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Kanye West?


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I'm with you, Nelms (and Just Skins) -- happily apathetic and ignorant about Kanye West. Before ES had a thread about him (or more specifically, about him sticking his foot in his mouth), I'd never heard of the guy.

Boobie, those former residents of New Orleans ARE REFUGEES!!! The term "refugee" is not an insult, it is not pejorative, it is an accurate description of people who have lost their homes and are seeking refuge. About President Bush -- on what basis do you call him "the epitomy of nepitism"?

Blakman, the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees the freedom of speech, but it does NOT protect the speaker from the consequenses of his speech. If he says something brain-dead stupid, he's going to get raked over the proverbial coals for it. And by the way, challenging the status quo is not necessarily a smart thing to do, especially if you have no clear alternative.

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I think sometimes we tend to get caught up in what a person says as opposed to what they do. When Kanye uses his so-called negative influence to overthrow the government or personally hurt Mr Bush, I would be the first to stand against it. I'm not ready for the thought police yet. I do understand those that question the timing of the statement. It will blow over much like the numerous statements of Chuck D, Professor Griff and others. Lord forbid if some of you ever heard of Paris or Dead Prez !

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It will blow over much like the numerous statements of Chuck D, Professor Griff and others. Lord forbid if some of you ever heard of Paris or Dead Prez !

(A) Who are those people?

(B) They didn't say whatever they said during a fundraiser for catastrophe victims while on national TV.

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Did you ever think she may be right?

I know she's right. Up until just a few months ago, I thought Black Eyed Peas was something you ate on New Years day.

I think sometimes we tend to get caught up in what a person says as opposed to what they do. When Kanye uses his so-called negative influence to overthrow the government or personally hurt Mr Bush, I would be the first to stand against it. I'm not ready for the thought police yet. I do understand those that question the timing of the statement. It will blow over much like the numerous statements of Chuck D, Professor Griff and others. Lord forbid if some of you ever heard of Paris or Dead Prez !

Everyone is just excercising their freedom of speech rights. West can say whatever he wants about President Bush. And I have the freedom to say that he is a classless idiot. That's is what is so great about this country.

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Oh, no. Let's deport him for saying what's on his mind. I mean, who does he think he is, saying something like that in America of all places. :rolleyes:

People wouldn't stop cheering and yelling. They were having a helluva time, and Kanye did his thing. He also did a shoutout to the Katrina victims at the end of his performance. Classy to say the least. :)

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Just cause GW is leading the country doesn't mean I have to support his ass.

GW is a joke of a president and unless you guys wake up and see the **** that has gone down in the last 5 years, we in serious trouble.

From starting a fruitless war (What for democracy..listen up folks..democarcy doesn't work everywhere espcially in an area that hasn't had it for so long). The rest of the world knew that weren't any WMD's in IRAQ but this idiot and his dumnass crew made every American think they did. Now we've spent $400 billion in Ira for what..to see young 18 and 19 year old to be killed. You think they give a **** about Amricans over there...

That ****$% Osama is still alive, we don't ahve enought money to help our own people in NO and GW still believes in taking about 8 weeks of vacation each year. Screw Bush and his dump republicans cohorts...the sooner y'all see this the better for us all..

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Just cause GW is leading the country doesn't mean I have to support his ass.

GW is a joke of a president and unless you guys wake up and see the **** that has gone down in the last 5 years, we in serious trouble.

From starting a fruitless war (What for democracy..listen up folks..democarcy doesn't work everywhere espcially in an area that hasn't had it for so long). The rest of the world knew that weren't any WMD's in IRAQ but this idiot and his dumnass crew made every American think they did. Now we've spent $400 billion in Ira for what..to see young 18 and 19 year old to be killed. You think they give a **** about Amricans over there...

What kind of racist crap is that? Don't you remember the sheer joy the Iraqi people experienced when they were showing off their stained fingers? Oh, but you know better than they do, that democracy doesn't work there.

The best you can do is complain from the sidelines. You have nothing to say to the Iraqi people who put their lives on the line to vote, and you've got nothing to say to the American military forces who put their lives on the line to make that vote happen. As a Marine, all I can say is thank God we don't have to rely on you for anything.

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I honestly never heard of the guy until he made those comments, but I'm a fat, old white guy that still listens to 80's rock. Not necessarily the target audience West is playing to. I asked my daughter if she heard of this guy and she was like "duh, Dad. You're so old and out of touch".

That's ok. I'm white, in a few years I'll be old, and considering the fact that I just quit smoking and I never excorcise, I'll probably be fat. Also 80s rock is a common bond. However, my musical interests are so eclectic, that pretty much everyone has a common musical bond with me, it's not that I like everything, but my musical tastes overlap at least slightly with almost everyone.

