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Everything posted by mac8887

  1. I was able to finish my breakdown of the UNC vs NCstate game, I did it as an edit, it’s back on page 2110. These were just how I saw the plays, and I admit I’m no expert or even close to one , it’s just my opinion. I did not do this as a rebuttal either. I thank and respect anyone that does one of these full game breakdowns, this is my second one in the last few weeks, and it’s a lot of work. I do admit that I have Maye as my 4th qb in this draft, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up the best. I love his arm strength and mobility for such a big guy. Right now Caleb is #1, JJ#2, Jayden#3, and Maye #4 in my opinion. The line that separates these guys for me is so thin that I’d be happy with whoever we choose. And my list changes week to week the more I watch and listen to others and the more film I’m able to watch. I had Maye at #2 last week. I was surprised with how well the UNC line played other than 2 really bad plays. Maye had a rough game, he was innacurate and inconsistent, but then also made plays that were amazing. It’s crazy how high his highs were and how low his lows were in that game alone. NCstate has a really good defense.
  2. Actually I was being candid in my thanking you for your post, I know you put hard work into it. I wasn’t trying to bash you or your post in any way, I had enough time during lunch to do 5 plays. I actually did a whole game of Jayden about 40 pages back and it was a lot of work so I don’t plan on doing another. Like I said earlier I actually appreciate your post. You very well could be more right on your assessment than i. I’m no scout.
  3. 1. Comes of of 1v1 coverage on the outside, he might have been reading rb but still had a reciever 1v1 to the outside to the left. reciever slips a little but it looks like he came off the route before the slip. The receiver ends up open. This should have been the throw, but it looks like he had made his mind up pre snap and started the snap looking left to move the middle linebacker. Slot flashed open right in front of him but he passes on that route as well. If he puts it right on him, especially slightly back shoulder, the receiver is able to cut right up field, there is enough room there for the first down. Finally Maye decides to throw to a guy that is bracketed in double coverage to the left and right side. The guy falls and Drake is able to hold the ball and gets sacked. If he makes the throw here there is a high chance of an interception. Maye shows amazing hand strength here being able to tuck the ball. This was not a good play by Maye, he passes up 2 open throws and then intends to try to squeeze in a very difficult throw to a guy that is double covered. 2. Has a receiver that broke free past the zone coverage and the safety was late to help, a good throw to him equals a Td, but instead Maye tries a very difficult throw into double coverage. Not a good decision here. 3. blitz coming from Mayes right, line picks it up pretty well, Maye rolls left getting away from pressure, delayed blitz coming from left now that Maye starts to roll, looked good rolling left and buying himself some time, but then throws a dirt ball to an open receiver. He could have led him or put it on him for a completion but instead short hopped him Horribly inaccurate pass. 4. Nice job after slipping to get his composure and run for a few yards. Then he fails to get down takes a big hit and fumbles. turnover. 5. drifts into the rush a little bit and is late on the throw. Made the right read but because he drifted into the rush and was late on the throw the defender had enough time to close the space making a completion nearly impossible. This one could’ve and should’ve been a completion. Not a good play by Maye. This is all I got time to do on my lunch break. I do appreciate you putting in the time to do this for us, it’s a long process. And I appreciate your hard work. I just wanted to post this to show how people can see things a little differently. If I get time later I’ll try to review the rest of the game. Again I thank you for your post. 6. Line doesn’t hold up, looks like some confusion on the play fake. Maye does a good job getting the ball out, avoiding a negative play 7. Maye does a good job moving up into the pocket, makes the right read on time on an in breaking route, misses high on the throw high. He needed a little more touch here. Should’ve been an easy completion. He threw it to hard and didn’t give the ball a chance to come down enough after getting it over the head of the linebacker. 8. Makes a good quick read. Throws a good ball, should’ve been caught. This was a good play by Maye. Would’ve liked to see him get to the top of his drop a little quicker, the release didn’t look great, but still, great read, great throw, should’ve been caught. 