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Middle Linebacker?


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Question: true or false, Barrow is not medically recovered to the point that the team can release him?

Nevermind, I just read that he participated in all of the mini-camp drills. Given that, I think we start him for a year.

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This coaching staff is going to give Mike Barrow every chance they can to win that starting middle linebacker job.

Think back to last year with Mark Brunell - they like a veteran at those key leadership positions. It'll take an awful lot for them to give up on him and give the spot to someone else.

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From what has been said about Barrow and in finding what is wrong with his knee he could be a major upgrade at MLB even over AP and gives us a chance to groom the guys behind the big three because we seem to have alot of talent back there.

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I also think we will need a replacement for LaVar in the comming years, he is really not endearing himself to GW esspeciall considering what GW said about the redskins, the emblem, the moto, the history and the future franchise are all more important that one individual player .

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Originally posted by bedlamVR

I also think we will need a replacement for LaVar in the comming years, he is really not endearing himself to GW esspeciall considering what GW said about the redskins, the emblem, the moto, the history and the future franchise are all more important that one individual player .

Hey bedlam....instead of posting two times in a row, try to include everything in one post. Its all here in the rules and guidelines that I'm sure you've already read ;)

If you want to add something later, just hit the 'edit' button to add to your post.

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Originally posted by themurf

This coaching staff is going to give Mike Barrow every chance they can to win that starting middle linebacker job.

Think back to last year with Mark Brunell - they like a veteran at those key leadership positions. It'll take an awful lot for them to give up on him and give the spot to someone else.

Be careful when you lump the coaching staff all together. Williams, Lindsay, Blache, etc. had no part in the Brunell decision. That was up to Gibbs, Breaux, etc. The Barrow decision will be up to Williams, Blache, and especially Lindsay (I think he is LB coach), who may or may not have a different idea about veterans. That being said, if Barrow is healthy, he gets the job.

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