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Kanye West?


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No matter if you agree with GW or not you still need to support him as he is leading your country!

I disagree with that (or at least the implication that you should blindly support him). I think you should always question the president. Both left and right should question what is going on. I hate when conservatives blindly support Bush or when liberals blindly supported Clinton.

If a Dem was in office, the conservatives would be lambasting the president and the liberals would be blindly defending him.

It's a shame, because no one can have any logical, intelligent discussions on any topic because the name calling will soon start and the topic will degenerate into a bunch of mindless drivel (propaganda).

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I disagree with that (or at least the implication that you should blindly support him). I think you should always question the president. Both left and right should question what is going on. I hate when conservatives blindly support Bush or when liberals blindly supported Clinton.

If a Dem was in office, the conservatives would be lambasting the president and the liberals would be blindly defending him.

It's a shame, because no one can have any logical, intelligent discussions on any topic because the name calling will soon start and the topic will degenerate into a bunch of mindless drivel (propaganda).

I agree, blindly following someone because they are the President is wrong. I feel that you can disagree with what ever administration is in power and still be supportive of your country.

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I don't understand why everything has to be a partisan issue...

I'm a conservative... I enjoy rap music... I like Kanye West... I think his comments were out of line and quite honestly hilarious... I laughed when he said it... I didn't get in a huff and start proclaiming him to be a piece of crap...

His opinion is his, and he is entitled to it. I don't think he shared it on the correct forum, but in the end, who really gives a crap where he shared it...

Some (read: Most) people are wayyyyy too sensitive to things...

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I don't understand why everything has to be a partisan issue...

I'm a conservative... I enjoy rap music... I like Kanye West... I think his comments were out of line and quite honestly hilarious... I laughed when he said it... I didn't get in a huff and start proclaiming him to be a piece of crap...

His opinion is his, and he is entitled to it. I don't think he shared it on the correct forum, but in the end, who really gives a crap where he shared it...

Some (read: Most) people are wayyyyy too sensitive to things...

If it were only that simple KDawg.

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Oh, but it is.

Just that some people are too egotistical and self-centered to let it be that way.

I bet you most conversatives could give a rat's a$$ about what this guy said. Any time I hear Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, etc. blurt something out, I just ignore it. What they say is of no importance to me, I really could care less. The media likes to play up what these celebrities say because they know it gets a rise out of some people.

By the way, does anyone know why Baldwin hasn't moved to France yet? I heard that he said back in 2000 that if Bush defeated Gore, he was leaving the country and moving to France.

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By the way, does anyone know why Baldwin hasn't moved to France yet? I heard that he said back in 2000 that if Bush defeated Gore, he was leaving the country and moving to France.

He can even take Sean Penn's boat. Just remember to bring extra red plastic cups.

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It's all about selling records... I don't know why you guys are still fighting about this. It's all about selling records.
I said this before on another thread, I really don't think this raised Kanye profile too significantly. Obviously a few more people know the name now than before, but Late Registration was already the highest profile release of the year. When I bought the album, the day it came out, before Kanye had said anything controversial, there were 3 people behind me in line all holding the same album.
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You accused Bush of:

-- never earning anything in his life

-- not caring about anyone outside of his tax bracket

-- engaging in divide & conquer tactics using religeous zealots and bigots

-- being a hate monger

-- being a terrorist

-- having no clue

-- not being fit to lead

-- not caring about anyone

-- not caring about the Constitution

-- being small minded

And then you have the gall to place the burden of proof on those who think you're wrong?

OK, I'll address a few of these. He has earned a pilots license, and Bachelors and Masters degrees. He is NOT a terrorist (to claim that he is shows you have no understanding of what terrorism is, and should not be taken seriously on the subject. He has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic (have you ever taken that oath? For that matter, have you ever even read the Constitution?)

A better case can be made that YOU have no clue, and are small minded hate monger who is not fit to lead.

I beg to differ Mr. Talon. I placed the burden of proof on the 1 individual who originally responded. I'll give you this, my statements were very broad in scope and could have been more specific. Keep in mind - this is a football message board. I'm not going to break out Thomas Hobbes' LEVIATHAN and start quoting text for an essay. I'm speaking from my heart and soul as a PROUD American who has grown tired of being considered a pawn by most elected officials, the most prominent of which happens to be our Commander-in-Chief. I respect the office, not it's current holder.