I have about 250 cds and the average person who looks at my collection recognizes about 10 of the artists. I'm sure a nerd.

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Just cause GW is leading the country doesn't mean I have to support his ass.

GW is a joke of a president and unless you guys wake up and see the **** that has gone down in the last 5 years, we in serious trouble.

From starting a fruitless war (What for democracy..listen up folks..democarcy doesn't work everywhere espcially in an area that hasn't had it for so long). The rest of the world knew that weren't any WMD's in IRAQ but this idiot and his dumnass crew made every American think they did. Now we've spent $400 billion in Ira for what..to see young 18 and 19 year old to be killed. You think they give a **** about Amricans over there...

That ****$% Osama is still alive, we don't ahve enought money to help our own people in NO and GW still believes in taking about 8 weeks of vacation each year. Screw Bush and his dump republicans cohorts...the sooner y'all see this the better for us all..


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It always seems to me that the conservatives are the ones insulted by the other person's views. If someone has different views than you, so what? The power of America is the diversity; it's the difference of opinion that makes it so strong. And just because GW is in office doesn't mean that we have to support him. That's the point; this is a democracy. People have the right to think and express what they believe to be true. And who are you to tell anyone that they are wrong?

This board is fantastic; I really enjoy the football insight on it; but when it comes to politics, thew majority of this board is conservative. I'm not saying that you guys are necessarily wrong in any way, but the complete lack of respect that you show for any opposing viewpoints is the opposite of what this country stands for.

This country is about equality, and everyone having their own opinion. Personally, I feel that GW is a joke, and he is responsible for a lot of the problems that we face on a global and clearly national level. I just can't put my own personal creed into a person like George Bush. I have no idea what that guy is up to. I am not stating that he is profoundly evil; I am simply saying that I do not trust what the only the media tells me about him.

Eff it, I'm moving to Europe. Screw all you righties. But I still love you all because you are Redskin fans.

BTW, I am wasted right now, so please disregard any liability for this post. Thanks.



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That is the problem the president isnt the country, the people are the country. If GW represents what an american is all about then we have problems. I pulled myself up by my own boot starps, The guy is the epitomy of nepitism. That ois what the call it. In my newspaper they are called, refugees. Don't get me started.

Bush could care less about anyone outside of his tax bracket. He's NEVER earned anything in his life. He rallies the religious zealots & bigots of this once-great nation around him with his divide & conquer tactics. I imagine everyone arguing on this post has more in common with one another than with Bush & his cronies. He's a hate-monger & a terrorist, himself. The damage his ineptitude has done to OUR nation will take decades to reverse. The man has NO CLUE!!! He is not fit to lead. Let's just impeach him & start making some progress for a change.

Kanye West just echoed what is obvious. Bush does not care about anyone - white, black, brown, yellow - the color does not matter. All he sees is green. Most of all he does not care about the most important document to our nation - The US Constitution. Pay attention, people!! It's slowly (and not so subtly) being dismantled piece by piece before our eyes. His administration has begun to regress our nation in all ways.

I don't consider myself liberal or conservative. I'm neither Repulican or Democrat. There are more than TWO points of view in this world. Let's not all be as small minded as good ole Dubya. Otherwise, we'll leave the next generation with a bigger mess than we were left by the Baby-Boomers. I'm off the soapbox, now..I just could not resist.

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Bush could care less about anyone outside of his tax bracket. He's NEVER earned anything in his life. He rallies the religious zealots & bigots of this once-great nation around him with his divide & conquer tactics. I imagine everyone arguing on this post has more in common with one another than with Bush & his cronies. He's a hate-monger & a terrorist, himself. The damage his ineptitude has done to OUR nation will take decades to reverse. The man has NO CLUE!!! He is not fit to lead. Let's just impeach him & start making some progress for a change.

Kanye West just echoed what is obvious. Bush does not care about anyone - white, black, brown, yellow - the color does not matter. All he sees is green. Most of all he does not care about the most important document to our nation - The US Constitution. Pay attention, people!! It's slowly (and not so subtly) being dismantled piece by piece before our eyes. His administration has begun to regress our nation in all ways.

I don't consider myself liberal or conservative. I'm neither Repulican or Democrat. There are more than TWO points of view in this world. Let's not all be as small minded as good ole Dubya. Otherwise, we'll leave the next generation with a bigger mess than we were left by the Baby-Boomers. I'm off the soapbox, now..I just could not resist.

Well I already used the :jerk: in this thread, so I'll go with the :soapbox: instead..

