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Ramsey: 12/19 completing 64% for 141 1 td and 1 int, haters keep it moving!


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Without a doubt this was a good showing for Rams. Sure he threw a pick that went for six, but he made the right read on the blitz. Thrash is the hot reciever, he has to cut his route short and look for the ball. But Pitt does a great job at disguising their packages. Rams had a few good passes, but he was short on a few. He didn't over throw anybody, but he under threw a few passes. I see that he under threws when he tries to put touch on the pass. He thinks to much, and puts the ball where the player use to be, instead of where they'll be. But that's timing and he can work on that. He made some really good reads, and even when he scrambeld he kept his head up field. I was really impressed with his presents in the pocket. He escaped a Casey Hampton that came up the middle unblocked. And eventhough he didn't complete the pass, the read was right. He had single coverage on the outside. He found Moss a few times. And took what the D gave him. He may have thrown an int for six, but he redeemed himself with a drive for a FG and TD. This is a very good D. Palumalou is a really good SS, that can read the QB quickly. Rams was not locking on his recievers. You could actually see him check down. Againt one of the best D's in the league he got rid of the ball, and made some good reads. The turnovers, and short passes must stop. But he has made strides, and showed up tonight. And my nobody is talking about how long Rams holds the ball when the o-line looks like the Great wall of China. 0 sacks tonight folks. Holla

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Without a doubt this was a good showing for Rams. Sure he threw a pick that went for six, but he made the right read on the blitz. Thrash is the hot reciever, he has to cut his route short and look for the ball. But Pitt does a great job at disguising their packages. Rams had a few good passes, but he was short on a few. He didn't over throw anybody, but he under threw a few passes. I see that he under threws when he tries to put touch on the pass. He thinks to much, and puts the ball where the player use to be, instead of where they'll be. But that's timing and he can work on that. He made some really good reads, and even when he scrambeld he kept his head up field. I was really impressed with his presents in the pocket. He escaped a Casey Hampton that came up the middle unblocked. And eventhough he didn't complete the pass, the read was right. He had single coverage on the outside. He found Moss a few times. And took what the D gave him. He may have thrown an int for six, but he redeemed himself with a drive for a FG and TD. This is a very good D. Palumalou is a really good SS, that can read the QB quickly. Rams was not locking on his recievers. You could actually see him check down. Againt one of the best D's in the league he got rid of the ball, and made some good reads. The turnovers, and short passes must stop. But he has made strides, and showed up tonight. And my nobody is talking about how long Rams holds the ball when the o-line looks like the Great wall of China. 0 sacks tonight folks. Holla

Great post man,I agree with you 100% :applause:

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I think the most hilarious things is they kept talking and analyze Patrick on Fox's pre-game, halftime and post-game.... while Big Ben is going for 5/16, and looks bad for third game in a row. Obviously, only the Redskins have a bad starting QB in the pre-season. :doh:

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I think the most hilarious things is they kept talking and analyze Patrick on Fox's pre-game, halftime and post-game.... while Big Ben is going for 5/16, and looks bad for third game in a row. Obviously, only the Redskins have a bad starting QB in the pre-season. :doh:

Well after the game when HL and JJ was really bashing Ramsey TB steped in and said Ramsey 12-19 141 yards and big ben 5-16 for 40 something yards.He then looked up to HL and JJ and said AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE. TB talked really good about PR all night long and he was the ONLY one that knew what he was talking about.

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I think the most hilarious things is they kept talking and analyze Patrick on Fox's pre-game, halftime and post-game.... while Big Ben is going for 5/16, and looks bad for third game in a row. Obviously, only the Redskins have a bad starting QB in the pre-season. :doh:

Dude you could not have said it better. hell if I was just a casual observer here I say the Steelers have the major problems at QB.

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"Big Ben" was figured out by mid-season, right around the time Gregg Williams got a hold of him last year :D . He is way overrated and the FOX guys are giving him a pass while continuing to bash Patrick, who played much better and I do agree with Bubba, Patrick has gotten better each game whereas Roethlisburger is getting worse.

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I am sick and tired of reading all the bashing on PR day in and day out.I trully hope he does'nt come on here and read all BS that alot of you posters has to say.Even if he does'nt turn out to be our starter for years to come he still deserves better treatmant from ALL the Redskins fans.I trully thought we had the best fans in the nfl but I am starting to wonder if I was wrong.

The fact is we need to get behind this kid 110% and cheer for him every single game win or lose.All this bashing of him every single minute of the day is'nt making nobody look bad but your selfs and making us Skins fans look like we jerks.

The funny thing about this is all you posters that want Brunell to start was the same ones that was calling for his head and wanting Ramsey to start last year.You all need to get your heads on straight and be a true Skins fan like you should be.

