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Got pulled over today, but, I have a question


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I'm going with he clocked you sometime before the light. I doubt it was after the light, at the least bit he needed more time to catch up with you. I wait for a light to change and then pull people over all the time from an earlier offense.

Now as far as a possible discrepancy between the charge and how it was obtained (radar). I can't speak for NY but down here that never works in court. I've made discrepancies on citations and when it gets to court I say I made an administrative error, which I did. My charge gets upheld every time.

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Originally posted by KevinthePRF

I'm going with he clocked you sometime before the light. I doubt it was after the light, at the least bit he needed more time to catch up with you. I wait for a light to change and then pull people over all the time from an earlier offense.

Now as far as a possible discrepancy between the charge and how it was obtained (radar). I can't speak for NY but down here that never works in court. I've made discrepancies on citations and when it gets to court I say I made an administrative error, which I did. My charge gets upheld every time.

Great. Thanks. That's the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks man.

Another question for you:

The charge is for disobeying a traffic device, like I already said...

But no MPHs are listed under the MPH column of the ticket...

What does that mean? Again, I'm not trying to be a dickhead... This is the first time I've been pulled over and I'm trying to figure out what the hell I got charged with...

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Originally posted by KDawg

Great. Thanks. That's the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks man.

Another question for you:

The charge is for disobeying a traffic device, like I already said...

But no MPHs are listed under the MPH column of the ticket...

What does that mean? Again, I'm not trying to be a dickhead... This is the first time I've been pulled over and I'm trying to figure out what the hell I got charged with...

That could mean anything from running a red light or not stopping at a stop sign, doesn't have to do anything with MPH.

Even if you do get 2 points you can take a class that will get you I think +3 or +4 to make up for it.

In your earlier posts it did sound like you were trying to get out of it, not find out what it meant. If you do go to court you will be paying more, but there is a chance the cop doesn't show.

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If I was you I'd pay the ticket and move on. If he says you were doing 61, you probably were, maybe before the stoplight. I don't think you have much of a chance of beating the charge since it's basically your word against his, and that small offense shouldn't hurt you with your insurance anyways. You might want to consider going to court if you think it's worth your time. A lot of times at traffic court the judge will lower your charge if you agree to plead guilty. Good luck.

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Go to court, if you have the time. Like someone else said, maybe the cop won't show up. If you have a clean record, you may get it under advisement, meaning if you don't get any other tickets for a year, it will be dropped. Also, when you are there, say you are not sure WHAT the ticket is for and point out the discrepancies between disobeying a sign and getting busted by radar.

I'll show this to my wife. She might be able to find a statute for you.

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You were most likely going 61 whether you knew it or not. The radar guns are calibrated before every shift and while there is a slight leeway depending on the model of gun used, the officer probably pegged you. Radar operaters can almost always tell how fast you are going without even using the gun just based on their experience on the road.

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Sounds like you were polite and he cut you a break. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? He could have written you for the speeding and you'd have a bigger fine, points and no way out. If you take the low road and contest this and win, he's not likely going to cut the next guy a break. You admitted you were speeding. Man up and pay the fine. You were the one in the wrong. He did a nice thing by cutting you some slack. For all the ****ing I see about what pricks cops can be, it's things like this that breed their attitude. Just proves the old adage. "give em an inch and they'll take a mile"

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Originally posted by Joe Sick

Go to court, if you have the time. Like someone else said, maybe the cop won't show up. If you have a clean record, you may get it under advisement, meaning if you don't get any other tickets for a year, it will be dropped. Also, when you are there, say you are not sure WHAT the ticket is for and point out the discrepancies between disobeying a sign and getting busted by radar.

I'll show this to my wife. She might be able to find a statute for you.

I wouldn't mention radar at all, then the cop will tell the judge you were also doing 61 mph :laugh:

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Originally posted by KDawg

Woah, some of you guys are real ****s, glad I don't contend with you in the real world...

I had a question, and I asked it... Sorry for asking questions, perhaps I should ask permission to post before doing so next time?

Thanks for all the real replies... And for the record, I'm not trying to GET OUT of anything, I'm trying to see if the ticket is valid... When I say "get out" I mean out of any bull**** charges..

I don't know why I'm explaining myself to the lot of you... and for the guywho called me a little *****? 67 years old and still alot of maturing to do...

I didn't call you a little *****. I said DON'T BE one. :)

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Originally posted by KDawg

Great. Thanks. That's the kind of answer I was looking for. Thanks man.

Another question for you:

The charge is for disobeying a traffic device, like I already said...

But no MPHs are listed under the MPH column of the ticket...

What does that mean? Again, I'm not trying to be a dickhead... This is the first time I've been pulled over and I'm trying to figure out what the hell I got charged with...

We we don't have any charge for "disobeying a traffic signal" in regards to speed down here. So I'm guessing the traffic signal the ticket is referring to is a speed limit sign.

We have a charge down here for "exceeding posted speed" which requires no MPH listed. And we have the option of lowering a radar ticket to this charge if we want. It is less points. Maybe your charge is similar this one.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I wouldn't mention radar at all, then the cop will tell the judge you were also doing 61 mph :laugh:

jbooma has a good point here. When I cut someone a break and get called to court for a not guilty plea, it usually ends up worse for the defendant because I spell out to the judge what they were doing.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

Sounds like you were polite and he cut you a break. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? He could have written you for the speeding and you'd have a bigger fine, points and no way out. If you take the low road and contest this and win, he's not likely going to cut the next guy a break. You admitted you were speeding. Man up and pay the fine. You were the one in the wrong. He did a nice thing by cutting you some slack. For all the ****ing I see about what pricks cops can be, it's things like this that breed their attitude. Just proves the old adage. "give em an inch and they'll take a mile"

Can I ask wtf you're talking about? Do you know me? No.

I posed a question. How many times do I have to repeat this?

And when did I call the cop a prick or anything even remotely close to that? He was a nice guy. But I'm still fairly positive I never got up to 61, I could see five miles over the limit, and I had a feeling he was operating on a quota and had to nail me with something... (Which, now after seeing a few of the helpful replies, I realize he MAY have nailed me for disobeying a speed limit sign, which makes sense)

Which is why I came here, which is why I said "get out" of it.

To be honest, when he pulled me over I had no idea what he was pulling me over for, and figured it was my back tail light because it's been going out and back on on me lately.

If I contest this, it's not going to be like a prick. First off, I'm going to request the details of the ticket, if it's for disobeying a speeding sign I'm going to accept the fine and plead guilty... If it's for running a red light, I'm not sure I'd do the same, as I know, for a fact, I did NOT run a red light.

I've never been pulled over and my record is spot clean... I don't know what goes on with things like these... at all. I had some questions and wanted to know if what he charged with me made sense, and if the ticket is for running a red light, it certainly doesn't.

Like I said, if I get the details back and they tell me it was speed I'm going to go to court, see if the cop shows up, and if he does plead guilty. If it tells me it's for running a red light, I'm fighting it.

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Go to court. Admit guilt. Explain yourself. If your record is relatively clean, the judge will probably give you a probation before judgement. You'll pay the fine and court costs. You won't get the points unless you have another violation within probably 2 years.

Or, maybe the officer doesn't show.

Either way, you win.

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