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Of the three Head Coaches Before Gibbs, who is your favorite?


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We had Norv Turner, then Marty Schottenheimer, then Steve Spurrier. I am leaving out Terry Robiskie because he only coached a couple games. Of those three who do you like the best? Who is your favorite? Who was the best 'coach'? etc etc

I probably liked Norv the best. I thought Spurrier was most definitely the most entertaining. But Marty was the best coach hands down. I know for a fact that if he had stuck around then we would have made the playoffs his second year. As far as overall performance/likeness/potential:

1. Marty Schottenheimer (great coach, could've brought us back)

2. Steve Spurrier (still believe his system CAN work in the NFL)

3. Norv Turner (the genuinely nicest guy of the three though)

Of course none of them compare to the greatness of Joe Gibbs. :)

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well, i have mixed feelings about all of them...

Even though I think that marty is the better coach out of the three, I think that we have to give respect to turner just because he was the last coach to take us to the playoffs...

out of the three that i liked the best, I would have to say marty. I dont know why, but turner just gets on my nerves.

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Well, I think the wording is a little off. I don't have a favorite, but I do consider one less terrible than another. I would choose Marty over either of them, then Norv, then Ritchie Petitbone, then Terry Robiskie, then Spurrier, in that order.

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Originally posted by bnacpa

You left out Richie Pettibone and Terry Robiski

My favorite was Marty ... I understood the gamble, but I can't support a quitter.

I didn't...

Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Well, I think the wording is a little off. I don't have a favorite, but I do consider one less terrible than another. I would choose Marty over either of them, then Norv, then Ritchie Petitbone, then Terry Robiskie, then Spurrier, in that order.

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Robiskie by default.

I hated Norvo, and really hated Schotferbrains.

Spurrier was just outclassed, though I think he would've gotten us into the playoffs last year if he'd had Gregg Williams running the D.

Actually, if Petitbon had had a decent GM getting him players and was given another year to hire a competent OC, I truly think he would've been good.

Instead, he got stuck with a horrible roster that underwent a rash of injuries, and an OC who wanted to create a WCO with losers like Conklin at QB. :doh:

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Marty Schottenheimer would've taken us to the playoffs the next year. He had Lavar playing like an animal, we had the 10th ranked defense, and Stephen Davis still had two good years left in him, we coulda rode him deep into the playoffs.

Nobody wanted to play us in the 2nd half of the year. Nobody. We were that physical and that pissed off at the world.

If stupid Brad Maynard hadn't thrown a TD to Urlacher, we win that game even and make the playoffs...

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Why would I have a favorite? none of them produced consistantly although I believe if Marty was given three years instead of booting him for Spurrier, I'm sure he'd be my favorite, I'm also sure we'd have been in the play off's atleast once if not twice. I honestly believe he was getting this team turned around..

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I would have to go with Marty then Steve. Marty, I feel, would have gotten it done eventually. I hated to watch Steve on TV but I still think he can coach. Even Gibbs said it is a different ballgame. Spurrier may have gotten it right. I know Joe will!

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I would have to go with Norv Turner. The only thing I hated with Norv was his post game press conference. However he was the last to take us to the playoffs. I still think Norv is a good play caller and a good offensive coach. I am not sure of his motivational abilities however. If Oaklands D plays half way decent I look for Norv having a really good year.


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Originally posted by Riggo-toni

Robiskie by default.

I hated Norvo, and really hated Schotferbrains.

Spurrier was just outclassed, though I think he would've gotten us into the playoffs last year if he'd had Gregg Williams running the D.

Actually, if Petitbon had had a decent GM getting him players and was given another year to hire a competent OC, I truly think he would've been good.

Instead, he got stuck with a horrible roster that underwent a rash of injuries, and an OC who wanted to create a WCO with losers like Conklin at QB. :doh:

"Hate" might be too strong a word, but I agree completely with everything you said. - I was very excited about Spurrier, so he's probably the most disappointing. -

- People talk about Norv getting a "raw deal", but he is the one that bred the losing culture into this franchise.

If anyone got a raw deal, it was Pettibone. If I'm not mistaken in addition to injuries, we also had a few players retire and I think that was the first year of the salary cap.

...It's all water under the bridge now.

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