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Everything posted by formerly4skins

  1. Us and the Broncos...woof. Shows just how futile all the efforts of the past regime were, and how much Harris has to overcome.
  2. Predictions... 1) 21 WAS - 13 ARI 2) The stadium and fans will be absolutely rocking...enthusiasm for a new direction on full-display. 3) Defense starts the season slow, as usual. 2nd level of the D is noticeably soft. Good thing the Cards don't have a QB. 4) Offense and passing game looks sharp, if a bit hamstrung by some suspect OL play. Runners have trouble finding daylight. 5) Ron is visibly confused at least once, bad challenge or timeout...something like that. Or, maybe has his moment during the post-game interview. 6) Camera pans to Chase on the sidelines a minimum of 8 times. He's uncharacteristically subdued...knowing his agent is in the background feverishly trying to work a trade while his "stinger heals".
  3. Also, Rod Smith was an absolute beast. Between him and McCaffrey they had one of the best WR duos in the league for a few seasons.
  4. This just made me mad...could have turned that #2 pick into a player like Mahomes or McCaffrey. And, Doofus Dan won't even take the call.
  5. I'm a huge fan of Kurt Warner's analysis of QB play and always watch his breakdowns on YouTube. He just put out an analysis of Howell's preseason...and, it's pretty exciting to hear how high he is on him. "He's tough, he sees it, he understands it, and he can make every throw, and that's exactly what I've seen"
  6. I very much like Theismann out there on a popular show saying a new name is probably in the plans for Harris moving forward.
  7. Looks like Jabril Cox is going to be available. I think the knock on him is not being able to shed blocks...but considering what we have at LB, might be worth a look. Also get to potentially poach someone from Dallas, which is nice.
  8. Kind of surprised to see Eifler cut, just given how thin we are at LB.
  9. I'd be all about looking at Kuntz... Dude had a perfect RAS, that's certainly intriguing.
  10. I could totally be mistaken, but hasn't BSJ been used almost exclusively as a boundary corner here? Am I just wrong...or, is BSJ as a slot-corner something new for this season?
  11. Last night, B Mitch mentioned in his day, vets pranking young players by pulling their name-card off their locker on cut day. That's mean as hell...but also probably hilarious if you're not the one getting played.
  12. Oof...didn't realize Barton was already named the starter at that spot. ...not a fan of that at all. The neglect this staff has shown to the LB group is damn near criminal, and could very well derail an otherwise strong D this season.
  13. I reall wish I shared the optimism on Jamin. In my opinion, he's a straight WLB being asked to play the role of stud MLB. Between being shoehorned into a position that he's not a natural fit for and probably having too much on his plate as the green-dot and "best" player in the position group...I don't feel like he's really been set up for success by Ron & Co.
  14. And sometimes, even giving him credit for mediocre is a stretch... Ron is a fine man and a good dude, but not a very good NFL HC.
  15. LB -- as neglected as that group has been -- is going to be a massive problem if Jamin faces suspension for his lead-footed driving. In fact, most folks would be facing legit jail-time for 114mph in a 45mph...especially as a repeat offender. Wonder if Ron has his buddy Jon Bostic on speed-dial?
  16. Thought this was an interesting summary of some stadium improvements Harris & Co. have in the works...
  17. That was the moment I knew Jay could never succeed here...dude commanded no respect from the players. Can you imaging a player doing that to a Belicheck, Parcells, or Gibbs type coach....shoot, even to Ron?
  18. In spots it is, the OLine is a mess for example....and while the DLine and DBs look good, those units have been way over invested in. To me, the biggest indictment of Ron's talent evaluation is that the dude played NFL LB for over a decade and has coached NFL defenses for 30 yrs in some capacity....and our LB situation is was it is during his tenure here. That's either negligence or incompetence, and neither is a good look. But, the real problem is that whatever personel moves Ron has directed, they just haven't helped him win. Gruden was 38-57-1, for a 41% win rate. Ron is 22-27-1, for a 43% win rate. Now sure, team culture is much improved....but wins, not so much. 100% yes, unfortunately. I think if you watch the press conference it's clear as day that he had not a clue there were playoff implications to the game he was coaching. ...just an astonishing lack of situational awareness on his part.
  19. Hard to argue with this. At the same time, Dan didn't make Ron such a bad evaluator of talent that he hasn't been able to find a competent LB in going on 4 yrs...or ride our boy Mr. XFL at QB for 2 years...or think Wentz was a decent replacement...or believe Scott Turner was a competent OC. And, Dan didn't make him so befuddled that he completely failed to grasp the playoff implications of a late season game....that, to me, was almost unforgivable. Now, I hope Ron gets it together with Dan gone...i really do, that would be amazing. I'll just be kind of shocked if he does.
  20. Problem is, something he doesn't do is win games consistently...and he really hasn't won much of anything without Cam Newton. He also doesn't seem to evaluate talent all that well (constant woes with the LB group) or be particularly adept at allocating resources. Unless they put together a great season this year, I don't see how you elevate a guy like that to the FO. Ron is a stand up guy...but if he doesn't win a playoff game he'll get canned, and he'll deserve it.
  21. I like to hear that...I couldn't be more in favor of a quick decision on the name. I hate it, but if I've got to make peace with it...I'd rather know sooner than later.
  22. "It's not about how I feel, it's about how the city feels about all this stuff," Harris said, when asked in part if he liked the name. ...not exactly a ringing endorsement by Harris on the name. But, I imagine even if it's washed away with the rest of Dan's sins, it might take some time.
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