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Lets hope NFL sleeps on Lemar Marshall


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Watching the new video from redskins.com they talked about Marshall filling in for Arrington and making a big impact. If he takes over for Pierce at MLB this season I believe our LB core won't be skipping a beat from last season. I mean lets face it, as good as Arrington is, our Defense was No. 3 without him and with Lemar Marshall doing most of the subbing, along with help from Nick Clemons. I have a feeling Marshall and Clemons for that matter are getting ready for big years.

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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

I think our own talent evaluators sleep on some of our own talent. How long was Peirce waiting in the wings? Clifton Smith was a more pollished prospect at one point in college than Everybody on our team other than Lavar.

Well our talent evaluators just got here last year and last year made Pierce a starter.:whoknows:

I'm hoping Barrow is 100% and wins the job with Marshall coming in in certain situations. - Plus we have the Warrick Holdman factor too. - I think Mr Williams is going to be tormenting a lot of OC's this year with what he does with the LB's and DB's.:D

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Marshall is great. He'd be solid for us at MLB, but I am really hoping for Barrow to be healthy.

As great as Pierce did, it wasn't nearly as good as what London Fletcher was doing at MLB in Buffalo under the same system.

I think a MLB in this system has the potential to put up those kind of stats, both in tackles and sacks. I think if Barrow can return to his pre-injury form, he would outproduce Pierce by a lot.

One thing we have with Barrow that we didn't have that much with Pierce is the ability to sack the QB. LaVar is a pass rushing stud, so is Marcus Washington. Barrow, LaVar and Marcus together would wreak havoc on opposing QBs.

In fact, Fred Smoot was also a liability in that department. Harris and Rogers give us the ability to bring the blitz from both CBs. Plus, we are getting Matt Bowen back, and Phililp Daniels.

Our defense was 9th in the league in sacks with 40. If we can keep our guys heathly, we should be able to get at least that, and probably a lot more.

Not mention that Clemons, Warner and Evans are underrated pass rushers.

One thing we forget is that last year was their first year in the system, so the players had slower reaction times. That will be gone this year, since all of this year's starters will have a year under their belt.

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MLB is going to be one of the more interesting battles of camp. I worry about Marshalls lack of size to play there but his ability in coverage is very good. I could see him sharing time with Barrow (if healthy) and coming in on downs where you want to play a base defense but suspect it's a passing play.

Barrow doesn't get enough credit for helping Pierce in the mental side of mastering this D, but Pierce did prove to be a good leader on the field as well.

I think Barrow can help on the field as well this season.

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You got to understand something, Greg W uses different parts in his system for diffrerent situations. OC and coaches can't really put a finger on how to stop his defence. It's a blessing in disguise

to have alot of LB's with certain types of strenghts to wreck havoc, and Williams knows how to use it. Get ready for another top 3 defence.

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Chris, you stated it well - GWill uses so many different looks and packages, that I think it will be fun for him to have the kind of depth that we have. And with 12 different LBs or so, we could have a different set on every down!

Okay, maybe that's going a little too far....

I still think our linebacking core, including Lemar Marshall, are going to be the heart of a great defense.

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the fact is, Williams does exactly what the detractors say he can't do, and tha is plug anyone in and make it work.

Look, Pierce played great for us last year, and he may go to NY and flop. One doesn't exactly know just yet. (I doubt he will, smart player.)

I agree on Marshall, I think we have a diamond in the rough here, and I am glad to know Williams recognizes and will utilize him.

I know we have one BIG name LB who gets all of the attention, albeit much of it negative, we do have guys here who quietly can stand out. Marshall being one, Clemons being another... some secret weapons.


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I just don't see Marshall at MLB b/c of his size. Marshall was mostly solid last year, but he wasn't great. He did improve quite a bit as the season went on though, so maybe he'll continue to step it up this year. I have a feeling he'll get some playing time, but that it will be filling in for Lavar on the weakside.

The person we really want to get healthy is Barrow. This guy really knows the defense, and if he's 100% he's an upgrade over Pierce. The player who could really have a future with us at MLB is Clifton Smith. He's big, strong, and supposedly very smart. This guy was very good in college, but injuries have slowed his pro career. My understanding is that he's healthy now and looked very good in mini camp.

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Originally posted by Mister Happy

One thing we have with Barrow that we didn't have that much with Pierce is the ability to sack the QB. LaVar is a pass rushing stud, so is Marcus Washington. Barrow, LaVar and Marcus together would wreak havoc on opposing QBs.

In fact, Fred Smoot was also a liability in that department. Harris and Rogers give us the ability to bring the blitz from both CBs. Plus, we are getting Matt Bowen back, and Phililp Daniels.

I'm surprised that doesn't get mentioned more often, at least from what I've seen.

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We lost pierce in the middle, but we basically just got arrington back on the outside. I know the mlb is the most important position of the three, but having washington and arrington on either side makes that positin a whole lot easier.

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