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Everything posted by mac8887

  1. Ballsy take right here. If he does end up taking Daniels and he ends up balling out and your guy busts, you’ve left yourself open. I applaud the confidence and conviction
  2. I really like Daniels release. He doesn’t need a lot of space tho throw the ball. One thing I’ve noticed with Maye is he has a tendency to drop the ball to around his belt level during his release on most throws. You can really see it in the Syracuse game 2023.
  3. Not at all, I have the same worries. I know that JJ doesn’t have the number of attempts as these other QBs, but in the attempts he had, I saw no weakness to his game. I like the way that Paulson and Hoffman stated it. He is a B+ player across the board and an A- in some aspects. He is only 21 and has plenty of time to get better. I’m glad we are bringing him in for a visit. Hopefully he wows our FO and is the choice. He’s my favorite non crossdressing qb in the draft.
  4. I’m just saying, both Jon Kiem and Logan Paulson have talked about this subject and have said that there is more to it than just the high number.
  5. I agree, though Kiem said you have to look at Jayden’s P2S rate with context, and also said that he doesn’t feel it’s for the same reasons as Howell or Fields. He doesn’t believe that teams are to worried about that with Jayden. At minimum, even if it does remain high, it’s still consistent and should be able to be game planned around, though admittedly, that wouldn’t be great.
  6. If the pick is Daniels then that probably has something to do with it. It does fascinate me how Maye can make these amazing throws and then miss a wide open quick out. With the way the league is being more driven by analytics I can see why this would be concerning to teams. In baseball, which is the most analytically driven league by far, consistency is king. It’s one of the reasons you never see a knuckleball anymore.
  7. It’s more than every so often, he has a tough time being consistently accurate with that throw, especially on a quick out.
  8. I think if we go for someone other than Maye at #2, it’ll be for one reason. He hasn’t shown the ability to be consistently accurate on short throws to the outside. The high/low concept on the outside is now a staple in every NFL offense, and is run a lot more than it used to be. QBs have to be able to hit the easy throw on time and accurately to give the reciever the time and space to make some move and get some YAC. Other than a little bit of drift that causes him to create his own pressure sometimes, I really don’t see his footwork as a big issue. He doesn’t sidestep well but I think that can be fixed. I have seen him get foot in front of foot a few times with his chest facing forward while in the middle of the pocket, and that does concern me a little, but that to should be easily fixed. He definitely has a cannon and throws well into tight coverage over the middle on intermediate passes. The thing is, the nfl is now, more than ever, about getting the ball to their receivers in space and allowing them to create after the catch. While you do still see throws over the middle into tight windows on the second level, the nfl is now more about scheming and getting guys in space. More and more you see teams using the short passing game as a substitute for the run game and then every once in a while go deep after the safeties get closer to the LOS. You really need a guy that can make the layups look easy consistently. Im not saying Maye can’t fix this issue, but to be honest, it’s really the only reason I can see us passing on him, he checks all of the other boxes.
  9. I’m still hoping we trade up for Caleb. Hopefully he’ll finally get to wear his burgundy and gold dress.
  10. What makes Maye more of a home run swing than McCarthy or Daniels. Daniels has the arm talent to make all the throws, and has elite speed. His ceiling seems pretty high, as for McCarthy, he had the second strongest arm of the combine, Maye has a little bigger arm but not by much. McCarthy can make all of the throws as well and was more accurate over the middle throwing second level with anticipation. He is also quicker on his feet than Maye as well. The ceiling for all these guys is a top 10 qb year in and out.
  11. Per Herm Edward’s who coached Daniels at ASU, he was coached to run when the play went sideways. He stated this in an interview with Jon Kiem. So at least we know with 100% certainty that this is what he was coached to do at ASU.
  12. I said I believe he has some of the traits Alex has, Alex’s best traits, he is accurate on on the easy passes, he throws well on the move, he is good at extending plays, and he doesn’t turn the ball over. As well as the leadership intangibles the Keim spoke about recently when talking to Paulson i also think he has some of cousins best traits, being accurate over the middle, throwing with anticipation, while also being able to push the ball downfield.