9. Great play by Maye, finds a clean spot in the pocket and rips one on time with great accuracy on a deep corner. These are the throws that get people excited. His eyes stayed on the guy but it’s ok here because there was no help. Really accurate pass 10. Eyes down his receiver, receiver breaks open, Maye pumps, the throw was there to be made, the receiver on the other hash was very open and probably would’ve had a Td if a good ball was thrown to him. Maye got stuck on his 1st read. He did show off his good mobility here and was able to scramble for some nice yardage. You’d like to see him hit his receivers on these plays, these receivers were open and there were multiple throws to be had. 11. Great play by Maye here, he sees something he doesn’t like and makes the adjustment accordingly. This looks like something they’ve practiced, it looks like it was a check to a designed roll out. The line and Maye were in sync here and Maye looked good rolling to his left, the line did a good job holding there blocks. Maye makes the right read and delivers an amazing throw to where only his guy could get it on a fairly deep out pattern. It was pretty tight coverage as well, Great throw here. He had a similar throw earlier in the game that was an easier throw that he ended up dirt balling. His inconsistency is something that almost everyone says needs work. This time he nailed it. 12. First read on a quick out from shotgun. The receiver had separated from defender. This should be an easy pitch and catch but he leads the receiver to far and the receiver has to dive. If Maye makes a good throw here there is room on the sideline for the receiver to make a move, and the receiver only has one man to beat with lots of green in front of him. Maye really needs to throw a better ball here and give his receiver a chance to make a bigger play. Good read, inaccurate throw. 13. What a run by Maye, this could’ve been checked into as a designed run but kind of hard to tell, LSU runs this kind of stuff for Jayden, a lot of clearing routes that leave a gaping whole for a qb to take off into. It looks like someone saw something from the sidelines and signaled Maye. Great play by Maye, I love that he can run this well for such a big dude, he even showed a little wiggle. 14. Quick out from the slot from the near side hash, reciever gets enough separation for a completion, Maye leads him to far for an incomplete pass. This is another easy throw that needs to be made. This is the second quick out he’s thrown inaccurately, this one was a little tighter window but a completion was there to be had. Gotta hit on these easy ones. 15. RO and Maye keeps it, makes the right decision here and runs for a nice gain. I’m sure if it was just one defender there for the tackle Maye would’ve ran him over and scored. This is a big, strong, athletic qb. 16. Nice, qb keeper for the score, he will be dynamite in 3rd and 4th and 1 or shorter, should be almost automatic for him because he’s so big and strong. 17. No throw here to make, does a good job scrambling for the score, can’t let himself get that frustrated, when the flag came out. I imagine in the NFL, the coaches would want him to throw the 1v1 to his left on the outside but he never got a chance to look that way. I’m surprise that the fade wasn’t the first read. 18. Does a nice job getting to his second read and finding the soft spot in the zone. He threw a dart in between 2 defenders for the completion after using his eyes to open up a little more space because of the corner needing to come down on the sideline route. Great read, great throw. 19. Maye gets stuck looking left into heavy coverage, he has a guy to the right with no one on him. You’d like for him to get through his reads a little faster especially with the receivers that well covered. However he does do a good job feeling the pressure and steps into an open area of the pocket. He had bought himself time and had some room to run for a good gain but he slips and flips it to the running back for a positive play. He will need to be able to come off those initial reads faster when they are that well covered. I’m sure he will the more experienced he becomes, but it’s not a given. 20. Plenty of time here, Maye moves around a little, buys a little time, then makes a throw to a guy that got a little separation of script down field. Maye did not set his feet and it caused an innacurate throw. Another play where there was a completion to be had but was missed due to innacuracy. 