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Ball Security

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Everything posted by Ball Security

  1. Detroit Lions select Wallace, ILB, Kentucky.
  2. I watched this documentary last night called Red, White, and Wasted. It is about the “mudding” culture in central Florida. Think of big ass trucks riding around off road, kicking up mud, destroying the wetlands, in the name of freedom. It follows this man and his family who have been part of the culture for decades. The man has thousands of hours of video of the weekly Sunday hangouts over the years. But, sadly, progress and corporate greed (cell phones with cameras and Disney expansion) have threatened their way of the life. The doc is all observational with no director narrative. I don’t think they try to make the viewer see the subjects one way or the other. But it’s filmed on the backdrop of the Trump 2016 election through the 2018 midterms. Lots of confederate flags, lots of racism, well it can’t really be racism if slavery ended over 100 years ago, now can it? Checkmate libtards. Lots of xenophobia too. Ninety minutes, I thought I’d give it a few minutes, but it captured me, the redneckness of it all.
  3. He’s getting nickeled and dined. Not hit hard at all. But too many uncompetitive pitches and no swing and miss stuff when he gets to two strikes.
  4. The nukes that President Kennedy launched over the British Virgin Islands was a mistake by the new marketing director and wasn’t vetted by the President. So, not his bad. The marketing director was probably vaccinated and doesn’t believe in freedom.
  5. Good thread. Would like to hear more about your brother. I wonder what will happen with mine when the time comes for my folks move on. No falling out, just no effort is made in having any type of relationship. Not sure if any of the poll choices fit my relationship with my in-laws. As I’ve gotten older, the less I give a rats ass about how they feel about me. I know that annoys them, but it’s the healthiest path for me. Time is short and nothing lasts forever (even cold November rain). I think if your in law family has characteristics or ways about them that are different than your own, you end up finding annoyances and faults. But neither one is really wrong. I have a laundry list of events from early in my marriage that really bothered me with them. But the way I see them treat my sister in law (wife’s brother’s wife) bothers me more than how they’ve interacted with me over the years. They are loving grandparents to my children which is really all I care about. And we’re fortunate that our politics somewhat align. That made navigating COVID a lot easier for us than others.
  6. Three doubles for Garcia tonight. An excellent sign. (I’ll look past his base running blunder).
  7. Winker and Weems got sick on Monday. Robles leaves the game early with a hamstring.
  8. Definitely a different skill set at the five than Gafford. I liked the pick at the time, glad he’s playing stateside now.
  9. We’ll see what that Trump floor is. There are plenty of people who vote for him because he’s not a D. Traditionally they vote for anyone R. Can RFKJr pull a significant number of those people that it offsets the Biden defections? The attacks on choice and IVF are not going to do Trump any favors to suppress the turnout.
  10. Frontline did an episode on this guy that was on tonight. They covered a lot of ground in an hour. - Flaws in the clearance process - Lackadaisical oversight of SCIFFs - Inability /unwillingness to police social media sites. - Chronically online exacerbated by the Pandemic. - Disgusting, alarming toxic, horrific racism/sexism/xenophobia/anti-semitism/violence porn shared by young people. Admittedly, I know very little about Discord. But damn, maybe we’d be better off if we got rid of electricity.
  11. Just like @@DCGoldPantssaid, most teams that have an outdoor stadium, especially non west coast teams, usually schedule an off day after the home opener. If you have a ticket for the Home Opener, and it gets rained out, you want them to have a chance to watch it on the offday.
  12. To make room for Tyler Nevin. 🤣 wut?!
  13. Lions take OT Matt Goncalves, Pittsburgh.
  14. Iowa’s #44 has given them a lot of good minutes in that third quarter with #45 in foul trouble.
  15. I’ve been really impressed with some of these supporting players.
  16. Lions select Bralen Trice, Edge, Washington Huskies.
  17. So, to clarify, the Government is not saying anything. The person who said it was Russia in the segment no longer works in Government. So he’s making the connection outside of an official capacity. The Government, likely, will continue to deny it.
  18. Visited most of those places. My only experience in Charleston was from 20+ years ago when we went out, flirted with a waitress, and got a bill that was a lot less than what we ordered. Thinking she was doing us a solid, we gave her an extraordinary tip which would have been a lot more than 20% of what we should have owed. But all in, we were both getting a great deal. We casually walk out, stroll down the street, and out she comes running us down…How dare you walk out on your check! Whoa. You gave us a check. We paid and tipped well. Obviously, I gave you the wrong bill. Okay, give me everything back that I paid you (these were the days of cash) and we’ll make you whole on this bill. No problem. Observing bachelorette party intervenes. How dare you do this to this waitress! Me: lady (she was old from my perspective at the time, but likely younger than I am now), you are drinking out of a plastic penis cup. I can’t take anything you say seriously. Back off. That’s my Charleston review.
  19. I watched that segment yesterday. Came on right after the NC State game. It’s a scary and wild story.
  20. I don’t think he is, but Rizzo has nothing to do with it. To get compensation, the prospect has to be a consensus top 100 prospect. Lipscomb is not. Though I’d much rather he get reps at third instead of Senzel.
  21. If UVA just fouls up three in regulation, this Wolfpack run never happens.
  22. Just wanted to take a second to rant how pissed I am about MASN. Went to visit my parents yesterday and they were very frustrated that they couldn’t watch them now that MASN is gone from cable. They are at a loss about how to stream. I walked them through their options, and they kind of get it, but they are of an era that isn’t comfortable with online banking. They send physical checks for everything. I’m pretty sure you can’t even do that with Fubo. We’ll solve it. But, damn, all they want to do is watch a baseball game.
  23. James Wood: 2-3, 3 BBs. Thadeus Ward: 4 scoreless innings, 1H, 6Ks. Lipscomb and Nunez made their MLB debuts today. The first two of many this season.
  24. I took UConn over 82.5 points. If these were the days of paper tickets, I would have tossed it at half time. Now they may make it interesting (I do think they’ll take the air out though).
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