  13. If we could find a way to land JJ and pick up more draft capital, id be very happy. He feels to me like if you’d take the best parts of Alex Smiths game and married it with the best parts of Kirk cousins game. He’s my favorite only behind Caleb Williams and it’s close there as well. on a side note, I find it a little concerning that some are willing to write off peters if he picks Daniels and Daniels plays poorly while Maye plays well. I know we’ve got some really divided opinions on these QBs, but I think we should at least give him 3 or 4 years to decide if he is a good GM or not.
  14. There was and SI article that had Joe Milton being a first round qb 11 months ago. A lot can change in a year. Right now I’d say the only consensus is Caleb going #1. Jayden’s been right there with Drake as a possible #2 pick for the last 2 or 3 months, with JJ getting his name thrown in about a month ago. And these are reputable sources like Kiem and Shefter. Drake was the surefire #2 before the season started, but didn’t cement himself there, Daniels had a great year and Mayes play dropped off a bit. If he would’ve had as good of a season as his first as a starter than he probably would be the sure fire #2 pick.
  15. Is Maye really the consensus #2 qb in this draft? From what I’ve gathered it’s Caleb as #1 and then #2 is pretty much up in the air with 3 potentially selections, Maye, Daniels and McCarthy. I think it would be a little short sighted to question Peters talent evaluation if whoever we select at qb doesn’t pan out, especially if he is able to build a strong roster around the qb. There is no Andrew Luck this year, all these guys have issues that can cause them to fail.
  16. I hope you are right. That would mean he really improved throughout the season. He was the 14th best passer in college football last season, but he does have the traits to be a top 10 guy if the coaches are able to get him to his potential.
  17. I’ve been watching quite a bit of UNC film today and last night. 1 thing that has stuck out to me is that UNCs play caller really called a lot of long developing routes even though teams would blitz, blitz, and more blitz. It’s weird because the blitz beater route that was used the most was the quick out, and that is a throw that Maye struggled to throw accurately, consistently. These teams would keep blitzing and the play caller would not adjust. He really did Maye a disservice. UNCs o line was not that bad, there were a couple times a game that someone would get beat and would lead to a quick pressure, but that happens to every team. I think it was the play calling that hindered UNCs offense more than the line. They got blitzed hard, but for the most part gave Maye time, the problem was that the coordinator wouldn’t call enough blitz beaters.
  18. I was really hoping for a late round rookie qb as well. I like Milton’s athleticism and arm strength, but he needs a lot of fixing in just about ever other aspect of his game. I wouldn’t mind Jordan Travis if he falls to the 6th. I’d like Hartman as well but he had a bad combine. Im wondering if either Penix or Nix fell to us in the second round if we’d take a swing. Those two have played a lot of football and I’d much rather have one of them to back up our first round qb than Fromm or driskel. I know this is definitely not going to happen and that teams don’t draft a qb 2nd round if they took one in the 1st, but it’s fun to think about.
  19. JJ got to sit for like 8 quarters of play time because his team was smoking the other teams. JJ was the best qb in CFB on third and forth down with 6 or more yards to gain. He also had more throws against top 25 defenses than any other qb in college football. I don’t think it was that Harbaugh didn’t trust his qb, it’s more likely that the team had found a formula to win a national championship and stuck with it. JJ was better on third and 4th down and under pressure than all the other QBs coming out statically.
  20. This is the game that made me really jump on the JJ bandwagon. He was so accurate. He moved so well in the pocket, buying himself time. Foot work looked great. Made the easy ones look easy. Had some nice high low nfl concepts that he threw well. Had some nice tight window throws. He looked fast running the ball. I think JJ has the highest floor out of all the QBs coming out this year. I also don’t see anything that would limit his ceiling either. Hes already hitting the High/low reads that you see in every nfl offense and he throws the tight window, anticipation throws, over the middle really well.
  21. There was a point where I had Jayden really high, quite possibly was my #1 qb, but after watching this and spending a little time over the last few days watching this and thinking about it, Jayden is down to my #3 qb in this draft. He had some really bad looking plays in this cut up. I’m glad it showed all targets.
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