21. Free rusher, Maye does a good job of throwing the ball away and avoiding a negative play. 22. Blitz incoming, zero coverage. Maye does a great job realizing this and gets the ball out fast to the quick slant blitz beater. Good decision, great throw. It’s a shame the receiver couldn’t get any separation because if he would’ve this could’ve been a house call on an easy pitch and catch. Maye was cool, calm, and collected and delivered here for his team. 23. Good protection, good read, good route with separation, bad accuracy. Held the ball a little too long as well. He missed this really high. If he would’ve got rid of it on time he would’ve had a better throwing window. Gotta be more accurate, he’s missed 3 or 4 easy ones up to this point. 24. Great read, great throw, pretty much a perfect play by Maye. The receiver let him down by dropping this seam route. Maye put the ball in a perfect place to keep his player and the ball safe. Should’ve been caught. Nice touch on this one as well. 25. The line does a great job. blown coverage. Receiver is wide open in the middle of the field 5 yards in front of LOS with no defender within 10 yards of him. Easy pitch and catch. 26. Maye locks onto outside receiver and holds the ball to long. He sees a guy cutting across the middle and throws a floater off his back foot. It was a nice, accurate throw, but he really left his receiver out to dry, reciever took a big hit. If he got through his progressions without getting stuck on his 1st read here, he would’ve had the same crosser open with an easier throw and a less muddied pocket, also had a guy wide open in the flat. 27. Line does a good job picking up the blitz, Maye finds a clean spot in the pocket and makes a great throw. Amazing throw considering how he threw it, wide base. Only a few in the world have that kind of arm talent. What does concern me here a little is the way he moved in the pocket, it was almost like he started running, actually got foot in front of foot at one point. I’d like to see him slide step more. The way he moves in the pocket doesn’t really help him to get set to get into a nice throwing stance. Luckily for him he’s got the arm talent to overcome this, but definitely needs to work on his footwork. 28. I don’t like this play, Maye bails from a clean pocket, throws on the move when he sees his guy flash open and the leaves his guy out to dry and reciever takes a big hit. The o line did great here, the pocket was clean and Maye took off foward, he got to close to the LOS after bailing from the clean pocket and was unable to plant and reset, and then threw a pass that got less yards than if Maye would’ve ran it after he decided to leave the clean pocket. 29. UNCs line has done great all day, especially picking up the blitz, but on this play there is no blitz and the right tackle gets beat on an outside speed rush, it looks like he expected help from the rb. Maye steps up and does a good job avoiding the rush. He made himself a clean throwing lane. I thought he had a completion, but I’m pretty sure the edge rusher made contact with him just before releasing the ball. You can’t blame Maye here. 30. OPI, nice easy pitch and catch on the slant though. 31. Great throw on an in breaking route. Stood tall knowing he was going to take a hit and threw a beautiful ball. There were 2 receivers really close to each other here. He threw it to the more open one and threw it with pace and touch. 32. Good pocket, Maye steps up into the pressure, doesn’t like what he sees, pump fakes, rolls left and buys himself some time, and then makes an innacurate throw to a guy that had enough separation for a completion, missed low with a dirt ball. 33. Pump fake with a nice little scramble for a few yards. 34. Easy throw to open man due to state not being ready. 35. Ball was thrown a little low and behind on the slant route. Defender was in good position, ball tipped and picked. It actually wasn’t a badly placed ball because of the defenders positioning, probably should’ve thrown elsewhere. 36. Rusher gets to the qb, blocker got beat bad. This is the second time this game that the line failed Maye. 37. Maye looks left, moves to the right, finds a nice throwing window and hits the receiver for a short gain. Feet looked a little choppy and the throwing motion looked odd compared to usual. 38. Clean pocket, crosser breaks open, Maye makes an inaccurate throw high and behind the receiver. Should’ve been caught, but that doesn’t excuse the innacuracy in a clean pocket, especially with the receiver having room to be led by the throw, instead reciever is having to jump and twist backward. Thanks if you took the time to read and go through this. This was a bad game from Maye. He missed easy ones, was slow processing a few plays, hung some receivers out to dry, found pressure a few times when there wasn’t any, he was inconsistent and displayed poor accuracy and footwork on plays. He did however make some amazing throws as well that make you get real excited. And showed some really nice mobility.
