about lame "packages" or "bringing him along, his knee was drained."

Either something is or it isn't. I fully understand the stuff said in the summer, because Lavar wasn't healthy. But if that's not been the issue since the start of the season or even game 1, then the coaches should have been man enough to say so. Don't give us a line of garbage then go back on it.

That's EXACTLY what happened with Ramsey. If somethin's up, say so. YOu don't have to go into detail about the flaws with a player, but if people are sitting there scratching their heads, don't give them the runaround THEN go on and do something else.

I took the org's side in Pierce and SMoot negotiations, so you can't accuse me of "continually disrespecting XYZ." This is about someone's expectations as a fan and what they expect out of men like GIbbs and Williams.

Meanwhile, Sean Taylor continues to bite on fakes, came over slow due to false steps to help out vs. Seattle and gets all the play in the world.

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I'm confused by the article. Wasn't this quotes from a couple of days ago from Gibbs? And, what confirmation, exactly, is it we need? Arrington wasn't on the field with starters. That means he's not a starter. We know :).

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its simple. next home game, get a loud persistant chant going "We want LaVar". They want us to arrive early, and be loud, let them listen to what we have to say. I would LOVE to see the coaching staff get antsy on the sideline by being forced to hear 90,000+ screaming "We want LaVar" over and over and over and over.

Just my 2c

P.S. They are holding him out so he cannot get to the Pro Bowl, therefore not being entitled to HIS money. Flame On!

Except no actual Redskin fan wants Lavar.

Lavar is probably my second favorite player on the team and I don't want Lavar. I want Gregg Williams and his staff to do the things that allow our defense to be successful. If that includes Lavar Arrington, I'll cheer. If it doesn't, I'll cheer.

I suspect Lavar will be in more and more as the season wears on, so that's great. But, seriously, what kind of ignorance would it take to make a chant of this sort if we're a 4-1 or 5-0 team heading into the Niners game. How about we want to win as a chant? Or something team oriented?

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This is BS, Lavar does not fit the system. A system that is all about puting pressure on the quarterback. There has got to be more to the situation. He needs and deserves to be out on the field. The skins owe Lavar. In my opinion he was a big part of why the skins were worth watching when they weren't worth watching the last few years.

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Ghost, no one is sitting anywhere scratching their heads.

Lavar's not in because he's not comfortable with the defense and the coaches don't trust him. He won't be in as long as he has to read the plays off his wrist. We wouldn't want him in if he can't pick things up. Lavar knows exactly why he's not in. There's some tension there, to be sure. But, no one is actually one bit confused by any of this.

I'm baffled that people act as if this is a mystery. It's not. Lavar will play when he can be trusted by the men who need to trust him. And, THOSE men have validated they deserve our trust.

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This is BS, Lavar does not fit the system. A system that is all about puting pressure on the quarterback. There has got to be more to the situation. He needs and deserves to be out on the field. The skins owe Lavar. In my opinion he was a big part of why the skins were worth watching when they weren't worth watching the last few years.

By what rationale does he "deserve" to be on the field?

Lavar is a highly visible player capable of breathtaking plays. We all see that. We don't see, as often, the mistakes he makes that hurt the team more than his positive plays help the team. No one doubts the immense ability Arrington has. No one doubted Jeff George's ability either.

Arrington has to gain the trust of the staff of this team. Whatever he's doing isn't doing that. That's clear. He'll be in soon enough. He'll be angry and hungry when he is. And, when he is, I'll have confidence he's in the game because the staff trusts him not to mess it up. I'd rather start Campbell at linebacker than Arrington if the staff feels one will do his job and the other struggles with that.

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First of all, sorry I screwed up the original post, I never posted an article before. I've learned from that mistake.

I can't help but think about what Marvin Lewis said about Lavar's freelancing and costing the Redskins some games. He made it clear that Lavar was out of position and totally screwed up the entire defense in game film he watched. I don't know if that's why he isn't playing now, but, I know he still has a good motor and there has to be a way to utilize his skills. Even if it's as a 3rd down pass rush specialist.

I also think there may be more to this. 3-0 is 3-0 so how can we question how Gibbs and Williams are handling this? Until our defense gets torched pretty good, it's hard to question them without knowing everything they do.

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To me, it seems like a two-fold purpose.

1. Lavar sits until he buys into william's system (which I suspect that he isnt)

2. Sends a message to the players with thoughts of spouting off in the off-season about their contract and the way the team handles a player that is returning from injury.

I think he will return soon and will have learned a valuable lesson.

