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Crazy Lady Kills Herself & 9mo. Daughter


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Originally posted by Riggo-toni

At least now she won't be passing on her genes to another generation.

Some people really should not be allowed to reproduce.

Tell me about it. You need a license to drive a freakin car, yet any moron can have a child. Somethings are just ba$$-ackwards.

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Criminey... the woman could have done a service by neatly removing herself from the gene pool, but she also take the innocent life of her child and puts many at-risk by jumping. Truly tragic for the baby and her family. Thankfully no one on the street was hurt.


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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

What the F is wrong with some of you people?

You have no idea why she did what she did. Sounds like she might have been suffering from postpartum depression which is a common problem for some new mothers.

If that's the case, then it was her responsibility to do it for both her and her child.

Eff her.


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Some of you guys have no heart at all. We have no idea why she did this, and why she'd also choose to take her child with her. I doubt if the folks, especially her husband, who saw her jump with her child would be amused by your remarks. Some of you represent the callousness nature that is part of today's society.

It's tragic that her child died. It's tragic she took her life. It's tragic her husband and everyone else had to see this happen.

I am sometimes disgusted by the remarks that I see on this board in response to events similiar to this.

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I work immediately next door to the luxury apartment building where this happened. This has been a constant topic of conversation up here for the past couple of days.

So sad, whatever the reason.

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It doesn't matter what her reason was. There is NEVER a reason to kill an innocent child, nevermind killing yourself.

This is a horribly sad thing, but it is a very sick thing as well. I do feel sorry for the father/husband and the rest of the family. I feel horrible for that baby. But I do not feel remorse at all for anyone who takes the chicken way out of life by killing themselves, nevermind a murderer of an innocent child.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani You have no idea why she did what she did. Sounds like she might have been suffering from postpartum depression which is a common problem for some new mothers.
Originally posted by Baculus Some of you guys have no heart at all. We have no idea why she did this, and why she'd also choose to take her child with her.

To quote Johnny Punani, What the F is wrong with some of you people?

She did it because she was a wacko. That is self evident. Any attempt to put the cause of this tragic stupidity on post partum depression (or any other such thing) is a slap in the face to women to actually do have post partum depression, but who don't use it as an excuse to commit murder. And there are probably millions of those.

Get a grip, and quit being so "understanding".

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Typical response from Liberty. And you are just one of them.

Any of you who have no direct experiences with PPD or depression in general have no idea what you are talking about. Its real easy to sit back on a BBS and spout the crap you are saying.

She did it because she is a selfish coward.
But I do not feel remorse at all for anyone who takes the chicken way out of life by killing themselves
Eff her.
i won't try to understand post partum depression. but that is no excuse. she was suffering from crazy bch syndrome and it is incomprehensible how she or anyone could take a baby down like that...
least now she won't be passing on her genes to another generation.

I used to believe there were thougthful people on this board. The truth is, as I have come to see, this board sports quite the collection of emotional, non-logical, non-empathetic people. This is the coldest, heartless thread of responses I have ever seen here and all of you that I quoted above should be ashamed of yourselves. But the fact is that you won't be. You think you care about the life of that child, but you disregard the mother's life because of whatever she was going through - which you have no insight into AT ALL. Hypocrites. All of you.

I'd recommend to anyone that can actually sit back and look at the big picture here to go read and learn about depression, especially PPD. It might actually change your already made up minds.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

What the F is wrong with some of you people?

You have no idea why she did what she did. Sounds like she might have been suffering from postpartum depression which is a common problem for some new mothers.

Is this a joke. She gets no sympathy for what she did. She deserves to rot in hell.

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Originally posted by Doggmatic

Any of you who have no direct experiences with PPD or depression in general have no idea what you are talking about. Its real easy to sit back on a BBS and spout the crap you are saying.

I used to believe there were thougthful people on this board. The truth is, as I have come to see, this board sports quite the collection of emotional, non-logical, non-empathetic people. This is the coldest, heartless thread of responses I have ever seen here and all of you that I quoted above should be ashamed of yourselves. But the fact is that you won't be. You think you care about the life of that child, but you disregard the mother's life because of whatever she was going through - which you have no insight into AT ALL. Hypocrites. All of you.

I'd recommend to anyone that can actually sit back and look at the big picture here to go read and learn about depression, especially PPD. It might actually change your already made up minds.

you are right. i don't feel ashamed for my comment.

by all means, please enlighten me/us with your experiences with PPD

so that we can learn how it justifes murdering an innocent child. :(

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My wife has PPD right now and it is BAD. I'm not giving you the personal details. Go enlighten yourself. Its not about justifying. The fact you even mentioned justifying it tells me even more.

Use google and figure it out. Unless you want to stay ignorant about it and keep saying the crap you say.

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