  4. Must mean we are trading up for Caleb. We don’t have anyone that comps to him
  5. I was really hoping we’d take a later round qb, maybe Milton or Jordan Travis or Pratt or Hartman, but with today’s signing, that seems less likely.
  6. I wasn’t trying to bring Maye down a peg. The poster asked if there was ever a player that Maye played with that had been drafted in the first 3 rounds, so I answered his question. I’m confused on how you saw that as an attack against Maye?
  7. ACC defense is single ply soft, especially since if you remove Florida State. FSU had playmakers on d but UNC hasn’t played them for the last 2 years.
  8. I agree that Maye definitely had the weaker team around himself, but he also played much weaker competition. I’m not sure how easy it would be to take both of these into account to be able to decide who had it the hardest. I wish we got to see Drake play Florida State.
  9. I can get behind taking him at #2. Though I think a trade back 1 spot to NE should be able to be made if they really like Drake or Jayden. 0.17-0.25 you get to see Drake do his Jayden Daniels impression
  10. He might fall past the 3rd, but a lot of people have him going in the 3rd. UNC has a pretty good TE as well but I don’t think he declared
  11. I’m all for JJ. I love the way he moves in the pocket. I hope we can trade back 1 spot and get him while adding a third in this and next years draft. Id be happy with the other guys as well.
  12. Maye had an all American running back, 1 receiver took in the 3rd last year and another going in the 3rd this year.
  13. Take Command had an interesting show. Sounds as if both Craig and Logan are higher on both JJ and Jayden than Maye.
  14. I’ve watched a lot of Jayden, he will read the entire field sometimes and throw an accurate pass to his 4th option, on time, and accurately. I’m not sure where the 1 read and take off stuff comes from. I think he is the best processor coming in this years class. He consistently finds the most open man. And according to Jon Kiem, there are plenty of NFL guys that feel the same way.
  15. I was hoping we could trade down with the pats and get JJ, Drake, or Jayden there and pick up an extra pick or 2. But that’s only because I’d be happy with any of the top 4 guys, I’d be ok with a trade way down for a tackle if it were possible to land Bo nix in the second round. I’m happy with whatever the GM decides, for the first time in a long time, I think we’ve got the right people running the organization. Penix injury history concerns me a little, but I’d be ok with a starting left tackle in the first and Penix in the second as well, as long as we get a great haul of picks. But what I want most and still hopeful for is Caleb.
  16. It does seem like we are set up for some “I told you so’s” if whoever we pick doesn’t pan out, though that kind of thing seems to always happen in qb conversations around every team, in every outlet, from the biggest of sports talk shows, to the niche message boards. Hopefully when it inevitably does happen it’ll all be in good fun. I would hope that no matter who the qb is, we will all continue to cheer for the team. I do know that if our new qb starts playing like Howell did the second half of last season, I probably won’t be to happy. Lol
  17. I’ve watched enough film of JD, and on top of that, Keim reported that teams really like Jayden’s processing. Keim just doesn’t make up stuff like this Jon Kiem said teams really like Jayden as a processer of the field, I’ll take his word over yours
  18. I agree. JD is really good at diagnosing defenses pre snap, he was asked to do this almost every play, including the RO/RPO type stuff. He also gets through his progressions fast.
  19. I was leaning Maye yesterday, then last night I was thinking to myself, it’s the 4th quarter of a close game, who do I want with the ball in their hands? Maye or McCarthy? I wanted McCarthy. I wanted Jayden. Why you might ask? I just got done watching the Maye pick 6 vs Clemson. It was eerily similar to the pick Sam Howell threw against the pats this year.
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