Sure, he took an oath. Americans take an oath to uphold the sancitity of marriage everyday, then about half of them violate it within about 7 years according to the current divorce rate. I contend that his action & policies have done more to undermind that oath than to uphold it. I have read & studied the Constituition in my collegiate days and I have to go no further than the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, assembly) to find something that the Bush Administration consistently seeks to dismantle.

The Bush administration has rolled back much legislation seeking to preserve the environment for the sake of corporate profit. This is environmental terrorism. Should the land become uninhabitable, all mankind will suffer - not the planet (Mother Earth is going nowhere - we are). If continuing to destablize Iraq into a police-state under mindful false pretense doesn't show proof of a terrorist mindset, I don't know what does.

I have no hate in me - it's a cancer on the soul. I'm not seeking public office, so my ability to lead is a moot point. You've attacked me personally (to no avail), but can you muster any proof of Bush's success as a President? I don't have all the answers, nor do I portray myself as such. Dialogue is necessary for improvement. I want to be wrong about Bush, but actions speak louder than words. I can't live with blinders on - the truth is too glaring. I'm off the soapbox, now. I'll go back to cheering for our 'Skinz and looking forward to Sunday.


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The state of the union is sad because of people who only see things in black/white or blue/red. When it comes to the leadership of this country, liberals have nothing but venomus hatred for GW and conservatives applaud everything the man does. It doesn't seem there are citizens in the middle anymore. Everyone has become polarized. The people on this message board cannot discuss politics without calling one another "garbage" or "trash". Citizens tend to lose sight of the fact that we should all be working together towards the common good and growth of this nation. We shouldn't be tearing each other down because someone has a political/social/religous belief that differs from our own.

Finally I'll leave you with this....


Good point, better picture:notworthy. I couldn't sleep last night, so I figured I work on earning that Art Monk avatar I so greatly covet (the hogettes are cool, but Monk is the MAN). I'm curious - in what category did you put my post?

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I beg to differ Mr. Talon. I placed the burden of proof on the 1 individual who originally responded. I'll give you this, my statements were very broad in scope and could have been more specific. Keep in mind - this is a football message board. I'm not going to break out Thomas Hobbes' LEVIATHAN and start quoting text for an essay. I'm speaking from my heart and soul as a PROUD American who has grown tired of being considered a pawn by most elected officials, the most prominent of which happens to be our Commander-in-Chief. I respect the office, not it's current holder.

Sure, he took an oath. Americans take an oath to uphold the sancitity of marriage everyday, then about half of them violate it within about 7 years according to the current divorce rate. I contend that his action & policies have done more to undermind that oath than to uphold it. I have read & studied the Constituition in my collegiate days and I have to go no further than the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, assembly) to find something that the Bush Administration consistently seeks to dismantle.

The Bush administration has rolled back much legislation seeking to preserve the environment for the sake of corporate profit. This is environmental terrorism. Should the land become uninhabitable, all mankind will suffer - not the planet (Mother Earth is going nowhere - we are). If continuing to destablize Iraq into a police-state under mindful false pretense doesn't show proof of a terrorist mindset, I don't know what does.

I have no hate in me - it's a cancer on the soul. I'm not seeking public office, so my ability to lead is a moot point. You've attacked me personally (to no avail), but can you muster any proof of Bush's success as a President? I don't have all the answers, nor do I portray myself as such. Dialogue is necessary for improvement. I want to be wrong about Bush, but actions speak louder than words. I can't live with blinders on - the truth is too glaring.

This is the tailgate section of the football message board, where just about everything is discussed.

You may not be a pawn of the current majority party, but it does sound like you're a pawn of the opposition.

You've lobbed a bunch of accusations, but no specifics. You say Bush is consistantly seeking to dismantle the 1st Amendment. How does he do this, and what qualifies as consistant? I would contend that he did damage to the 1st Amendment by signing campaign finance reform, but that's not "consistantly seeking to dismantle."

You don't have the right to arbitrarily make up terms and definitions to suit your purposes. You are wrong, wrong, wrong about Bush being an environmental terrorist. I submit to you again that you have no understanding of what terrorism is, if you use the term that way. A far better case could be make that that PeTA/FOE types are "environmental terrorists", as some in that wing actually engage in acts of terrorism by burning people's houses, spiking trees, etc.

