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Paul Woody: Ramsey's finding his confidence

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Ramsey's finding his confidence


POINT OF VIEW Aug 5, 2005


Call Paul Woody at (804) 649-6444 or e-mail him at pwoody @timesdispatch.com

ASHBURN The football spun through the air in an arc, then nosed down softly in the back corner of the end zone. The pass was placed in a spot where either the receiver would catch it or the ball would fall harmlessly out of bounds.

In this instance, H-back Chris Cooley made the catch, but he had one foot out of bounds, so the pass was incomplete.

But it wasn't intercepted. And it was thrown with the requisite amount of touch.

Patrick Ramsey, the quarterback for the Washington Redskins who threw the pass, is much improved.

"He's a passer," said one member of the coaching staff. "He's not a thrower anymore."

But simply being a passer might not be enough to ensure Ramsey's long-term viability as the starting quarterback.

No matter how he phrases it, no matter how he tries to talk around it, coach Joe Gibbs is not sold on Ramsey as the team's quarterback of the future.

If he was, Gibbs would not have brought in Mark Brunell two months after taking the Redskins job in 2004. If Ramsey was Gibbs' man, Washington would not have traded three draft choices, including next year's first-round pick, to draft quarterback Jason Campbell with the 25th selection in the first round of this year's draft.

No team takes a quarterback in the first round, then relegates him to a career as a backup or even keeps him on the bench for long.

Even Ramsey, a first-round draft choice that then-Redskins coach Steve Spurrier seemed ambivalent about, started five games as a rookie.

What is it that Gibbs doesn't like about Ramsey?

Gibbs prizes toughness, leadership ability, an ability to make quick decisions, accuracy and a strong arm in a quarterback.

Ramsey, 26, is tough and has a strong arm. When he finally got into the starting lineup last season, in game 10, his accuracy improved markedly, from 53 percent in 2003 to 62 percent in 2004.

Apparently, Gibbs' hesitancy to commit to Ramsey, who is beginning his fourth NFL season, comes down to this. Ramsey thinks too much. He thinks about the play as he approaches the line. He thinks about everything he needs to do as he calls out the snap count. He thinks that if he holds the ball an extra second, he will be able to make the big play his coach so much wants to see.

Ramsey is very bright, but a quarterback also has to know what he's going to do when he steps under center, not spend his pre-snap time thinking about all the things he might have to do.

Indecision can be fatal, and in Ramsey's case, it translates into interceptions. He has thrown 28 in his NFL career, only five fewer than his 33 touchdown passes.

Gibbs would rather see the ball thrown out of bounds and followed by a punt instead of seeing it in the hands of an opposing defensive back.

So far this preseason, the sense among players seems to be that when Ramsey leaves the huddle, he is surveying the defense as he approaches the line, looking for things he can take advantage of, not running the play through his mind.

"From a confidence standpoint, this year is certainly different," Ramsey said. "I'm confident about being able to come in here and play and get it done."

Ramsey is a different quarterback and a different person. He is more relaxed and at ease during interviews, seems to enjoy himself during drills and has forged a close relationship with Brunell.

Ramsey also seems to realize that he is in a no-lose situation. If he plays well and the team wins, he'll have a job in Washington or be very attractive to an NFL team in need of a starting quarterback.

If things don't go well . . . well, Gibbs drafted Campbell for a reason, and the young man was bound to get the job sooner or later. Sometimes, a fresh start elsewhere is the best thing for a player.

"Last year was a little different for me," Ramsey said. "But I think it was good for me. It made me hungry. It made me improve as a player."

Whether that will be enough for Gibbs and whether that will be enough to overcome the looming shadow of young Jason Campbell remains to be seen.

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I never believed Gibbs and Bugel and I guess Breaux liked Ramsey, but Gibbs did say that they really hope they can give Ramsey 40 million bucks next year and the reigns and ride it out with him. And I take Gibbs at his word. So if Ramsey lights it up, then that's that. But that is a lot of money to pay Campbell to be a backup.

