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Not sure if this was posted - Carlos Rodgers "Living up to the Legacy"


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Carlos Rogers: Draft Diary 3

Living up to the legacy of the Redskins cornerbacks.

by Carlos Rogers

June 2, 2005 - As told to Jon Robinson

I've always watched and admired the cornerbacks on the Redskins. Darrell Green, Champ Bailey, Fred Smoot, and, of course, Deion Sanders. These are some of the best players to play their position, and I hope to add to that legacy.

I'll be wearing #22 on the Redskins…one number away from Deion, my favorite player of all time. When I was a kid, I didn't really collect football cards, I collected Deion cards. I would flip through the pack, and if I didn't get a Deion or a Joe Montana in my pack, I just threw the other cards away. I wore a Deion 49ers jersey, I studied his tapes, and now, I'm playing on one of his former teams.

At the Rookie Premiere a couple of weeks ago in Los Angeles, I had the chance to pose for my first football cards. They took so many pictures in so many different poses, I don't even know what it's going to look like, but it's amazing to think that there are some kids out there who might get excited to find one of my cards in a pack. And while I don't expect anyone to throw out the rest of the players if they don't get my card, it's always nice to dream. I'm also excited to see people wear my Redskins jersey. In college, people used to wear my jersey, but they only cost $60. When you buy an authentic NFL jersey of a player, you know they're a big fan because it can cost you up to $300.

The Draft

I had a feeling I was going to be picked in the top ten when I went on my team visits and I saw that Washington had me on the top of their list. They were going defense, and there I was, their first choice. I was pretty nervous watching the draft, because even though you think you're getting picked by a certain team, in the end, you never know. A player could slip and cause the whole draft to change in a second, so it was a relief to finally hear my name at number nine.

Carlos picks off a pass in Madden NFL 06.

The first thing I went and bought was a new candy red Cadillac Escalade. I put 26's on it, got a stereo system, tinted my windows. I got five TVs in it, even got a videogame system in it. It's this new thing where there are 50 old-school games on this one controller. I haven't even played it yet, but my little cousin loves it. Besides, it's probably not safe to play games and drive at the same time.

At Camp

I've been to a couple camps already, and working out with the vets, I can already tell the difference in speed. Everybody is fast, and experience really plays a big role. In the NFL, the fourth receiver can beat you just as bad as the first receiver. Everyone runs their routes sharper, they anticipate plays better, and if you make one mistake, they're by you.

One thing the coaches are preaching to us is how important it is physically to take care of your body. Make sure you eat right, continue to work out and stretch. Those are the most important things. Mentally, you need to be prepared for every play, every match-up. In college, you get away with a lot of things because of talent. In the NFL, you have to be focused in on every situation. Everyone in the NFL has talent. The difference here is knowing exactly how to react to each situation.

When it comes to this season, I just want quarterbacks to know that I'm not an easy first down. I'm going to study film on everyone, every situation because I know when they look over at me, they see a rookie, and they're going to try and test me, but I'm going to go out there and try to make some plays.

I'm the new Redskins cornerback.

And I have a lot to live up to.

If posted delete this.

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Originally posted by goskins


I really like Rogers.

It's interesting that both Smoot and Rogers idolized Deion....but both may tackle aot better than him.

Also, I thought Rogers was #32 not #22.......

I think he changed it.

5 TV's in the car, man...

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Great article. If he can live up to a fraction or better, I will be happy. I hope he can live up to his first round selection.

First thing to do is get into camp on time, learn from guys like Springs and Harris, and beat out Harris for the job.

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Carlos Rogers: Draft Diary 2

Moving fast up the draft board.

by Carlos Rogers

April 12, 2005 - As told to Jon Robinson

I think I'll definitely be the first or second corner taken in the draft. My height and size really gives me an advantage over the competition, and I think when people look at the way I not only cover, but support the run and make tackles, that is what's going to separate me in this class.

I've been putting in so much work, it's about time people start talking about me rising up the draft board. And it looks like some of the buzz is finally happening now that the draft is drawing near.

Some of the articles and analysis on NFL.com make no sense, though. They talk about me having these tools and those tools, and then in the next paragraph they talk about my weaknesses, and they start talking about one of those tools they just said was a strength now being a weakness. It's crazy how a strength can also be a weakness in the same article. That's why I like playing the games. Forget the analysis, forget the numbers, watch me make plays.

On the Road

I'm traveling from team to team these days, working out every chance I get. I went to Washington about a week ago, visited with the Kansas City Chiefs, and I just left New York the other day. Some cities I've been going to people have recognized me, but not too much. I've even had some people ask me for my autograph, but I'm on the go so much these days, it's hard to track me down.

There's so much going on right now these last two weeks, you don't have much time to relax. That means put down the video games, no more Halo or Madden, forget about going to the movies, you need to concentrate on these final workouts in order to impress the right people.

When it comes to the actual draft day, I'm going to watch the whole thing unfold from home. My mom is inviting a bunch of people over to the house, but I don't want to be bothered by anyone during the draft to tell the truth. I'll be too nervous. I know people will be asking me why teams chose somebody over me or why they did this or that. I don't want to hear it. I just wish the draft could happen today so I know what city I'm moving to, what team I'm going to play with, and just get back to doing what I love most, and that's play the game.

