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First and foremost, This young lady is very talented, and did a great job in the 500. I hope she has a long career in open wheel racing, and have nothing against her.

That being said, I find it completely disrespectful to the first through third place finishers for her to get more coverage after the race. They did a longer interview with her then Bryan Hertta. Dan Weldon wins the race, and Danica is on the Today Show this morning:wtf: She hasn't won jack in this class of racing yet, but because of gender she overshadows everybody in the media coverage.

I don't care how much the hype for her boosts the ratings, they shlit all over the top three drivers IMO.

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I saw her interviewed this morning. Only positive thing I can say Pete is maybe she will bring more interest to a sport that is dying a slow death in this country. Worldwide, especially Europe, Indy and Cart racing is HUGE but in the United States good ol' Nascar dwarfs it...:2cents:

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Lots of men have won races. They won, that's great, an amazing accomplishment they'll never forget. But let's be honest, they aren't unique. They aren't a rookie female driver doing what has never been done by someone in her position before.

Like it or not, she is a better story then they are. People want to here about her that have nothing at all to do with the sport. She has appeal that goes farther then fans of the sport. That's why you'll see more of her.

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True enough Pete - its the nature of the press.

But I will say, I can't stand the treatment she got from Steve Czaban this a.m. - I recognize part of its his neanderthal man schtick - but he really laid into her.

Girl is a ROOKIE driver, and damn near won - thats WON - the Indy 500. Oh, and by the way, she's a woman. Thats pretty damn impressive, and she's got some serious composure for handling both the expectations prior and the race itself.

I just don't see how you can come down on her - but Czaban did. He really is ignorant. Then, after bashing her and all the attention paid her, he starts hyperventilating about the great 'Masters Golf' tournament he watched.


Right Steve. That makes a whole lot of sense. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by CrazyZeb

Dude, she's hot, its bound to happen. :)


She not that hot, and the pic just confirms that she uses her gender to get exposure.

Originally posted by Tarhog

True enough Pete - its the nature of the press.

But I will say, I can't stand the treatment she got from Steve Czaban this a.m. - I recognize part of its his neanderthal man schtick - but he really laid into her.

Girl is a ROOKIE driver, and damn near won - thats WON - the Indy 500. Oh, and by the way, she's a woman. Thats pretty damn impressive, and she's got some serious composure for handling both the expectations prior and the race itself.

I just don't see how you can come down on her - but Czaban did. He really is ignorant. Then, after bashing her and all the attention paid her, he starts hyperventilating about the great 'Masters Golf' tournament he watched.


Right Steve. That makes a whole lot of sense. :rolleyes:

I completely trust what you say is true in what Czaban did, and agree it's completely unwarrented. Never said she didn't deserve prais for what she's done. As you say, it's the nature of the press.

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Originally posted by SamSneed36

She almost won but its not fair cause shes only 100 lbs :rolleyes: Its very impressive how well she did, especially with all the problems her team had with the car including running out of gas on the last lap. Cutie can drive

They say that her being so light gives her car about one more MPH in top speed. I don't care about that. There have been some men in the 130lb range that have driven open wheel, and nobody yacked about the advantage they had.

Roby Gorden needs to shut his pie hole. He's just pizzed he didn't get a ride for the race..............

Bobby Rahal has been around long enough, and knows what it takes to win. He's put together a extrmely solid program, and it shows with two of his drivers placing in the top 5.

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Originally posted by Pete

They say that her being so light gives her car about one more MPH in top speed. I don't care about that. There have been some men in the 130lb range that have driven open wheel, and nobody yacked about the advantage they had.

Roby Gorden needs to shut his pie hole. He's just pizzed he didn't get a ride for the race..............

Bobby Rahal has been around long enough, and knows what it takes to win. He's put together a extrmely solid program, and it shows with two of his drivers placing in the top 5.

