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What would Steve do at QB?


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you know, just for once I would like to have a quarterback who can make all the throws and keep this team in games that otherwise it has no business being competitive in.

a franchise quarterback like Brett Favre can keep your team in the playoff hunt for 10 years.

meanwhile not having stability at the quarterback position can mean suffering through many years of 7-9 or 8-8 type records even with a supporting cast that may be talented as the Redskins are now.

Whomever comes in here as GM or Coach we need to set a plan for how we are going to compete with the Rams, 49ers, Packers and Eagles in the NFC that have the better quarterbacks.

I also get the gut feeling that once we acquire that type of quarterback through the draft, free agency or the ARENA/CFL route, et al.....we will finally be able to break that jinx against the Cowboys as well.

You have to score more than 7 and 14 points in NFL games to win consistently.

Banks is a capable backup and spot starter who can get you through 2 or 3 games while your top gun is out the lineup.

The fact Schottenheimer was still thinking about resigning him to a long-term deal when the team was scoring 10-17 points a game shows how far away this team will be from truly contending for the Super Bowl championship with Marty as the architect.

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The idea of a true stud QB in Washington is sweet one indeed. I was too young to get Sonny in his prime. Billy was a gamer, but not the kind of guy they sing songs about in the hills.

Joe T was the best I have had a chance to fully enjoy. I never mistook him for a superstar, but for a few years there I considered our QB position a plus. Joe made the plays that were there to be made, and some that weren't. I'll never forget his defensive play against A.J. Duhe in the Super Bowl ... to me it was the play of the game.

Even still, I don't know that anyone outside of DC really considers Joe T to have been a bona fide star at the position. And if push came to shove I'd have to agree.

Since Joe, only Mark Rypien's 2 or 3 year run up to and including the '91 dream season qualify in my eyes as having what I consider even good, solid play from the QB in this town.

Having spent a lifetime as a fan of this team, and never, EVER having had an unquestioned star at the key position in the game ... I can't tell you how ready I am to see this team have one.

There is a whole generation of Redskins fans out there who have never seen, on a game-to-game basis, just how remarkable a difference in a team that can make. Not just in the offense, but on the whole team.

"Someday" needs to come soon. I'm not getting any younger.

[edited.gif by Om on January 13, 2002.]

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Here's some fuel for the fire:

knowing that Spurrier tends to like quick backs over power backs, does anyone think it would be in the cards to trade Davis for Bledsoe?

Bledsoe is the kind of QB that would be able to run a wide open passing attack, and you could argue that Carter is the kind of back that could flourish in that kind of system. That reduces the needs list for this year (perhaps he drafts a speed receiver in the first instead of a QB...)

I know that what I'm saying is sacrilege, but then sacking an established and largely successful coach is too....


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This much I know: IF the ESPN blurb that blakman just posted proves right, and Steven Spurrier ends up coaching the Washington Redskins in 2002 ... the old way of doing business around here is done and gone.

This wouldn't be just the winds of change, it would be a bleeping typhoon. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would be of limits.

If nothing else, we would have plenty to talk about.

Hope the new host can handle the hits. smile.gif

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SPare -

I don't think you're offbase. I'm a bit of a gambler myself. I think Kijana Carter and Stephen Davis are cut from the same clothe.

And if Carter can just shake that injury bug... if he had the opportunity to run behind an 0-line with already 2 solid pieces and good supporting cast... he may be just as good as Davis. Maybe better.

I don't know but if the Skins can lock up Kijana Carter to a long-term contract - which wouldn't have to be a blockbuster contract - and can trade Stephen Davis to move up in the draft to select a QB and acquire a boat load of picks... I may applaud the move.

And that's just the kind of move a GM like Beathard would make though I'll tell you straight up I don't want him here.

Don't get me wrong... I love having the luxury of a Stephen Davis. But something tells me we're sitting on a gem with Carter.


Accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days the statue.

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Davis' contract would have to be reworked, including deferring a bunch of the money so that a trade could be made without killing our salary cap. I'm not opposed to the idea, especially if our offensive philosophy is going to change from power running to "pitch and catch".

Additionally, I think Spurrier's number one charachteristic in a QB is his intelligence. His ability to see the field and make all the throws. I'd almost prefer that a youngster be brought in so that we could have the stud Qb we've all been yearing for.

Oh....and how about a guy that can execute a 22 of 29 for 269 yards with 2 TD's and 1 INT in a playoff game. That was Farve's stats today, he's just a pure gamer and future Hall of Famer.

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I don't think Bledsoe for Davis is possible really, but it is a thought. Another thought at QB could well be Doug Johnson in Atlanta. Johnson has the type of arm strength and comfort with Spurrier's offense and style, and he might be the odd man out, it wouldn't surprise me to see him come up as a distinct possibility.

While Bledsoe is of interest, I think I'd want more for Davis than just Bledsoe, but, I'm greedy smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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Kijana Carter can't touch Davis?

