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'Skins fined for violating practice squad rules

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Associated Press

Posted: 1 hour ago

ASHBURN, Va. (AP) - The NFL fined the Washington Redskins $45,000 Wednesday for violating practice squad rules in 2004.

During a Nov. 12 practice, the Redskins used one more practice squad player than they were allowed, leading to the fine.

Two days before that practice, Washington had cut receiver Gari Scott from the practice squad. But two days later, without any other practice squad player being released, Scott practiced, giving the Redskins nine practice squad members on the field.

Redskins coach Joe Gibbs and assistant head coach for defense Gregg Williams said afterward they had found a loophole making this legal.

NFL rules stipulate that clubs must submit any roster moves by 4 p.m. The Redskins apparently believed they could use the extra player during practice as long as another player was cut by 4 p.m. But the league said there was no such loophole.

The Redskins had no comment on the ruling Wednesday.

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what is the point of fining us for that, or any other team. Most teams know the rules, and it was a one time thing. If it was something like murder (*cough* Ray Lewis *cough*) fines are obviously necessary, but not for one extra man on a squad that wont play that week!

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This incident and the OTA incident where we were allowing the players to be too physical, is not showing me that Gibbs has made the necessary adjustments to the "new" NFL. All of this points to lack of knowledge. I hope that nothing else comes up regarding carelessness.......:2cents:

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Why? Are they trying to borrow the money from you? ;)

if only i had 1/40398 of that amount of money...you know what's sad is after second thought i said to myself "i would kill to make $45,000 as my starting salary out of college :doh: " :laugh:

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Originally posted by dks1240

if only i had 1/40398 of that amount of money...you know what's sad is after second thought i said to myself "i would kill to make $45,000 as my starting salary out of college :doh: " :laugh:

I think I would kill to be making that money right now. :doh:

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Originally posted by Loki

This incident and the OTA incident where we were allowing the players to be too physical, is not showing me that Gibbs has made the necessary adjustments to the "new" NFL. All of this points to lack of knowledge. I hope that nothing else comes up regarding carelessness.......:2cents:

How does this show you that Gibbs has not made the adjustments. This fine was for an incident last year.

In fact if I remember correctly this was where Gibbs thought he had found a loophole where he could practice an extra player by not cutting him until mid day and then signing another player in the afternoon and playing him.

I doubt Gibbs will do this again this year thus proving he is adjusting. However at the time I thought it was a pretty clever idea. I guess the NFL did not agree.

I'll judge Gibbs ability to adjust by wins and losses over the next couple of years not by practicing to hard


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Originally posted by RedskinsNation

Im just curious how the NFL finds out about this stuff? Did a player call in and complain cuz he was being worked too hard? I mean someone had to snitch...just wondering who/how?

Thats the NEXT fine dude...

THis one was for having an extra person on the practice squad LAST YEAR.

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