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Real cute. Now PROVE me wrong.. please, prove me wrong b/c the state of the union is sad. Seriously, enlighten me with something besides your mastery of emoticons, airborne.:obvious:

The state of the union is sad because of people who only see things in black/white or blue/red. When it comes to the leadership of this country, liberals have nothing but venomus hatred for GW and conservatives applaud everything the man does. It doesn't seem there are citizens in the middle anymore. Everyone has become polarized. The people on this message board cannot discuss politics without calling one another "garbage" or "trash". Citizens tend to lose sight of the fact that we should all be working together towards the common good and growth of this nation. We shouldn't be tearing each other down because someone has a political/social/religous belief that differs from our own.

Finally I'll leave you with this....


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The state of the union is sad because of people who only see things in black/white or blue/red. When it comes to the leadership of this country, liberals have nothing but venomus hatred for GW and conservatives applaud everything the man does. It doesn't seem there are citizens in the middle anymore. Everyone has become polarized. The people on this message board cannot discuss politics without calling one another "garbage" or "trash". Citizens tend to lose sight of the fact that we should all be working together towards the common good and growth of this nation. We shouldn't be tearing each other down because someone has a political/social/religous belief that differs from our own.

Finally I'll leave you with this....


:notworthy :notworthy :applause:

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The state of the union is sad because of people who only see things in black/white or blue/red. When it comes to the leadership of this country, liberals have nothing but venomus hatred for GW and conservatives applaud everything the man does. It doesn't seem there are citizens in the middle anymore. Everyone has become polarized. The people on this message board cannot discuss politics without calling one another "garbage" or "trash". Citizens tend to lose sight of the fact that we should all be working together towards the common good and growth of this nation. We shouldn't be tearing each other down because someone has a political/social/religous belief that differs from our own.

Finally I'll leave you with this....


Great post, THANK YOU. I wish there were more people that would think this way. :notworthy

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Great post, THANK YOU. I wish there were more people that would think this way. :notworthy

About victoria silvstedt? I'm sure many feel the same way about her :)

Really, the bickering has become quite tiresome. Bufford from ES is my best friend, he was the best man at my wedding. Our political views are as opposite as can be but we get along great. It's not hard. We can even talk politics in a civilized fashion.

Even people on here, who say things I might consider to be ridiculous, have their own beliefs and are entitled to them.


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About victoria silvstedt? I'm sure many feel the same way about her :)

Really, the bickering has become quite tiresome. Bufford from ES is my best friend, he was the best man at my wedding. Our political views are as opposite as can be but we get along great. It's not hard. We can even talk politics in a civilized fashion.

Even people on here, who say things I might consider to be ridiculous, have their own beliefs and are entitled to them.


I hate you so much.....I can taste it! :laugh:

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Bush could care less about anyone outside of his tax bracket. He's NEVER earned anything in his life. He rallies the religious zealots & bigots of this once-great nation around him with his divide & conquer tactics. I imagine everyone arguing on this post has more in common with one another than with Bush & his cronies. He's a hate-monger & a terrorist, himself. The damage his ineptitude has done to OUR nation will take decades to reverse. The man has NO CLUE!!! He is not fit to lead. Let's just impeach him & start making some progress for a change.

Kanye West just echoed what is obvious. Bush does not care about anyone - white, black, brown, yellow - the color does not matter. All he sees is green. Most of all he does not care about the most important document to our nation - The US Constitution. Pay attention, people!! It's slowly (and not so subtly) being dismantled piece by piece before our eyes. His administration has begun to regress our nation in all ways.

I don't consider myself liberal or conservative. I'm neither Repulican or Democrat. There are more than TWO points of view in this world. Let's not all be as small minded as good ole Dubya. Otherwise, we'll leave the next generation with a bigger mess than we were left by the Baby-Boomers. I'm off the soapbox, now..I just could not resist.

Real cute. Now PROVE me wrong..
You accused Bush of:

-- never earning anything in his life

-- not caring about anyone outside of his tax bracket

-- engaging in divide & conquer tactics using religeous zealots and bigots

-- being a hate monger

-- being a terrorist

-- having no clue

-- not being fit to lead

-- not caring about anyone

-- not caring about the Constitution

-- being small minded

And then you have the gall to place the burden of proof on those who think you're wrong?

OK, I'll address a few of these. He has earned a pilots license, and Bachelors and Masters degrees. He is NOT a terrorist (to claim that he is shows you have no understanding of what terrorism is, and should not be taken seriously on the subject. He has taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic (have you ever taken that oath? For that matter, have you ever even read the Constitution?)

A better case can be made that YOU have no clue, and are small minded hate monger who is not fit to lead.

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