In my eyes Davis is more of a balanced runner than power back, he has size speed and quickness. He's at least in the top 5 class of running backs. We've all seen what Stephen can do with a passing game.

1400 yards 4.8 ypc and 17td's is just ridiculous.

Davis is to valuable to trade, especially for an average at best qb like Bledsoe.



"It's gonna be a long, long day, baby...Don't bring that weak s--- on this side of the line again, you hear? ... Get up, Brother, so you can go back down again".

"Fred Smoot"

[edited.gif by BIGDC on January 13, 2002.]

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I live here in Atlanta and am familiar with Doug Johnson. Although he has showed promise, and might be available with the drafting of Vick, he would rather cut his lower jaw off with a butter knife before he would sign with a Spurrier led Redskin game. He's made his feelings of Spurrier known, that he felt he was an egotistical idiot who treated his QBs like dog meat. Even now, with the mention of Spurrier's name, Johnson chooses to bite his tounge than spew the type of venom he'd like to project Spurrier's way.

NO WAY DOES HE SIGN SOMEWHERE AND WORK FOR SPURRIER!!!!! I'll bet my annual salary on that.

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Trading S Davis would be extremely stupid.

The one thing we can say is consitent on the offes=nsive side of the ball and we trade it for a QB who suffered internal injuries(hello lose of blood collasped lung) who will be gun shy when he is back on the field and is slower than paint drying.


Take A Sip of the Marty KoolAid and Believe.

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About Davis, this is something I posted on the CPND board...what do you guys think -

I know Davis is a called a powerback, he seems to me to be more like R. Williams in New Orleans - he has the quick acceleration, and some of the speed and moves of a much smaller back combined with the size to punish the defensive backfield once past the line.

Could it be possible that Davis would get less carries but more yards? Spurrier's offense would make it difficult for opposing teams to stack the box against the run, which should open up things for Davis.

Also, if I remember correctly, Davis was heavily used as a receiving back in college. When he has caught the ball out of the backfield, he is averaging around 8 yards a catch. In 98, as a FB, he averaged over 12 yards a reception.

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Trading Stephen Davis for Bledsoe should not be an option. Who says Spurrier wouldn't want to work with a real NFL running back? Davis isn't a "speed" back per se, nor is he a "power back" but he's more successful than any speed back I can think of.

When I think speed backs I think Tiki Barber, Warrick Dunn, as examples of moderately successful "speed backs" in this league. Neither of them are worth one third as much as Stephen Davis.

When I think of "power backs" with the same productivity, I think of Alstott, and Dayne, also, nowhere near Davis's worth.

He's a balanced runner cut straight from the mold of Ricky Williams, Curtis Martin, Corey Dillon, Garrison Hearst, Jamal Lewis, and the up and coming LaDanian Tomlinson. He doesn't have the moves, versatility or speed of Marshall Faulk or Edgerrin James, but who does? I doubt that Spurrier would look to upgrade the position at halfback, as Spurrier has to know by now what kind of back is successful in this league.

There should be other ways to acquire Bledsoe if we're serious about doing it. I'd rather trade 2 #1's than Davis, but then again I'm not for the move in the first place.

Davis is under no circumstances expendable.

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I think Brunell would be perfect for Spurrier's offense.

The Jags have to cut their cap number drastically. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Brunell came available.

I tell you, a Brunell-Spurrier combo will keep Jerrah/Andy/Jim up plenty-o-nights during the offseason.

[edited.gif by SonnyJ on January 13, 2002.]

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Although I haven't really researched too much of Spurrier's offense, Davis would either force opposing defenses to stack the short middle and leave the crossing routes exposed or cover the crossing routes and leave the power running game exposed.

Also, I understand our recievers have good vertical leaps, look for a qb who can throw the jump ball (esp. in goal situations)

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As you all may have figured out, I'm not the biggest Spurrier fan around. However, I do believe in giving credit where credit is due and what the guy does know more than probably most current NFL OC's is offense. If anybody can figure out how best to use the offensive talent we have on hand, it's Spurrier. I'm sure he can design a gameplan around a power runner in concert with a downfield passing attack. I get the impression that Spurrier can use Davis just in the opposite way than we're used to. Instead of using the run to set up the pass, I think Spurrier will use the pass to set up Davis' runs.

With that said, if he has no real plans to use him then he probably will trade Davis most likely for draft pick(s). I think the only player I'd take for Davis straight up is Brunell, but I don't think the Jags would pull the trigger on that one.

I love Stephen and the power running game as much as the next guy, but if the personell doesn't fit your offense, you're wasting their career and your resources keeping them on the roster.

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i wouldn't touch bledsoe with a ten foot pole, and for davis?, are you F*$#ING KIDDING ME! Bledsoe's best years are behind him, period end of story. he is completely immobile, and will be very tentative in the pocket. only upside to bledsoe is that he has a quick release and can see the field, which are actually essential qualities. but as far as trading our best and most consistent player Davis for an overthe hill, rigid qb, NO WAY!


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