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The Sporting News' Take on the Skins

Canadian Hog

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Earlier today, I picked up The Sporting News' 2005 Pro Football Preview Yearbook - a yearly tradition to help keep me abreast regarding the workings of the other 31 teams around the league.

While I don't depend on the book for my Redskin coverage by any means, I was curious as to what they had to say about them. As a result of a quick skimming of the material to this point, here are some of the takes on the Skins:

Dan Pompei's Predictions:

Redskins: 5-11.

He's got only the Browns, Titans, Bills, and 49ers as winning less games than Washington this year.

Dan Pompei's comment regarding Washington on his prediction page:

"Anyone who can figure out their plan immeidately should alert team owner Dan Snyder, so he can understand the plan, too."

Paul Woody's coverage on the Redskin team report section of the book:

Notable comments that I found particularly interesting are the following:

"For the second year in a row, Gibbs has created a QB controversy."

"The only area on offense that can be called improved is the line."

"Ramsey is not a good fit at QB for Gibbs because he holds the ball too long and has yet to fully grasp the concept of giving up on a play by throwing the ball away rather than forcing passes."

"Ramsey practically received a 'no confidence' vote from Gibbs."

"Joe Gibbs will enter the season professing that he has no plans to use rookie QB Jason Campbell. But at some point in the season, Gibbs will insert Campbell into the lineup to find out if he can energize the offense."

I'll say this......

People are entitled to their opinions as reporters. I'm not like some who seem to get all worked up because some guy who was deemed fit to cover football predicted my favourite team to be one of the worst in the league, even before anybody stepped onto the field for a snap.

However, when considering the comments made by Pompei and Woody, I really begin to question if some of these guys actually do take their job seriously, and perform to the best of their abilities at it. Having an opinion is one thing. Being ignorant and blatantly refusing to acknowledge certain facts is a whole different ball game.

Comment as you please....

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love it when we get ripped for spending money on the big names and then when we have a line that improves we only get noted as saying, 'the only thing that improved was the line." i mean come on if you are going to slam us for spending our money poorly with coles and brunel, at least say how helpful a healthy and improved line is. i think these writters forgot how import an improved o-line is, especial when you had a guy run for 1300 last year. what's he going to do behind a better line this year? 1500? 1600? come on call it straight guys.

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where do you buy this magazine, I want to pick one up, would it be in the magazine section of a grocery store?

You can find it basically at any magazine shop, grocery store, pharmacy, etc., that sells sports magazines.

I personally bought it at a pharmacy.

It comes out every year in the last week of June or so.

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It is so easy to throw out general catch all phrases to cover a view point especially this time of year. It has been a trend for awhile. The closer the season gets the more you can nail these guys down.

Baffles me how the predication could be this low.

Heres the most amusing part of all the sportswriters this year.

Its pretty much doom and gloom for the Gibbs 2nd year, but

Parcells outlook is pretty good never had two losing season etc,

Spurrier second season was going to be good etc, The guy in Detroit should have a handle on things now and they go on and on about these other coaches coming around and making a push for the playoffs superbowl yam yam yam.

Yet Gibbs the HOF coach team is looking at 5-11, 8-8, 7-9.

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well rb would have been hard to improve, with Portis & Betts 1&2

I think we improved the character of the WRs.... and though we lost a little size and name value... we added a ton of speed and dependabilty catching the ball.

With so many starters returning off IR, it's the same as improving a already good defense.

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"The only area on offense that can be called improved is the line."

Yeah...quite possibly the MOST important unit on offense, and the Skins "only" improved in that area.

"Ramsey is not a good fit at QB for Gibbs because he holds the ball too long and has yet to fully grasp the concept of giving up on a play by throwing the ball away rather than forcing passes."

This would explain why Ramsey's stats over the last five games were:


68% completion

1,013 yards

6.8 yrds per attempt

7 TDs

4 Ints

These stats clearly show that Ramsey has not started to grasp Gibbs' scheme, and obviously forces plays instead of throwing the ball away...


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Not to mention this:

First he says--

""Ramsey practically received a 'no confidence' vote from Gibbs."

Then he says--

"...at some point in the season, Gibbs will insert Campbell into the lineup to find out if he can energize the offense."

Sounds like this guy feels Ramsey doesn't deserve a "vote of confidence" anyway, right??...I mean, if he's saying that Ramsey isn't a good fit for Gibbs' offense, holds the ball too long and can't grasp when to throw it away, and then goes even further and predicts that the Skins offense will be so bad that Gibbs will insert Campbell in to try and "energize" it...then he should be applauding Gibbs' drafting Campbell as a much needed move.

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Isn't our plan pretty obvious? A good mixture of veteran leadership plus youth? A stellar defense and a stud running back?

And yeah, an improved offensive line. That means better running for Portis and more time for Ramsey. What asshats these guys are.

Califan, those stats over the final few games are awesome, I'd never seen those before.

We're gonna piss a lot of people off this year. I hope we stick it hard to these guys.

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

Isn't our plan pretty obvious? A good mixture of veteran leadership plus youth? A stellar defense and a stud running back?

And yeah, an improved offensive line. That means better running for Portis and more time for Ramsey. What asshats these guys are.

Califan, those stats over the final few games are awesome, I'd never seen those before.

We're gonna piss a lot of people off this year. I hope we stick it hard to these guys.

Yeah.....if these clowns can't see what Gibbs' plan is (even though he's repeated it a zillion times, as has the local media and Redskins.com), then I think its time for them to be fired.

Hey douchebag....how about a little research!

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Originally posted by Canadian Hog

"Ramsey is not a good fit at QB for Gibbs because he holds the ball too long and has yet to fully grasp the concept of giving up on a play by throwing the ball away rather than forcing passes."

"Ramsey practically received a 'no confidence' vote from Gibbs."

"Joe Gibbs will enter the season professing that he has no plans to use rookie QB Jason Campbell. But at some point in the season, Gibbs will insert Campbell into the lineup to find out if he can energize the offense."

Can't say I don't disagree with some of this. I've said this before, outside of the Redskin boards, no one has much good to say about Ramsey. Winning games, epically the close one's where that one extra pass to the endzone where a guy is open, can make the difference. The question is, can he do this?


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There is some truth in some of the comments, but I disagree with their conclusion.

I like the comment that we ONLY improved on the OL. Well, hell, that's the foundation of any offense. Without a good OL, you don't run very well or pass very well.

WR may be improved, but the jury is still out.

Gibbs is creating a QB controversy? Try looking in the mirror, guys. Gibbs has said that Ramsey is the QB this year, and I suspect that he will stick with him about as long as he stuck with Brunell.

These guys must not have seen how Ramsey played at the end of last season, or they wouldn't have made the comments they did.

I think Brunell will come in before Campbell will come in.


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I like it better this way no one expects anything from us this year. We can sneak on the entire league because we might as well face it. Our coach, offense, defense and special teams all stink per all the media that follow the NFL. Boy will they have to pay for that statement later on in the year.

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