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Kanye West?


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That is the media the government never stated that and yes I have been watching as I am also a hurricane survivor. Take it for what it is worth but he is your president and you need to support your country and that includes him.

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Did I say something wrong. Isn;t that what they call them now, refugees? Don't get mad about the truth. I didn't fumble the ball. You peice of trash.

If you have watched CNN you would have seen the government esp. a senator yelling at all Media outlets for calling them that!

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That is the media the government never stated that and yes I have been watching as I am also a hurricane survivor. Take it for what it is worth but he is your president and you need to support your country and that includes him.

That is the problem the president isnt the country, the people are the country. If GW represents what an american is all about then we have problems. I pulled myself up by my own boot starps, The guy is the epitomy of nepitism. That ois what the call it. In my newspaper they are called, refugees. Don't get me started.

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Then your newspaper is wrong to do that. I agree with you on that point but realize that is the media doing it.

The prseident was elected by the people and yes I voted for GW. I did not like Clinton at all but I supported him in office. I did not agree with everything he did but he was our commander in chief.

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You know what, how do I expect any of you to know what this feels like? I'm wasting my time with you. The bottom line is Kanye had the guts to risk his career. The back lash from his comments could have hurt him, more than help him. He spoke sincerely, not from a telecom, or speech made by some intern. Why chastize a guy for speaking what some people were thinking? But this is not the site to do it. It's not partisan. I'll leave you guys to root for GW. He's done a good job so far.

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The bottom line is Kanye had the guts to risk his career.

Nah, not really. His base support hates Bush, so he knew he was going to score points with his comments. Actually, it was a pretty brilliant marketing scheme if you ask me. Classless and a total lie, but pretty smart marketing.

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Then your newspaper is wrong to do that. I agree with you on that point but realize that is the media doing it.

The prseident was elected by the people and yes I voted for GW. I did not like Clinton at all but I supported him in office. I did not agree with everything he did but he was our commander in chief.

What sets this country apart from other countries is the abilities to speak against the government without punishment. Washington, Adams, Jefferson and the founding fathers knew that the government who is in power is not always right, so they said that the first amendment would grant the unabridged right to freedom of speech.

How do we get change if nobody is willing to question the status quo?

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I don't understand why no one can ever be the least bit moderate about things. It's either "Kanye is great because he spoke his mind, we need more people like that" or "Not only should Kanye's career should have ended the moment he criticised our president, but he should also have been forcibly removed from the country." Why can't it be, "Kanye said something he probably shouldn't have, but he's an excellent hip-hop producer, and I hope he continues to create quality hip-hop for many years."

I really don't see how his political comments are related to your thoughts on what should happen during his career as a musician.

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I don't understand why no one can ever be the least bit moderate about things. It's either "Kanye is great because he spoke his mind, we need more people like that" or "Not only should Kanye's career should have ended the moment he criticised our president, but he should also have been forcibly removed from the country." Why can't it be, "Kanye said something he probably shouldn't have, but he's an excellent hip-hop producer, and I hope he continues to create quality hip-hop for many years."

I really don't see how his political comments are related to your thoughts on what should happen during his career as a musician.

Well, some of us could care less whether his career tanks or takes off. While what he said was ignorant and classless, I thought it was pretty entertaining myself, especially Mike Myer's and Chris Tucker's reactions. Classic.

I honestly never heard of the guy until he made those comments, but I'm a fat, old white guy that still listens to 80's rock. Not necessarily the target audience West is playing to. I asked my daughter if she heard of this guy and she was like "duh, Dad. You're so old and out of touch".

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