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Who Was Gibbs Talking About?


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Not sure if everyone has had a chance to listen/watch the entire 30 minute press conference from yesterday, but there was a quote from Joe Gibbs that had me scratching my head.

When speaking about success stories on the team, Joe mentioned that he was having a conversation with one of the position coaches (didn't say which) and asked

"Who is impressing you out there right now?"

According to JG, the position coach mentioned that there is a player out there who was injured for most or all of last season who is performing tremendously right now, and really has a chance to make a big impact this year.

The press of course asked for a name... to which Joe replied "I didn't give the team a name when I told them that story and I'm not going to give you one now" ... "it would make other players at that position discouraged / etc." (not exact quotes). Apparently Joe told the team the same story.

Who do you think Joe was talking about?

:helmet: HTTR :helmet:

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I thought Jansen & Arrington... but they're the obvious choice... I mean, Gibbs & Co are expecting them to do well. Besides, Lavar is not on the field right now, he's only in the weight room.

Hall? Maybe... hadn't thought of that.


Phillip Daniels... hmmmmmm

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My first reaction was Bowen, although Lavar and Daniels make some sense as well. Though considering Gibbs said he did not want to discourage the other players at that position, Lavar and Jansen are pretty firmly entreched, so maybe it is Hall or Bowen.

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Originally posted by goaldeje

My first reaction was Bowen, although Lavar and Daniels make some sense as well. Though considering Gibbs said he did not want to discourage the other players at that position, Lavar and Jansen are pretty firmly entreched, so maybe it is Hall or Bowen.

C'mon, who in there right mind does not know that John Hall will be our starting kicker. Hall is one of the top 5 kickers in the league. You can't be that ignorant to think that a rookie is going to beat out Hall. Especially when you try to make the comparison to Jansen and Arrington being "entrenched" into their respective starting slots. :doh:

Think people, Think!!!!

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The reason I think it's Daniels and not LaVar or Bowen is that Daniels wasn't playing a whole lot. He was disruptive in his one game back, though. Bowen is a known quantity. They already know what he strengths are and he was playing at a high level when he got injured. LaVar isn't even within a country mile of the field, so it can't be him. Don't think it's Jansen because I think they already expect that the line will be much stronger mentally and physically with him. I really think it's Daniels.


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Thinking this over now...it's more likely to be either a safety or a linebacker, since those are the overcrowded spot where Joe would worry about tipping his hand.

That would probably narrow it down to Bowen, Lott, or Barrow.

It would be pretty wild if it were Barrow. I doubt it is, but that would make me pretty happy.

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Originally posted by BigDaddyShoo

Jeff Chandler did pretty well for us late last season.

You think Jeff Chandler is competion for Hall? Chandler can't even hit a 35 yrd field goal :doh: Please tell me you are just trying to play devil's advocate here.

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Originally posted by jrfriedm

You think Jeff Chandler is competion for Hall? Chandler can't even hit a 35 yrd field goal :doh: Please tell me you are just trying to play devil's advocate here.

he hit a 49 yarder for us against San Fran, but I agree that he doesn't hold a candle (or is it Chandle in this case? :laugh: ) against a healthy John Hall leg

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