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Ramsey: 12/19 completing 64% for 141 1 td and 1 int, haters keep it moving!


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I am a 100% Gibb backer, but its getting harder and harder to support Ramsey. I think its the fans fault.

Allow me to explain, remember last season when Brunell did what he did and the fans chanted for Ramsey to replace him and the fans got what they wanted. he is living with that spector that replaced him for Brunell. I think hes under the impression that if he doesnt make a play everytime he will be replaced, and thats why he throws those stupid passes. If he was secure in his job, he would just let it go and not worry but Washington fans are not so willing to let go of a quarterback controversy.

we really suck as fans also, cause we really helped the pitt fans make noise when our offense was on the field. I really hope by the time regular season rolls arround people wake up and understand the twelth man.

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PR's performance was AVE at best. I'll give him credit for playing against a great Defensive team, but the fact is he threw the errant int for the TD. He under threw about 4 passes.... 2 of them coulda very well easily been TD's... He still shows his read on 1 wr most of the time. His decision making is still obviously off and takes too much time....

And 2 passes Moss bailed him out big time. The one to the sidelines was way underthrown but Moss made a great adjustment and grabbed it. The other 40+ yarder by moss was ALL Moss.

Not saying he had a bad day. Hell of a lot better tehn last week, but I dont see what he did to credit him with an 'Impressive' performance. He had a solid performance compared to Ben, but thats about it. It was our D with the Solid performance as always. Ramsey has a long ways to go. Hopefully he can get a grip b4 its too late.

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I am sick and tired of reading all the bashing on PR day in and day out.I trully hope he does'nt come on here and read all BS that alot of you posters has to say.Even if he does'nt turn out to be our starter for years to come he still deserves better treatmant from ALL the Redskins fans.I trully thought we had the best fans in the nfl but I am starting to wonder if I was wrong.

The fact is we need to get behind this kid 110% and cheer for him every single game win or lose.All this bashing of him every single minute of the day is'nt making nobody look bad but your selfs and making us Skins fans look like we jerks.

The funny thing about this is all you posters that want Brunell to start was the same ones that was calling for his head and wanting Ramsey to start last year.You all need to get your heads on straight and be a true Skins fan like you should be.

Im not trying to be an ******* and make everybody mad at me but im just stating the truth.We all need to back Ramsey and the whole team up and this site will be a better place than it is now with all the arguing and trashing on Ramsey. :helmet: :logo: :dallasuck :dallasuck

The fact is he's a grown man... I dont think he is gonna put himself into a timeout because he heard some fans on a forum talking trash. ESPN does it enough on national t.v. I think he can handle a few online posts. :laugh:

You make him out to seem like a fruitball. :doh:

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PR's performance was AVE at best. I'll give him credit for playing against a great Defensive team, but the fact is he threw the errant int for the TD. He under threw about 4 passes.... 2 of them coulda very well easily been TD's... He still shows his read on 1 wr most of the time. His decision making is still obviously off and takes too much time....

And 2 passes Moss bailed him out big time. The one to the sidelines was way underthrown but Moss made a great adjustment and grabbed it. The other 40+ yarder by moss was ALL Moss.

Not saying he had a bad day. Hell of a lot better tehn last week, but I dont see what he did to credit him with an 'Impressive' performance. He had a solid performance compared to Ben, but thats about it. It was our D with the Solid performance as always. Ramsey has a long ways to go. Hopefully he can get a grip b4 its too late.

Moss bailed him out big time---last time I checked, TO, et al bail out their QBs.

For godssakes--he's trying to 'touch' the passes and occasionally he succeeds in Delhommeing it.

But let's be honest, NewGibbsEra--he'll have to throw for 300 and 3 TDs with no picks(even if it's a deflected pass) to satisfy you. Every pass, every movement of his head or eye, every shift of the feet is going to be scrutinized by you people.

You are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good to gratify your own personal agenda.

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Without a doubt this was a good showing for Rams. Sure he threw a pick that went for six, but he made the right read on the blitz. Thrash is the hot reciever, he has to cut his route short and look for the ball. But Pitt does a great job at disguising their packages. Rams had a few good passes, but he was short on a few. He didn't over throw anybody, but he under threw a few passes. I see that he under threws when he tries to put touch on the pass. He thinks to much, and puts the ball where the player use to be, instead of where they'll be. But that's timing and he can work on that. He made some really good reads, and even when he scrambeld he kept his head up field. I was really impressed with his presents in the pocket. He escaped a Casey Hampton that came up the middle unblocked. And eventhough he didn't complete the pass, the read was right. He had single coverage on the outside. He found Moss a few times. And took what the D gave him. He may have thrown an int for six, but he redeemed himself with a drive for a FG and TD. This is a very good D. Palumalou is a really good SS, that can read the QB quickly. Rams was not locking on his recievers. You could actually see him check down. Againt one of the best D's in the league he got rid of the ball, and made some good reads. The turnovers, and short passes must stop. But he has made strides, and showed up tonight. And my nobody is talking about how long Rams holds the ball when the o-line looks like the Great wall of China. 0 sacks tonight folks. Holla

Correction. Not one of the best defenses in the league. This was the BEST defense in the league last year.