I would also submit to you that if you believe that those people are correct in their thinking, then you (and they) should be abandoning your lifestyle of driving, using electricity, computers, etc., and moving to Pennsylvania to live with the Amish. Or at least copy their lifestyle if you don't like their religion.

If I have to characterize what's happening in Iraq, I'm going to use the observations of military people who have been there, rather than your mischaracterization based on... on what? Apparently, you don't know proof of the mindset of a terrorist, not if you're tagging that label on Bush.

I have not attacked you personally, either. I offered a rather pointed defense and counter-argument to a whole bunch of foundationless attacks from you. (It doesn't matter that the attacks weren't directed personally at me. You launched a partisan shot in the arena of ideas, and you became fair game.)

You say you want to be wrong about Bush. I don't believe you. Everything you write oozes with hostility toward him. You might not want to call it hate -- call it whatever you want, but it's there.

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Blakman, the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees the freedom of speech, but it does NOT protect the speaker from the consequenses of his speech. If he says something brain-dead stupid, he's going to get raked over the proverbial coals for it. And by the way, challenging the status quo is not necessarily a smart thing to do, especially if you have no clear alternative.

If you don't want us to challenge the status quo, then you must be agreeing that the status quo is perfect. Else you want us to sit in our own misery about how we feel about the status quo, but say nothing about it.

Well, we know that the status quo is not perfect, so I hope you don't believe that.

Then since I realize that the status quo is incorrect, thats the purpose of that amendment, to allow me to state it without the fears of punishment from the government as we saw in previous govenmnents.

If I'm in a math class, and my teacher does a problem on the board and gets the wrong answer. Then I may not know where he messed up, nor will I know how to do the problem, but I will realize that the problem is wrong, and i will try to bring it to his attention so he can rectify it.

We use the first amendment in the same way. We notice that something's not right with the status quo, and even when we cannot do anything about it, we realize that if we bring it forth to the attention of the correct people, then these people WILL be able to do something about it.

I do not support or reject Kanye West's comments, but the statment that we should "always support our government" is to me just a childish idea of blind faith.

Benjamin Elijah Mays once said that if he's going to hell, he wants to be the one driving the car.

Now, if Kanye West recieves negative reactions from people, like getting boo-ed at his next appearance thats fine with me. But understand that he's not un-American for saying these things.

But we've got to understand that nobody likes everything we're doing. So they're going to speak their words about what they dislike.

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Anyone who thinks that Dubya is doing a good/decent job as a president is being untruthful... and the worst kind of people are the ones that lie to themselves...

Are we better off as a nation since Bush (Dubya)?

Had Bush been a democrat, he would not have lasted a month in office...


Divide and Conquer... it works all the time!

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Anyone who thinks that Dubya is doing a good/decent job as a president is being untruthful... and the worst kind of people are the ones that lie to themselves...

Under the circumstances I think he's doing the best that he can. He has endured 9-11 & a national disaster. If you think that is easy then be my guest.

Are we better off as a nation since Bush (Dubya)?

I would hate to see how it would have been with Clinton or father Bush.

Had Bush been a democrat, he would not have lasted a month in office...

Yeah right!


Divide and Conquer... it works all the time!

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You don't have the right to arbitrarily make up terms and definitions to suit your purposes. You are wrong, wrong, wrong about Bush being an environmental terrorist. I submit to you again that you have no understanding of what terrorism is, if you use the term that way. A far better case could be make that that PeTA/FOE types are "environmental terrorists", as some in that wing actually engage in acts of terrorism by burning people's houses, spiking trees, etc.

Talon, if you disagree with him, then tell why you do. When you just espouse more vitriolic rhetoric, it does nothing except bring down the board.

Why do you think he is "wrong, wrong, wrong" Just sprouting off your opinion does nothing for the overall knowledge base of either side, if you actually debate the topic, and bring up valid facts and arguments on WHY you think this way, then people can become more informed.

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Anyone who thinks that Dubya is doing a good/decent job as a president is being untruthful... and the worst kind of people are the ones that lie to themselves...

Are we better off as a nation since Bush (Dubya)?

Had Bush been a democrat, he would not have lasted a month in office...


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