Interesting situation. All I know is, Gibbs, Bugel, and Breaux have forgotten about one million times more football than I will ever know, so as a Skins fan, I just have to trust them. And I am very happy to do that.

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Originally posted by blakman211

Ramsey's finding his confidence


POINT OF VIEW Aug 5, 2005


No matter how he phrases it, no matter how he tries to talk around it, coach Joe Gibbs is not sold on Ramsey as the team's quarterback of the future.

If he was, Gibbs would not have brought in Mark Brunell two months after taking the Redskins job in 2004. If Ramsey was Gibbs' man, Washington would not have traded three draft choices, including next year's first-round pick, to draft quarterback Jason Campbell with the 25th selection in the first round of this year's draft.

No team takes a quarterback in the first round, then relegates him to a career as a backup or even keeps him on the bench for long.

Whatever, if Ramsey busts out this year, Gibbs will find a way to keep him around and we could trade Campbell for a pick.

If Ramsey fails this year, we let him go, hopefully Campbell becomes the man next year. It's called covering your ass for the future, something a lot of people don't seem to get.

Gibbs hasn't hesitated in announcing that Ramsey will be the starter this year, there's no reason to believe otherwise. Gibbs isn't a coach to say one thing and do another.

I'm seriously tired of these articles that keep saying "Gibbs doesn't like Ramsey, or else he wouldn't have brought in Brunell and drafted Campbell." Gibbs has given Ramsey the chance he's needed. Hopefully this is his year so we don't have to hear about qb controversies every year, this **** is getting old.

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I think Paul, and the majority of the media, are misinterpreting Gibbs moves and the reasons behind them.

Gibbs wanted to work with Ramsey before giving him the go ahead. That's why he got Brunell.

Gibbs likes to take his time with QB maturation, so he Got one he can bring along from the get go. Plus, after last year's performance by Brunell, how can Gibbs have confidence in him as a backup? Enter Campbell. The Quarterback of the future. Future. As in "Not Now".

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I hope Patrick lights it up this year, and I hope the danny quits giving everyone contracts that are resonable for the first couple of years and stupid for the last five years. We'll never keep people like that, even if they turn out to be good, because it costs too much

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I like Ramsey alot the kid has class and proffesionalism written all over him. I wish him well and hope he succedes but in all fairness I truly like this Cambell kid and I feel hes the QB this team has been longing for - for an awfully long time.

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Originally posted by wskin44

Woody claims that Gibbs wants this and doesn't like that, but offers no quotes and no source. How did Woody manage to get all of this insight into Gibb's head? Or is he just making it up?

He has to be making alot of it up. At least that's the conclusion I come to after hearing Swanson, Cerrato and heck, even Andyman after some of their interviews here.

What a bunch of no talent hacks we have covering the Skins in the main stream press.........

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Ramsey is starting his second year in this system (a system that should actually allow him to stay off of his back). I think he will show improvement. He has more reliable recievers this season, a more solidified front line, and a revamped running game that works towards Portis' style and strengths. Let's not forget that many of his interceptions were due to his receivers not catching balls that he put in their hands or chests, so he had to operate an unnecessary 3rd and long, etc.

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

Whatever, if Ramsey busts out this year, Gibbs will find a way to keep him around and we could trade Campbell for a pick.

I think even if Ramsey breaks out this year, we won't trade Campbell until after 2007. Campbell would give us options if Ramsey got too big a head in this case and injury or fluke is always a possiblity too. Anyway, Brunell is gone in June next year and we'll need a backup QB who is solid. The best for Ramsey and the Skins would have PR improve just a tad with an improved o-line and WR that actually run the routes called and catch the ball, just a small improvement for PR would probably see enormous gains. In the case of a great PR, I wouldn't be suprised if he gets traded.

If Ramsey fails this year, we let him go, hopefully Campbell becomes the man next year. It's called covering your ass for the future, something a lot of people don't seem to get.

Unless PR fails miserably, we'll keep him to the end of his contract. Again, remember that MB is gone next year and Campbell will only be 2nd year. Even if Gibbs wants him to start, Gibbs'll want an experienced backup.

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