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Ramsey struggles with the blitz. No doubt about it. He can't handle it. He has a very very difficult time with it. It makes him panic. No doubt about it. But here's the thing: I don't understand why they don't work on it in practice. They have an excellent blitzing defense...why not practice against the blitz in practice? Patrick obviously has never seen that blitz before because he just panicked. Greg Williams needs to look at some of Pittsubrg's blitz packages and throw some of these at Patrick during practice.....and I mean over and over and over until they figure what the RIGHT thing to do on these blitzes is going to be.

The same with these receivers. If they cannot recognize a blitz when it comes, then receivers like Thrash do NOT need to be on the field. And it really is that simple.

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He did have two TD passes. :)

Seriously though I was pleased with his effort tonight. Yeah, a trademark bonehead throw/decision but he did more than enough to compensate for it.

Anyone else notice that some of his deep balls are underthrown? For having such a great arm supposedly, he does underthrow deep balls. Hopefully he won't be afraid to overthrow later on this season. Everyone knows he has the arm to get it over the defender and hit a receiver on the run down the field.

Also, the TD pass, he had Sellers in the flat, wide open. Did he see him or just automatically look for Cooley? I understand that he likes Cooley, but the easier pass was right there in front of him. Still, he put it where only Cooley could get it, a good throw.

I've been pretty critical of Ramsey but like I said, I was pleased with his effort. Hopefully he can build upon this and make even more progress against the Ravens next week and not be the one step forward one step backwards qb we've been used to seeing.

Yes, I saw that too. I'm glad he made a fantastic throw to Cooley, but it was still into coverage; Whereas, Sellers was WIIIIIDE open in the flat for an easy throw and an easier TD. That's the thing that's really getting me shakey about PR. Sometimes he wants to make a more difficult throw than he needs to. That's why I was hopeful when he made more checkdowns tonight. It shows you that he IS watching tape and working on his performance. It showed tonight.

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I agree with most of what you say but the int was definently not the right read. He should've taken the sack.

I was at the game and could see the entire field. I believe Ramsey made the right read. He saw the blitz and threw to the vacated spot. The WR seeing the blitz coming from the zone he was going into should have either stopped and turned around looking for the ball or ran back to Ramsey. The Wr simply continued on his route as if there was no blitz. If he turns back to Ramsey knowing he is the hot read not only would they have defeated the blitz he could have made a huge RAC.

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On another note, I am still wondering how many points we could have scored if Ramsey played the entire game. Ramsey seems to get more comfortable as the game progresses.

I also keep dwelling on how our "D" shut down the Steelers. If you take away 2 big plays, 1 rush and 1 pass there "O" output was pathetic. This "D" will be a top 5 defense this season. Our "D" will keep us in almost every game this season. We are not going to have to score 30 points to win games, but I think this team can and will average close to 30 every game.

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Ramsey played acceptably well, but, it's an open question as to whether he played well enough. When you have the kind of protection he had and receivers open as he had the situation is perfectly aligned for an even better performance. If Ramsey throws accurately and deep to Moss and Patten in this game, he's 14 of 19 for 280 yards and three touchdowns and we're feeling pretty damn frisky right about now.

It's why Eagles fans can be frisky.

They have turned their offense into a deep passing attack and they are dangerous. McNabb has nice loft on the ball and the receivers run under it. Here's the difference. He throws a 64-yard TD to Owens against a cover-2 defense and the ball travels about 50 or so yards in the air, yet, it arrives a hair ahead of the receiver and he runs into the end zone.

Ramsey throws a ball the same distance and it's behind the receiver.

McNabb makes quicker decisions than Ramsey. In the end, this may be what Ramsey MOST lacks.

The TD to Cooley was fine. It was thrown well enough and we scored, but, there's NO excuse for NOT putting that ball to Sellars after about a second. He walks into the end zone with it. On Cooley's other pass, he was late to and Cooley got a yard instead of 10. He was late on completions to Thrash, Patten and the long gainer to Moss as well. Some of this will be timing that he has to develop, but, he's consistently been a HAIR slow generally and he's ALWAYS been WAY slow around the goal line.

Time will tell if he can process things more quickly.

He's got the pieces to be very good.

He just has to be that.

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He did look a bit more solid, a bit more in control lastnight. He still has a few things to work on as outlined in the opening post, but the squad around him just looks so solid right now. Things are really comming along and when Ramsey gets better at throwing that long ball look out.

Anyone notice that sportscenter totally snubbed the skins? The highlights for the game consist of a slo-mo replay of Bettis straining his calf on the playaction pass. Thats it. A-holes

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