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Got pulled over today, but, I have a question


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Ok, I live in New York, so I know the laws aren't all the same...

Here is a link to my violation:


So here's the story:

I was driving down the road and came to a red light. There was a vehicle in front of me, stopped, and I stopped as well. The light turned green and I went forward... I made it about 300 feet when I saw flashing lights in my rearview. I pull over and the cop comes up to the car and says to me:

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"No sir, I do not."

"Well, I pulled you over for your speed, I had you clocked at a 61 in a 40."

My eyes went all Vinny Cerrato...

"61?! Wow, I'm sorry, sir, I had no idea I was going that fast (for the record, I wasn't)."

He took my license and registration and insurance info and went into his car and did his deal... Came back with the ticket and said:

"Ok, here's the deal, I have to write you a ticket, there's been complaints of speed in this area, but I let you off with disobeying a traffic control device, take it easy."

So I get home and look at the ticket...

Description of Violation: Disobeyed Traffic Control Device

But under arrest type it says: RADAR

Since when did they need radar to see if I ran a red light or not? Is it just me, or is there no way they can get me for this? I didn't disobey a traffic device at all...

I probably was speeding, but I didn't get to 61, and I certainly wasn't that far over the limit... Am I missing something here? Anyone with law backgrounds or any officers themselves that could let me know what's up here?

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Originally posted by dreamingwolf

Im guessing he cited you for not obeying the speed limit sign, instead of charging you with speeding itself or worse reckless driving. Probably the difference is lower fines and maybe no points? just a guess

He said it was 2 points, forgot to add that. But your guess makes sense... But I sped well before that light if I sped at all...

I'm going to become Colombo and get out of this somehow.

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I think hes pointing to the speed limit sign as the device not the trafic light, again just a guess.

B) No provision of this title for which signs are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation an official sign is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. Whenever a particular section does not state that signs are required, such section shall be effective even though no signs are erected or in place.

I might be reading that wrong though

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Originally posted by dreamingwolf

I think hes pointing to the speed limit sign as the device not the trafic light, again just a guess.

Like I said, makes sense... But I didn't get up to 61 in the 300 feet after the light turned green before he pulled me over.

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

Beggers can't be greedy. He hooked you up, don't be a little !@#$% and just take what he gave you.

Hey, thanks for the input...

I didn't know it was a crime for trying to get off of a ticket...

Thanks for waking my brain up to your obviously highly intelligent world.

Can't help but notice your "Free Taylor" banner... Yah, he's getting hooked up right now, he should just take the three years, shouldn't he?

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Originally posted by KDawg

Hey, thanks for the input...

I didn't know it was a crime for trying to get off of a ticket...

Thanks for waking my brain up to your obviously highly intelligent world.

Can't help but notice your "Free Taylor" banner... Yah, he's getting hooked up right now, he should just take the three years, shouldn't he?

You didn't deserve to be hooked up. He should have just gave you reckless driving like he could have then. :)

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

You didn't deserve to be hooked up. He should have just gave you reckless driving like he could have then.

why all the animosity? we've all been hooked up on a ticket before? you a disgruntled police officer or something?

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Originally posted by Beaudry

He might have tagged you before the stop. Sometimes they run your plates and whatnot before they actually hit the cherries.

Based on my vast law enforcement experiance (I've read a lot of Wambaugh books),

A lot of places, when a cop sees a traffic violation, proceedure is to run the plates before he pulls you over. There are lots of reasons for this.

  • If the plates come back, say, with felony warrants, then the cop doesn't pull you over, he radios for backup.)
  • If the cop gets shot (or, if he just fails to radio back an "I'm OK" code within, say, two minutes after he pulls you over), then they know who to start looking for.

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If dude thinks he wasn't deserving of a ticket, why can't you take his word for it? Gawd damn!!!

I'd say this. It looks like you have no points and a small fine against you. Insurance won't find out, but if you had a 'spotless' record, it's got a speck of dust on it.