Im not trying to be an ******* and make everybody mad at me but im just stating the truth.We all need to back Ramsey and the whole team up and this site will be a better place than it is now with all the arguing and trashing on Ramsey. :helmet: :logo: :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Actually WVSkinsfan, a decent number of the pro-Brunell(or if you will, those that believed Gibbs decision to be the right one at THAT time) are big Ramsey-doubters and/or haters. They also advocate a shorter lease for Ramsey, even though they were among those supporting Brunell or asking "what else do we have?"

But yeah, many of the noobs probably are of the kind you describe.

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Actually WVSkinsfan, a decent number of the pro-Brunell(or if you will, those that believed Gibbs decision to be the right one at THAT time) are big Ramsey-doubters and/or haters. They also advocate a shorter lease for Ramsey, even though they were among those supporting Brunell or asking "what else do we have?"

But yeah, many of the noobs probably are of the kind you describe.

Well if im wrong then I will be the first one to apolozise to everyone.The main thing that im wanting is to see everybody back up our starters(whoever that might be)and quit the arguing and start backing this team like we used to.I garrentee if everybody would then this site would be ten times better and our season would be ten times better win or lose b/c EVERYBODY would be 110% behind the Skins.


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It's OK to be wrong. IMO, it's WORSE if someone is obstinate in the face of reality consistently and ignores the actual results from the last year than if someone just swings with emotion from one extreme to another.

But that is the name of the website, ain't it? ;)

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I thought it was funny when they started piling on Ramsey when he made the interception, but after she scored the touchdown, they kinda discounted the interception. All of a sudden, they had to say nice things about Ramsey.

I think he was helped out a lot by his receivers tonight. He certainly has a problem underthrowing deep. Hopefully, Gibbs will see what he does well right now, and focuses his game plan on that.


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It's OK to be wrong. IMO, it's WORSE if someone is obstinate in the face of reality consistently and ignores the actual results from the last year than if someone just swings with emotion from one extreme to another.

But that is the name of the website, ain't it? ;)

I agree with you 100% man!! I just wished alot of people would see it the way you and I see it.

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Ramsey will be fine...after tonight I am sure of it. However, that INT was rediculous. He obviously was flashing back to '03 and totally freaked out when he saw he was about to get crushed. Once he gets over that...we'll be complete.

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I've really liked what I've seen from Pat. He's showed progress in each game. I think he will continue to get better as he gains more continuity with is WR's. He could have easily had 2 TD's if he hadn't of underthrown Moss. He needs to just stop worrying about overthrowing him and just let it go, and allow Moss to go get it. There aren't many corners that are going to be able to keep up with him downfield.

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He should of had 2 TD passes.

He did have two TD passes. :)

Seriously though I was pleased with his effort tonight. Yeah, a trademark bonehead throw/decision but he did more than enough to compensate for it.

Anyone else notice that some of his deep balls are underthrown? For having such a great arm supposedly, he does underthrow deep balls. Hopefully he won't be afraid to overthrow later on this season. Everyone knows he has the arm to get it over the defender and hit a receiver on the run down the field.

Also, the TD pass, he had Sellers in the flat, wide open. Did he see him or just automatically look for Cooley? I understand that he likes Cooley, but the easier pass was right there in front of him. Still, he put it where only Cooley could get it, a good throw.

I've been pretty critical of Ramsey but like I said, I was pleased with his effort. Hopefully he can build upon this and make even more progress against the Ravens next week and not be the one step forward one step backwards qb we've been used to seeing.

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Without a doubt this was a good showing for Rams. Sure he threw a pick that went for six, but he made the right read on the blitz. Thrash is the hot reciever, he has to cut his route short and look for the ball. But Pitt does a great job at disguising their packages. Rams had a few good passes, but he was short on a few. He didn't over throw anybody, but he under threw a few passes. I see that he under threws when he tries to put touch on the pass. He thinks to much, and puts the ball where the player use to be, instead of where they'll be. But that's timing and he can work on that. He made some really good reads, and even when he scrambeld he kept his head up field. I was really impressed with his presents in the pocket. He escaped a Casey Hampton that came up the middle unblocked. And eventhough he didn't complete the pass, the read was right. He had single coverage on the outside. He found Moss a few times. And took what the D gave him. He may have thrown an int for six, but he redeemed himself with a drive for a FG and TD. This is a very good D. Palumalou is a really good SS, that can read the QB quickly. Rams was not locking on his recievers. You could actually see him check down. Againt one of the best D's in the league he got rid of the ball, and made some good reads. The turnovers, and short passes must stop. But he has made strides, and showed up tonight. And my nobody is talking about how long Rams holds the ball when the o-line looks like the Great wall of China. 0 sacks tonight folks. Holla

I agree with most of what you say but the int was definently not the right read. He should've taken the sack.

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