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FFLS: Taylor has lot of growing up to do


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Taylor has lot of growing up to do

SEAN TAYLOR'S 13-month NFL career hasn't unfolded quite like the fairy tale the Washington Redskins were hoping for when they drafted him last April.

Initially it seemed as though the combination of the rookie and his new team meshed perfectly. Taylor was the 2004 draft's most coveted defender, the stud defensive back every team was clamoring to acquire.

Unfortunately for Taylor, the match made in Hog heaven has simmered to a halt now. He has been in the news often--usually a comforting sign for an emerging star. Unfortunately for Taylor, he has garnered more negative press than good.

The first signs of trouble for Taylor came soon after he was drafted, when he failed to show up for a mandatory rookie symposium. An excuse as well-thought-out as "My dog ate my homework" wasn't enough to get the rock-solid 240-pounder out of the league's offseason doghouse.

At the time, it seemed Taylor had committed a rookie blunder, but we now know that his inability to fulfill an obligation was an omen of things to come. As training camp drew closer, and Taylor went through agents like a baby does diapers, the rookie did little speaking to the media. By little I mean none at all. Like Barry Bonds during a bad week: none.

Two run-ins with the law and a contract dispute later, Taylor still isn't talking with the media. There is a difference, though, between shunning media members following a game and refusing to speak to your head coach. Having failed to report to Redskins Park once since last season's end and a no-show for every voluntary team function, the former Miami star has kept in contact with only a few fellow ex-Hurricanes.

It wasn't until this week, following his second professionally taken mug shot, that Taylor finally decided to contact Joe Gibbs.

Apparently the all-world talent isn't content with the $40 million he potentially could earn over the duration of his inaugural NFL contract, and has said he won't report without a new deal.

I know this is a preposterous question, but whatever happened to honoring a contract? As solid as Taylor was and as phenomenal as he may become, he was good last year, but far from great. He didn't start every game, and was even benched after his arrest midway through the season. How does that type of rookie campaign warrant any kind of bonus or raise?

There is no denying how special an athlete Taylor is, and how great a player he may become.

Rather than the quarterbacks he'll oppose on Sundays, Taylor's toughest hurdles might be faced off the field. Gibbs expects more out of Taylor this season than just surpassing his 89-tackle rookie total. He demands completeness out of his players, as success on the field isn't enough for the Hall of Fame coach. His employees are to carry themselves with class and morals--the one aspect keeping Taylor from being the complete package.

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Originally posted by FuriousD

I've asked my kids for a Darrell Green jersey for Fathers Day. #28...... was a man who any fan of football could admire:notworthy

The thought of Darrell Green makes me loath Sean Taylor.:puke:


Whatever. Darrell Green is a fraud. An ******* living in "good-guy" clothing... and an exibitionist Christian on top.

Sean Taylor keeps it real and has made mistakes. But you judging him is a joke. You know nothing.

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Sorry to say it, but I agree with SNEET.

Darrell Green is a first-class as$hole. He put in some good years on the football field, but I have never understood the love for the guy. Every football player puts time and money into charity. He's just way more vocal about it than everybody else.

If you run into him on the street, look out. I've heard horror stories about fans (including little kids) being disillusioned by the behavior of their supposed hero. And it's not just an isolated "oh, he didn't want to be bothered at dinner" incident. It's a pattern of just downright nasty behavior. I'm sure there are some folks on this very site that would like to share their encounters with Darrell.

I have a friend who runs a charity in association with the 'Skins. After every home game, he takes a group of kids down to the locker room so the players can sign memorabilia for them. He told me unequovically that Darrell is the rudest player he's had to deal with. He told me a story about how Darrell once refused to sign for the kids because the group "was not racially diverse" enough. Seriously, what the hell is that?

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I've heard enough stories about DG being rude over the years to believe it's probably true. However he's still light years ahead of Taylor. For one thing he was never accused of pointing a gun at anyone...whether any of that turns out to be true of Taylor or not. DG just didn't put himself into the position to get into trouble like Taylor has. In fact I think it's probably a safe bet that Taylor has been in more trouble in his first season than DG was in his entire career.

Sorry, but whether you like him or not, DG was d@mn near Jesus Christ himself compared to Taylor.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

Did this guy just make up that Taylor said he wouldn't report without a new deal? I never heard any quotes attributed to him saying that.

Taylor or his agent both have never even hinted much less stated he wouldn't report without a new deal, but when did redskin fans need facts to condem a player whose is out of favor? :doh:

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

I've heard enough stories about DG being rude over the years to believe it's probably true. However he's still light years ahead of Taylor. For one thing he was never accused of pointing a gun at anyone...whether any of that turns out to be true of Taylor or not. DG just didn't put himself into the position to get into trouble like Taylor has. In fact I think it's probably a safe bet that Taylor has been in more trouble in his first season than DG was in his entire career.

Sorry, but whether you like him or not, DG was d@mn near Jesus Christ himself compared to Taylor.

Bingo. Exactly what he said. I'll take a rude player over someone who embarrasess the team over and over like Taylor. From the agent hiring/firing merry-go-round to the Symposium issue to being charged with a felony.

Rude beats that easily.

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I have met Darrell Green on 3 occasions.

Once at Olive Garden on Leesburg Pike.

Once at Training Camp.

Once at White Flint Mall.

He was very cool, and courteous when I met him.

