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Everything posted by mac8887

  1. Drake Maye going to giants doesn’t worry me at all. I just don’t see it with him. In 2 years, he played 6 games against teams that you can say had a decent to pretty good defense. Clemsonx2, NcStatex2, notre damex1 and Oregonx1. And in those games he struggled. In the biggest games, when his team needed him most, when they weren’t the more talented team on the field, Maye struggled with his accuracy and decision making. Maybe he turns out to be really good, and I get that he has the traits that can make for a really good qb, but in my opinion, it’s a lot of projecting that gets him to being a good NFL qb. And drafting on future potential is a 50/50 or less proposition. in the space that is between where he is now to where he might be, there is just as much that can go wrong as there is that can go right. I agree with Cooley and Simms and think that he needs a lot of work, and I am not going to worry myself about a qb that hasn’t proven anything yet.
  2. It’s looking more and more like Jayden will be the pick. I’m happy with it, I like him and believe he is worthy of the #2 pick. But I can’t shake this feeling that JJ will be a champion
  3. I’m not so sure about that, Parsons is quite a bit bigger than JD, I don’t see JD breaking him in half. The more likely scenario is JD juking him and running for a TD
  4. I think he can get through his 2nd contract before he starts to lose his wheels. By then, you would hope he will have mastered his craft as a passer enough that he can still be capable to lead the team to being a playoff contender.
  5. I remember Quinn saying that it’s Peters choice who we will be drafting. Yes I imagine that Quinn will give his input but at the end of the day Peters will have final say.
  6. Anyone else notice how many times Maye throws the outside go route and outside fade out of bounds? It happens quite often. This worries me about him, while he does have a great arm, he really struggles with ball placement on outside routes
  7. I really don’t see anything that would limit his ceiling. He got plenty of arm strength and athleticism.
  8. I agree, I like Jayden a lot too, and most rave about how good of a person and teammate he is. Same could be said for Maye. I personally just like JJ better. Daniels next, and then Maye. Rookie of the year?
  9. JJ is on the rise. I hope it’s him. He would be a perfect teammate that always puts the team first. He has good athleticism, good accuracy, strong arm. He’s used to cold weather. He’s going to work his butt off to be the best he can be.
  10. It doesn’t really bother me to much, if he would’ve said SEC championship or national championship, he would’ve been a failure. He had to say something that he actually accomplished, so he went with the Heisman.
  11. I remember this all to well, I was just old enough to see the Shuler bust happen and he at an age where I could understand what I was seeing, and when it looked like we might have a guy that can play, it turns out that guy was an idiot that though it be a great idea to try to run head first through a concrete wall.
  12. While I like Daniels and would be fine if he is the pick, though I’d prefer JJ, I’m so glad neither Dan nor Ron are anywhere close to this draft
  13. I would normally agree with you about the jacket thing and it does feel a little cringe. But on the other hand a lot of guys wear their own shoes and other clothing. They try to get their “brand” out there on the market. It did look pretty bad though essentially with Penix jacket being the exact opposite
  14. I think this is pretty spot on, to me it evens things out as well, I’m not as down on Tez as you are though, yes he had some bad drops, and isn’t the sharpest rout runner, but there were also quite a few go routes that Maye under threw this year that Tez was able to make some amazing plays on after he had slowed down and had to win the catch fighting contact. he does a great job tracking the deep ball. I also don’t think that UNCs o line was that bad. I also like their TE Nesbit, that dude can play.
  15. I’m an ACC diehard, but saying that ACC defenses are comparable to SEC defenses is just silly. NC State had 1 great player on that defense, same with Clemson, but Clemson who usually has a good D was not that good last year. Maye got to avoid FSU twice, that D was stacked, but Jayden played them twice.
  16. Maye played against some of the weakest competition in college football for a power 5 school. UNC had I think the 5th easiest schedule of all power five schools. LSU played much tougher competition, so personally because of that, I imagine that Daniels played against much tougher defenses than Maye. Someone brought up FSU earlier, and yes, that defense was phenomenal before the bowl game when 90% of their starters decided not to play, but Maye didn’t play FSU in either year he started. Daniels played FSU twice, so using FSU in the same conference to support Maye playing tough defenses doesn’t hold weight, Daniels was the one who played against that outstanding defense
  17. I agree, he will and should be running some version of the RPO. What does excite me about him is much much more mechanically sound and better of a passer than pretty much every other dual threat qb that has ever come out. I think he’s a good enough passer that he can just drop back and throw it if need be if his team falls behind in a game, but for the most part, for him to be successful, it will need to be in an RPO system. He is already proficient in this type of offense, so that should help him to at least be a serviceable qb his rookie year. I really like him as a prospect and he’s one I’d be very excited about, but probably my third choice after Caleb and JJ.
  18. I’m fairly certain that Daniels played under center more at ASU than Maye ever did at UNC, or any of the other QBs coming out other than McCarthy
  19. The Heisman is close to becoming a qb award just like MVP. For a non qb to win the Heisman, you have to be a truly special player that had an even more truly special season.
  20. He wasn’t a finalist for the Heisman that year. It would’ve probably been Stroud if not for Caleb
  21. I believe that they both can and will get better. I personally believe Jayden will get better faster because he is more polished and has very sound mechanics. He will simply be adding to what he already does. Maye on the other hand has a rather elongated wind up, struggled with his footwork, and his mechanics aren’t sound, which causes inconsistency, especially with his accuracy on shorter routes. So in my perspective, he will need to be fixed before you can start adding to his game. So the process of really becoming a better player will take longer. I believe right now that Jayden is the better player and that Jayden has the ability to improve faster early on.
  22. I personally believe McCarthy has a higher floor than both Jayden and Drake, and I don’t see anything that would limit his ceiling compared to the other 2 either. But what I like most about him compared to the other 2 is how he moves in the pocket to avoid pressure. Drake drifts away from pressure, and quite often right into pressure, he also tries to out run pressure, and while he is a good athlete, and that worked well for him in college, I don’t think he is quick enough to consistently out run edge rushers or OLBs in the nfl. Jayden doesn’t drift like Maye does, but for the most part he’s stationary at the top of his drop, until it’s time to take off. I do believe he can out run the pressure, but he is not great at giving himself room in the pocket to make a throw if need be. JJ, I think has shown the ability more than the others to make a quick side step to avoid rushers to get enough room to make a throw. Drew Brees was the best I’ve ever seen doing this, and I believe JJ has some of that in him. He doesn’t do it all the time, but he definitely has shown the ability to do it more so than the other 2.
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