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Official DTC hype thread!

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I will be dropping my debut album on September 11th.

The album release party for "Gettin Hypnotized and Bussin Heads in F-51" is scheduled for 6:30 AM at the gates into stadium parking by the Jerricho Church.

Also a reminder, November 6th is the First Annual Drink Off, scheduled through no coincidence for the Sunday night game vs. Philadelphia. If anyone wants to see a true DTC parking lot party, that is a game to attend, and all are welcome to challenge the favorite: The President.

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I went to the DTC tailgates for the Bucs and Ravens games. They're always a great time and everyone there is friendly and welcoming to all Skins fans. My favorite memory is the Mayor yelling to Ravens fans that Baltimore is the Syphillis capital of America. And Clinton Portis' uncle or cousin or something coming over and hanging out.

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The DTC is alot of fun even for old farts like me. When I saw them posting a few years back I didn't know if I should go over there or not. Well I figured I would atleast stop by and say hello. I had a great time and now I stop by every time I go to a game. It's just not a Skin game unless you party with the DTC before a game. I guess I also showed them I really aint that old and I am still as young at heart as they are.

These guys know how to party and represent and it is all in good fun. Sure they raz other teams fans but they don't go overboard. Anyone who doesn't stop by and tailgate with them is just missing a good time and a great party. :cheers::cheers::cheers: :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck :cool:

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It's just not a Skin game unless you party with the DTC before a game.

Wow, Tom kind words man. I'm glad I went on Friday so I could see all you guys again. It only got me more hyped for September 11th!

Who was talkin about the rap off? Here goes the CEO against Florida's finest:


Fox even loves us (Thanks Dave):


Some of that good natured ribbing Tommy was talking about :) :


Don't forget 9/11 is Thito's return to F-51! ! !


You guys know it's all about having F-U-N, we're just having a good time and excited for the season to begin.

I might camp out at the Jerricho Church September 10th.

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Special What's Up from the fella's of the 4C. The DTC as a whole has been missed in F51 this pre-season...but we understand that the pre-season is not your thing. Good to see SF44, Cowboykilla, Dustin, and Riggo Ranger last Friday.

Our Special tailgate mascot...Lady Sapperton will be stopping by for an introduction to the rest of the DTC on Sept 11. Here is some of her pre-season activity (at least the pic's I can post).








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Don't sleep on 4C, these guys throw a cool party. A mascot is an innovative move, I like it. It was great meeting you all, but not as great losing to you guys in beer pong. Wonk wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk.

Awesome crew though, and I can't wait till we can get one gigantic party rollin!

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Don't sleep on 4C, these guys throw a cool party. A mascot is an innovative move, I like it. It was great meeting you all, but not as great losing to you guys in beer pong. Wonk wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk.

Awesome crew though, and I can't wait till we can get one gigantic party rollin!

Glad you were able to stop by for a little beer pong and we agree...we can't wait 'til the gigantic party Sept 11.

side note - you are a tough dude...not bustin' balls...but you took a hard spill coming down that hill late in the tailgate. The best part about it was that you didn't drop your beer and bounced right back up! :laugh:

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All I have to say is that you all are amazing fans, I would love to tailgate with you guys sometime! Seriously, you guy's might be one definition of an "extremeskin", and you have to love the appreciation for a team that we all love. Gotta love the taunting towards other fans, I do it all the time, gotta let em know who's house it is!!!

First time season ticket holder here, I will definatly come through and say wassup at some point this season, HTTR!

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