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Of the three Head Coaches Before Gibbs, who is your favorite?


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I agree with a lot of what others have said... If I *had* to choose one, it would be Marty....

Richie Petitbon: Like others said, got a very raw deal, and the team was in such a transitionary state that he simply did not leave any impression with me.

Norv Turner: Very likeable person, brilliant offensive mind, but a complete SAP as a coach.

Terry Robiskie: He is on his way to becoming a career "interim" coach. Gotta feel for him seeming to always be in sinking ships. I hope he gets his chance, but again, he was someone who simply was not around long enough to make an impression.

Marty Schottenheimer: At least he was a REAL football head coach! I didn't like the way he treated the players, but I at least kinda understand what he was trying to do. Yes, the team started to turn around after losing 5 straight, but I've always had the impression that the team turned things around IN SPITE of Marty.

Steve Spurrier: I really wanted him to succeed like no one else! What a let down.... such disappointment. Words cannot describe how I feel about his ineptitude.

Joe Gibbs v2.1: The jury is still out, but I have a very good feeling about this.....

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Marty was the best by far. He's also got the most in common with Gibbs - emphasis on the power game on both sides, it was a shame he left the way he did, in a power struggle vs The Dan, but I'd take Gibbs first anyday and twice on Sunday.


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Originally posted by bnacpa

You left out Richie Pettibone and Terry Robiski

My favorite was Marty ... I understood the gamble, but I can't support a quitter.

Ahhh...read the entire post before you make comments like this! :doh:

The thread title says the last three coaches before Gibbs! :doh: and he specifically states he left out Robiski because he only coached a couple games. :doh:

My favorite coach before Gibbs v2.0? Gibbs v1.0! :)

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Id have to look at the win/loss totals of all of them and go back and see what moves they made while here as I dont remember now. I agree Marty was decent with us, but hes my pick because hes just the best coach of the group career wise. Certainly did a lot for San Diego

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Man, thats a tough decision.

They all did their part in driving the franchise into the ground. :D

Its a toss up to me. ;)

But seriously, I still think Norv can be a successful NFL head coach.

His offensive innovation continues to impress me.

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Originally posted by footballhenry

And Marty cant/isnt? Did you see San Diego last year?

Oh he is good too.

But hes a proven head coach.

Washington was more of an aberration for Schott. Although he seemed to finally get things under control towards the end of his tenure.

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Marty, easily.

He salvaged a crappy 0-5 situation in which the players practically revolted against him, brought the team together to manage an 8-8 record.

Only thing about Marty, I was always suspicious of his playoff record.

Poor Chargers. ;)

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Originally posted by Posse81

Spurrier--only because he was pretty funny. Late in the second season he was still talking about Osaka.

Spurrier was probably the most embarassing coach any team has had since Buddy Ryan or Jerry Glanville but he won a lot less games. On top of it he was probably laughed at almost as much as Rich Kotite's Jets.

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Definitely Marty Schottenheimer. He was building the team in the right direction. He got rid of all our salary cap junk in the offseason and after starting 0-5 we finished 8-8(kind of like another old 1st year Skins Head Coach)and my belief has been we would be consistent playoff contenders by now, although actually by now I bet Marty would be fired because we'd probably have about three straight early playoff losses.

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Marty was definitely the best and I liked having him. But he quit on us and took another job with the Chargers as HC only instead of reluinquishing GM duries here and sticking by his players and fans.

I don't hate Spurrier....

I truly hate Norv because he is the real reason we are in this media mess. Snyder gets a bum deal for firing an inept coach.

Snyder's maybe been responsible for 25% of the B.S. by his mistakes. The rest of this crap is due to the firing of NORV.

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I never liked Marty. I never understood Turner and his lack of results given the talent. I still think Spurrier, with the right experienced coaches, would have been the best of the three.

I would say George Allen if I could go back further!!

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Well, I think the wording is a little off. I don't have a favorite, but I do consider one less terrible than another. I would choose Marty over either of them, then Norv, then Ritchie Petitbone, then Terry Robiskie, then Spurrier, in that order.

Richie Petitbone....that jerk was part of the reason Art Monk left us and became a NY Jet. He should of stayed defensive coordinator

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I'd rather look at the head coaches before Joe Gibbs the first time. Clearly, George Allen would be first and of course Jack Pardee had a few good years. And before Allen was that guy named Lombardi, but unfortunately cancer cut short his life.

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