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Ken Harvey

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My doctor who is close with ken harvey through certain charity programs in the area, told him he has a patient who just went through treatment and is planning to return to football the following season (me) Ken Harvey told him hes going to get in touch with me and he wants to see to it that i do so! He wants to talk with me and give me some pointers (certain lifts, nutrition, etc...) I was so excited and couldnt belive it, he was a great redskin and an even better guy. For those that dont know hes extremely active in the washington area community and is the author of a new line of childrens books. I just found all this out this morning so im pretty excited! :cheers: (Gatorade of coarse) :laugh:

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Originally posted by [[ghost]]

you lucky mofo... hope his tips help out

They have to help. Hes years removed from football and hes still just as ripped as a 21 year old coming into the draft. Not to mention hes a black belt. It's just really cool because you hear about all the selfish players but its stuff like this that kind of flys under the radar. It was an honor to hear that he cared like that.

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

My doctor who is close with ken harvey through certain charity programs in the area, told him he has a patient who just went through treatment and is planning to return to football the following season (me) Ken Harvey told him hes going to get in touch with me and he wants to see to it that i do so! He wants to talk with me and give me some pointers (certain lifts, nutrition, etc...) I was so excited and couldnt belive it, he was a great redskin and an even better guy. For those that dont know hes extremely active in the washington area community and is the author of a new line of childrens books. I just found all this out this morning so im pretty excited! :cheers: (Gatorade of coarse) :laugh:

Good Luck

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My guitar teacher teaches Ken Harvey's kids (and Charles Mann's) every week and he has nothing but good things to say about him. He apparently is a real nice guy and you're lucky to get pointers from such an athlete! Good luck, LS.

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Originally posted by jimster

What position or positions are you aiming for?

Im a wide reciever but better at free safety. I got changed to wideout at bridgewater because the free safety was a 3 time all american. So its pretty much up to the coaches, they know i can play both, just depends whats needed most. I know this sounds weird but i even look forward to 2 a days.

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Originally posted by jimster

are you in college now?

...hopefully we could catch you on TV this fall.

I had to take a leave of absence to go through treatment. Im going back to school the second semester of the coming year and playing next season. It would be too risky and too soon out of treatment to risk an injury right now. However i play small college football and we wouldnt be on tv unless we made the playoffs. ESPN2 picks up the last few rounds of the post season. When i came into frostburg we had a talented young bunch so who knows, maybe you will see us on tv. however i heard were adding catholic to the schedule, so for you local extremers come check us out in DC!

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Originally posted by TheLongshot

Ah! You play at Frostburg, my alma mater. At least when I was there, it wasn't exactly friendly to WRs (they ran the option when I was there.) Good luck to you, tho.


did you know sean freeman? He's a PE teacher at my old high school now and was the one who informed me about frostburg. Yeah i heard just a few years ago they stopped running the option and Wing T. The new OC is from lancaster and runs a wide open offense. The playbook looks like the yellow pages.

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