What you can do is contest it if you want, stick to you guns and find out that its a tough road to hoe.

I had a similar experience where I sped up to 50mph on Connecticut Ave, just before Chevy Chase circle (cops station no sh*t) because a Ride-on bus was turning into my lane. Far left lane. It WAS going to hit me unless I sped up to get out of the way. We were virtually side by side when he started turning.

Anywho, the cop said he never even saw a bus, thought I was b-s'ing him and told me to contest it if I wanted. My brother (he's a great lawyer btw) said to contest it if I really felt strongly about it.

I did, and the judge upheld the fine, points on my liscence and told me to take a defensive driving course. :laugh: :mad:

Lousy bastages...

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Originally posted by BG


If dude thinks he wasn't deserving of a ticket, why can't you take his word for it? Gawd damn!!!

He said he was speeding, but doesn't THINK he was going 61mph.

Disobeying a traffic sign or whatever it is... is nothing. Stop being greedy, take the ticket, and be happy the cop wasn't an a-hole and gave you reckless driving.

I forgot to put smileys on my post. Let me change that :)

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

He said he was speeding, but doesn't THINK he was going 61mph.

Disobeying a traffic sign or whatever it is... is nothing. Stop being greedy, take the ticket, and be happy the cop wasn't an a-hole and gave you reckless driving.

I forgot to put smileys on my post. Let me change that :)

Plus if the cop sees you got out of it, he still has your info and will call of his boys so you get tickets all the time :)

I have seen it happen :D

Don't piss of the police when they are giving you a break, it isn't a pretty thing :cool:

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Originally posted by Brown 43

Kdawg, the police are going goofy in Rochester this summer for some reason? They are writing tickets for 5 mph over the speed limit, unreal.

Dang....I was just in Rochester this past weekend for a wedding and blazin' down the highway at like 80 or so (I'm from Florida, that's how we drive). Guess I'm pretty lucky I didn't get pulled over!

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Originally posted by KDawg

He said it was 2 points, forgot to add that. But your guess makes sense... But I sped well before that light if I sped at all...

I'm going to become Colombo and get out of this somehow.

In Florida, well South Florida, they have a bunch of "ticket attorneys" around that are great. You hire them for like $60 (usually much less than the cost of your ticket), and that's that. They go to court and you get off like 99% of the time. I've been lucky and never gotten a ticket down here *knock-knock-knock* but my buddy got tickets all the time. He got out of all of them.

I don't know if they have these guys in NY, but seeing as how Florida is simply southern New York anyway, maybe they have them up there as well?!?

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Woah, some of you guys are real ****s, glad I don't contend with you in the real world...

I had a question, and I asked it... Sorry for asking questions, perhaps I should ask permission to post before doing so next time?

Thanks for all the real replies... And for the record, I'm not trying to GET OUT of anything, I'm trying to see if the ticket is valid... When I say "get out" I mean out of any bull**** charges..

I don't know why I'm explaining myself to the lot of you... and for the guywho called me a little *****? 67 years old and still alot of maturing to do...

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

He said he was speeding, but doesn't THINK he was going 61mph.

I did?

I would have sworn I said:

"I probably was speeding, but I didn't get to 61, and I certainly wasn't that far over the limit"

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Originally posted by KDawg

Woah, some of you guys are real ****s, glad I don't contend with you in the real world...

I had a question, and I asked it... Sorry for asking questions, perhaps I should ask permission to post before doing so next time?

Thanks for all the real replies... And for the record, I'm not trying to GET OUT of anything, I'm trying to see if the ticket is valid... When I say "get out" I mean out of any bull**** charges..

I don't know why I'm explaining myself to the lot of you... and for the guywho called me a little *****? 67 years old and still alot of maturing to do...

You asked your question, and got answers. You did not qualify your request for answers with "Please give me only answers that I want to hear."

I have to agree with those who said the cop gave you one break already, and now you want to "get out" of it. You admitted to speeding, and you got a ticket. A reduced charge ticket. Pay your fine and deal with it.

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