I can totally see her weight making a difference. The cars are only 1500 or so pounds. A 100 pound difference between her and most of the guys could account for a nice advantage.

There will be a rule next year, where the car and the driver's total weight will be counted. If not, they might have horse jockeys racing.

I have no doubt she can drive. Rahal knows his stuff.

It's good for open wheel racing. I went to RIR to see the IRL and it was awesome. You have to be a better driver than the Nascar guys, because in those cars, you touch and you wreck. None of that "rubbin' is racin'" stuff.

Someone needs to take the bull by the horns and reunite Cart and IRL. That is the only way they have a chance to compete.

The media loves her. It's just a shame that I've seen that one picture of her in uniform putting on her makeup about twenty times in various publications.

The last open wheel femail phenom, Sarah Fisher, is supposedly switching over to Nascar.

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Originally posted by Joe Sick

I can totally see her weight making a difference. The cars are only 1500 or so pounds. A 100 pound difference between her and most of the guys could account for a nice advantage.

There will be a rule next year, where the car and the driver's total weight will be counted. If not, they might have horse jockeys racing.

I have no doubt she can drive. Rahal knows his stuff.

It's good for open wheel racing. I went to RIR to see the IRL and it was awesome. You have to be a better driver than the Nascar guys, because in those cars, you touch and you wreck. None of that "rubbin' is racin'" stuff.

Someone needs to take the bull by the horns and reunite Cart and IRL. That is the only way they have a chance to compete.

The media loves her. It's just a shame that I've seen that one picture of her in uniform putting on her makeup about twenty times in various publications.

The last open wheel femail phenom, Sarah Fisher, is supposedly switching over to Nascar.

Read a story last week that said CART and IRL are talkin about getting back together.

We can only hope..........

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Look, I hate any kind of auto racing, but I watched it for her. So if you're a fan of auto racing and would like the sport to become a bigger success, maybe she's what it needs. I thought she did great, but again, never liked it, and don't know enough to give a great opinion.

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Originally posted by SkinsBry

Everybody is missing the real issue at hand.

A woman drove 500 miles without once talking on her cell phone.


:notworthy :laugh:

I personally dont find her that hot, she's kinda average to me, I can see how most would find her cute though. Pete though, it isnt her fault, I doubt she really cares to be in the limelight as much as she is. Im not saying she doesnt want to either, more that if they are offering her press, may as well take it. Cant blame her for it, it is just like if a black guy ran against a white guy for president as part of one of the major parties. He may lose, but he would still get more press especially if he was close. I think it's good for her that she got close. Also, remember the amount of press when Anika Sorenstram (sp?) played in one of the major golf tourneys, that had a lof of press as well. Final verdict was that a woman can play with men.

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I'll admitt i dont know crap about auto racing..

Watched some of it at a yard party...

If weight is such and issue with the Ponies..err. cars.. why not put jockies in there ;)... Insert its a sport and hard to handle here.. With all that muscle i can how she held er steady...

She lost the front of her car about 60 laps left and was leading with what? 15 laps.. then almost ran out of gas.. If they didnt get the yellow she could have run out and looked foolish... But 4th? Thats pretty good considering Rookie and the race itself...

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First, in regard to weight advantage, when compared to a 200

lb person, driving equal cars her speed would be 1 mph faster.

The key here is all the cars out there aren't equal.

Second, I am impressed with her finish, regardless if a woman,

man, rookie, or veteran. Didn't watch the race, mainly because

lost interest years when the IRL and CART had their split. Before that I always watched.

She is attractive and has given IRL a star is desperately needs.

I was listening to Mike and Mike on the way to work and they

were discussing her. Greenberg made a good point...how many

that watched the Indy 500 know when the next IRL race is and


Have to agree with Pete, her 4th place finish doesn't warrant

more attention than the winner. She does seem to have

talent. The FHM spread didn't hurt her marketabiltiy either.

The IRL and Danica were winners on Sunday. Both got the

exposure they wanted.

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