"There is no I in team"

as the cliche says.

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What's so disappointing to me is how fans of this team flash such high levels of idiocy in hypocritical statements over the years. We all remember the undisciplined play of past staffs. We all remember the stories old Gibbs players told that Gibbs could always forgive a physical error, but he wouldn't tolerate MENTAL errors. If you blew a play because someone beat you on it, that was one thing. If you blew a play and hurt your team because you didn't do the right thing, you'd never see the field.

We BEGGED for someone to come in and be STRONG enough to FIX it. We knew it was SOOOOOOO easy to fix too. Just start cutting, trading, benching players who were making errors. That would fix it. And, it is STARTING to fix it. It's not fixed. But, it's GETTING fixed.

We should be JUMPING FOR JOY we have a staff that is STRONG enough to take the heat on themselves by limiting the play of popular, talented players. For far too long our coaches have been too weak to put a great talent like Lavar down. Now they aren't. This is exactly what we've asked for since Gibbs first left.

NOW that we have it, we have fans actually saying we should chant for Lavar to be inserted. We have fans acting as if we are owed an explanation for their reasons for not playing a player. I can't believe how low we've fallen as fans. I'm glad we aren't 0-3. Imagine then :).

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If they aren't going to let him start at linebacker, they should at least have him play DE.

You can't have a guy as gamechanging (and expensive) as he is sit on the bench.

Seriously, how could he possibly blow a play playing DE? All he has to do is run at the quarterback every play.

Seriously, how could you lack the knowledge to ask the question how he could blow a play playing DE? Are you really so clueless about football as to NOT know the answer? First, we've SEEN Lavar blow countless plays at defensive end by rushing hard around the edge opening up huge running lanes where he was supposed to be.

Man, we're about to play a team built on the running game with the bootleg coming out of it. How many times do you recall watching a Norv team beaten on the boot and wondered how hard could it be to defend? Remember George Edwards against Tampa when they got three or four touchdowns on boots? Remember how outraged we were that we couldn't get our players to defend the damn play?

Now, you want to put the most undisciplined player we have in there at end and send him screaming at the runner on the far side of the field while Jake Plummer comes out where he's supposed to be to pick us apart? How damn dumb have we gotten to be BEGGING to play the one guy we KNOW has NEVER displayed the discipline necessary to do JUST the job he's asked now against a team that takes advantage of over aggressive, undisciplined defensive ends as bread and butter?

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What's so disappointing to me is how fans of this team flash such high levels of idiocy in hypocritical statements over the years. We all remember the undisciplined play of past staffs. We all remember the stories old Gibbs players told that Gibbs could always forgive a physical error, but he wouldn't tolerate MENTAL errors. If you blew a play because someone beat you on it, that was one thing. If you blew a play and hurt your team because you didn't do the right thing, you'd never see the field.

We BEGGED for someone to come in and be STRONG enough to FIX it. We knew it was SOOOOOOO easy to fix too. Just start cutting, trading, benching players who were making errors. That would fix it. And, it is STARTING to fix it. It's not fixed. But, it's GETTING fixed.

We should be JUMPING FOR JOY we have a staff that is STRONG enough to take the heat on themselves by limiting the play of popular, talented players. For far too long our coaches have been too weak to put a great talent like Lavar down. Now they aren't. This is exactly what we've asked for since Gibbs first left.

NOW that we have it, we have fans actually saying we should chant for Lavar to be inserted. We have fans acting as if we are owed an explanation for their reasons for not playing a player. I can't believe how low we've fallen as fans. I'm glad we aren't 0-3. Imagine then :).


Imagine Norval and the ole' ball coach for a sec. Freelancing, wackiness, occaisonal flashes of brilliance. Many, many penalties, missed tackles and close, frustrating losses.

Now we have a disciplinarian, a coach that doesn't accept mental mistakes. Noone is above the team, including our most marketable "superstar." This kind of approach is EXACTLY what we need.

Now we're converting 3rd downs, not missing tackles, playing tough defense, not commiting penalties, and WINNING. 3 close games, 3 wins. If we had Norval of Spurrier, we'd be 0-3. There's little doubt in my mind.

Take this as a breath of fresh air. No more me-first nonsense. No more stars, just a team that wins.

Thank goodness for some sanity.

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Pretty funny, Art. I've just finished writing some rather similar sentiments as part of tomorrow's column. Without calling everybody idiots, though ... so it probably won't be quite as much fun.

You're so much better at that, you magnificent bastige. :)

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