Maybe it is peoples approach. Just as much as it is Darrells' personality.

For anyone to think that the 22 year old Taylor doesnt have some growing up to do; just isnt paying attention to the last year of his actions.

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Taylor broke the Redskins' trust. He should be tied to stakes and burned for this. He's got a combination of all the worst characteristics we all hate in selfish NFL babies like Warren Sapp (spitting on a player), Terrell Owens (demanding more money), Ray Lewis (getting his gangsta on), and Lord knows what else. I'd expect there to be drugs, pouting, fighting with teammates, fines for illegal hits, and other acts of supreme stupidity. He's rotten from the inside out and there's no way to fix that. See Darrell Gardnener, David Boston, and Keyshawn Johnson. All bad hombres. Incurable.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Taylor or his agent both have never even hited uch less stated he wouldn't report without a new deal, but when did redskin fans need facts to condem a payer whose is out of favor? :doh:

You must be new here, welcome to the board. :)
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Originally posted by SNEET

Whatever. Darrell Green is a fraud. An ******* living in "good-guy" clothing... and an exibitionist Christian on top.

Sean Taylor keeps it real and has made mistakes. But you judging him is a joke. You know nothing.

my goodness , you sound real crazy "keepin' it real"... please explain what in the hell he's keeping real.. that he's staying real stupid, man i truely think that the "keeping it real" mentality is part of the reason why many of these dumb, immature young people get into so much unnessary trouble.. ok true i understand one mistake or maybe 3 or 4 bone-head mistakes. but you mean to tell me that after absorbing punishment and ridicule time after time for your actions, that you can't be remorseful to the the point that you want to change? good greif!!!, but no - they wait until they reach a near death experience to call for there mother's pastor to pray for them or ask to hold hands with their family.. WTF!! , do these things when you're alive, free and walking.. boy its so funny how we take good things in life for granted,.. its not the money its not the fame its what type of human being you are and being honest with your self as a man or woman.. at some point you must think whether or not your actions are the best thing for you or the people around you.. it comes down to decisions, not the system, not your parents, or your "boys", or the white man or the black man or your coach or agent, its about YOU!!,.. please excuse me folks for my long rant but i've had it up to my nose with these people talking about "keepin' sh*t real" and being rough and tough.. which in actuality means absolutely nothing in life , whether in sports or everyday life.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Whatever. Darrell Green is a fraud. An ******* living in "good-guy" clothing... and an exibitionist Christian on top.

Sean Taylor keeps it real and has made mistakes. But you judging him is a joke. You know nothing.

Hmmm, Darrell Green's work ethic and attitude vs. Sean Taylors...... hmmm, very tough decision :doh:

This is the kind of quote a thug would put up.

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...man i truely think that the "keeping it real" mentality is part of the reason why many of these dumb, immature young people get into so much unnessary trouble.


Even so, I'm not quite ready to give up on Taylor just yet, but he's got veeery little rope to work with in my book. I think Gibbs is probably in a similar place with him.

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I met Darrel Green in 1994. He was VERY friendly, shook my hand twice, and thanked me for my support as a fan. I'm sure some people may have had different experiences with meeting him, but each and every one of us, at one time or another, has probably come across the wrong way to people who are just meeting us, whether we meant to or not. I can only speak for my brief meeting with him.

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i'm not giving up on him either but at some point he must ask himself what it is he really wants.. does he want to be a great football player or a knuckhead in the street.. believe me i'm not throwing the book at him, but he and other young athletes like him must realize that they are part of a profession in which they are "privilaged" so act like you have some sense and try to be the best at what you get paid millions to do.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Whatever. Darrell Green is a fraud. An ******* living in "good-guy" clothing... and an exibitionist Christian on top.

Sean Taylor keeps it real and has made mistakes. But you judging him is a joke. You know nothing.

I suppose that you and DG hang out all the time, right, and you know everything right?

Well, if Darrell is such an a-hole, why did she show up for work on time every years for 2 decades? Why does he continue to be heavily involved in The Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation even though his playing days are over?

If DG is an a-hole then there isn't a word in the dictionary low enough for Sean Taylor.

Please. "Keeping it real" is a total fabrication of today's backwards society. It means nothing -- it's perhaps the emptiest, most worthless cliche I can think of. It's an excuse for childish, idiotic behavior. The true meaning of "Keeping it real" is showing up when you are supposed to and doing what's expected of you.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Sorry to say it, but I agree with SNEET.

Darrell Green is a first-class as$hole. He put in some good years on the football field, but I have never understood the love for the guy. Every football player puts time and money into charity. He's just way more vocal about it than everybody else.

If you run into him on the street, look out. I've heard horror stories about fans (including little kids) being disillusioned by the behavior of their supposed hero. And it's not just an isolated "oh, he didn't want to be bothered at dinner" incident. It's a pattern of just downright nasty behavior. I'm sure there are some folks on this very site that would like to share their encounters with Darrell.

I have a friend who runs a charity in association with the 'Skins. After every home game, he takes a group of kids down to the locker room so the players can sign memorabilia for them. He told me unequovically that Darrell is the rudest player he's had to deal with. He told me a story about how Darrell once refused to sign for the kids because the group "was not racially diverse" enough. Seriously, what the hell is that?

yeah, well, at least he showed up in the offseason, communicated with the coach and had the good sense not to wave a gun in someone's face.

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