Don't worry, though, I'm not going to go crazy when I get my first signing bonus check like some players. The one thing I've always wanted is a nice car, something like an Escalade. Get me a good home and an Escalade and I'll be set. You never know, I might just have to move my Xbox into my Escalade. I've been so busy lately, it seems like that's the only place I might get a chance to play.

All I need to do is make sure someone else is driving.

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Guest BleedinBurgundyandGold

is it just me or does it make you all cringe to hear deion as a former redskin.....

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Carlos Rogers: Draft Diary

Auburn, awards, and the NFL Draft.

by Carlos Rogers

February 10, 2005 - As told to Jon Robinson

To me, the Jim Thorpe Award is the best award you can receive. Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete to ever play, and now, they give his award to the best defensive back in college football. Charles Woodson, Antoine Winfield, and Roy Williams have all won the award before, and I was so excited, so honored to win it this year.

One thing's for sure, though, those are big shoes to fill.

These are all guys who I look up to, and Terence Newman, another former winner, was there to hand me the award. These are guys who I want to learn from, guys I want to take tips from so I can step in to the NFL and play like I know I can play. The sooner I can learn the ropes of the new league, the sooner I can get back to playing like the old Carlos. This is actually one of the reasons I wanted to come back to Auburn my senior season. I wanted to grow my game to a point where I would be recognized as one of the best defensive backs in the country, and it was a big thrill for me to travel to Oklahoma for the awards dinner, although all I got to eat was a scoop of mashed potatoes and a little steak. Something to get you through the ceremony, but if it was up to me, they'd go more country: Macaroni and cheese, collared greens, corn bread, fried chicken, those are my favorites right there. You can never get enough of that country food.


I was actually pretty close to coming out for the draft last season, closer than a lot of people know. But once I ironed things out, made my lists of the good and bad things about coming out early, then weighed them against each other, my mind got away from the NFL real quick. I was really excited to come back to college to try to fulfill some of my dreams before making the jump to the next level. All I know is college football has some things they need to fix…mainly the BCS system. They can't have the votes count so early in the season. Look what happens. Two years in a row, you had a deserving team left out of the mix. Last year it was USC, this year, unfortunately, it was us. Something just isn't right about the BCS system when the fans don't get to see the best two teams play each other. Of course I'm going to say if we did play, that we would've won, but it would've been an outstanding game. USC has an explosive offense, but we had one of the most powerful defenses in the nation. It would've been a big test for us, but it would've been a really competitive game…unlike the game that was shown.

Game Recognize Game

It's funny, because a couple of weeks ago, I actually played Shaun Cody of USC at NCAA Football 2005 to settle the score and I beat him 17-14. It's not exactly the National Championship I was after, but it's always good for bragging rights, like, "See, that's what would've happened."

I can't wait until I see my character make that transformation from NCAA Football to Madden 2006. I thought it was cool to see the college game, but to actually have a character on screen and it's you, your name, your number, your likeness, that's just going to be amazing. With the way technology is getting, in a couple of years, you might not be able to tell the difference between Madden and the real thing. People would come up to me all the time at school and tell me how good my character was in the game, how many interceptions I had in their season, and it always made me laugh. And now, to see myself in an NFL game, that's like a dream come true. My only advice for EA Sports is that I want something to stand out from the other corners. I need a lot of dancing, a lot of show-time in my character. I want to be able to bring back a touchdown, then stand up in my living room and dance along with my character. That would be wild.

Senior Bowl

It was a great experience to head down to the Senior Bowl and get my first taste of how the NFL coaches work. Unfortunately, I tweaked my hamstring in the second practice, but like I said, getting to learn the NFL terminology and how they approach things was a valuable experience for me. I was able to get my foot in the door with some different NFL teams down there and I started going through the interview process. They let me know what it was going to be like heading into the combine. I think I got a good idea of how to present myself, and things they are looking for when the combine starts.

Some of the written interviews and tests they give you are pretty crazy, though. They asked if I ever felt like killing somebody, and if I look at myself as a dog or a cat (no and dog, just in case you were wondering).

I'm training hard right now in Arizona, and my goal is to be the first corner off the board. I'm hoping to put everything I can into these workouts so I can go top 15, and if these interviews can give me the edge on another corner, maybe I can be the first corner selected.

I just hope they like dogs.

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Some of the written interviews and tests they give you are pretty crazy, though. They asked if I ever felt like killing somebody, and if I look at myself as a dog or a cat (no and dog, just in case you were wondering).

I just hope they like dogs.

Thats some funny ish.

Anyone else wondering what the hell S.T's answers were?:twitch: :paranoid: :insane:

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Love the kid, his attitude, and almost everything about him.

The one thing that sticks me in the side is, his all time favorite player. Deion................

The last Deion worshiper here went with the money, and is now with the Vikings. Lets hope he doesn't adopt that same idea of going with the money over the team and loyalty when contract time comes up in a few years.

If he plays to the level I expect him to, I want him for his entire career.


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"When it comes to this season, I just want quarterbacks to know that I'm not an easy first down. I'm going to study film on everyone, every situation because I know when they look over at me, they see a rookie, and they're going to try and test me, but I'm going to go out there and try to make some plays.

I'm the new Redskins cornerback.

And I have a lot to live up to."

^^ only part I really liked.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I had a feeling I was going to be picked in the top ten when I went on my team visits and I saw that Washington had me on the top of their list. They were going defense, and there I was, their first choice.
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