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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. Having video of all this stuff helps nothing. Until there are actual legal consequences for the actions some of these officers, nothing changes. Clearly we are a long way from getting to that point. Real change in this case has to come from the top down, not the bottom up. The rules need to change
  2. We are also in the middle of a "sports equinox" Multiple other leagues are going on right now, and that draws viewers. It will be more concerning if this trend continues once the NBA and NHL end. There are only so many viewers, and there is a whole lot of sources pulling eyeballs right now. Zombies don't need an equinox for that tho. I've had the ability to pull my eyeballs since before it was cool. (Zombie Pun)
  3. I was never expecting a lot of sacks in this game. 2 was pretty much my prediction. Murray is on Wilson's level when it comes to avoiding contact. They are not afraid to slide and will throw the ball away when necessary. They are difficult opponents to rack up sacks on. Players like Jackson will try to make you miss. Others will try to break tackles. Those are the guys who you can get numbers on. Even if it didn't come from the D-line, I think 3 sacks against Ari is pretty good. I can see us getting 4 on the browns tho
  4. career? I mean.. at the rate he's going this yr... 20 Sacks, 8 FF.... even if we suck, it is hard to deny that resume. No way on Earth he should be expected to hit those numbers tho. That being said, Young is our best player right now, let alone the future.
  5. Franchise player? What more does this man have to do for you people?! Start throwing bombs downfield instead of punting? Thank God we have him locked up thru 2024
  6. Or you could take the easy route and just lose the bones altogether... Which is already a thing... The sweep under the rug playbook is wide open right now. I'd be kind of surprised if we didn't hear something about (X) in the next 2 days: -Something about team name. Something that causes speculation -Rivera's cancer treatment going great -New Stadium deets (It might have a moat again!!) -Fan Attendance -trade rumor or link (Robinson-CHI) Something stupid or non-consequential.
  7. If our O-line is gonna suck this bad all year, we can very easily suck next yr without paying a guy $15 mil I think Sheriff needs the whole line to produce better if he wants to get paid by us. Otherwise we can just hit the reset button and implode the whole line.
  8. Curl is not likely to log a lot of pure safety snaps for us outside of injury. He didn't log any in the last game. If I remember correctly Apke and Collins logged every snap. Curl was only brought in as an extra DB in Nickel and Dime and that is a roll that can be played by a CB or S. Fuller fills that role nicely. Even if Fuller gets slotted into an outside CB role, I would expect Jimmy or Fabian (whichever is not on the outside) to come in as an extra DB before Curl. Unless we run a lot of dime defense I don't see Curl getting a lot of reps. He has to be the odd man out for the extra DB between himself, Jimmy/Fabian/Kendal.
  9. Even if he looks good, I'm not sure he has the pathway to regularly contribute in the way Moreland has had. If Fuller were healthy, I'm not sure Curl gets even half of the limited reps last week. You have to expect fuller would be on the field especially in nickel, and the most likely candidate to get bumped would be Curl. Once we get Fuller back, a lot of Curl's opportunities will dry up quickly. He needs to show out on special teams if anything. He'd be relegated to a B Love situation. Wont know what he can do b/c he'd be buried in the depth chart
  10. Arizona’s center got injured last week and it looks like he will miss this weeks game. Should help our interior, which will also help with containment of Murray. Kyler will slide rather than getting blasted, even when behind the line. Does that count as a sack? Who gets credit?
  11. ^^^ Completely agree. In fact, I'll bet Barber carries will be a barometer for success this season. Games he gets a lot of touches will mean we either had a lot of goal-line plays, or we were pounding out clock. If we have to use Barber 17 times again, we are probably in good shape.
  12. A third rounder for OBJ makes all the sense in the world to me. He has 4 years left on his deal, all affordable at 15 M, and no Guaranteed money. He would not be a rental and would instead be a cornerstone piece of your rebuild giving you a weapon to pull brackets away from McL. Double down on that line of thinking when you consider everything outside of the first round of this years draft will be even more of a crapshoot that usual. Plus, most of us have been calling for another receiver since last offseason. This is not some new idea that was a result of a week 1 win. We tried to get Cooper, so we know adding another piece is a priority for the higher ups as well. I don't think it is fair to say they have no interest in bringing in a vet. Dropping a 3rd rounder in this years draft would be a small price to pay to receive that top flight WR we are after and he’ d be on a great deal to boot. Not that zombies sleep, but I would not lose any over a move like that.
  13. just total number. Then you don't have to do math for each player each week. Keep it simple
  14. Might be hard to compile, but what about snap counts?
  15. Cool, but who said anything about him solving all our problems? One player does not fix this offense. He can be part of the rebuild not the solution. Gotta start somewhere. Once you have OBJ, or any long term complementary WR, that is one less thing to worry about. If your reasoning for not trading for a player is because your looking for 1 guy that can fix everything, you'll be looking for a while.
  16. with 4 yrs left on his deal OBJ can be part of your rebuild. I would expect him to make an impact pairing him w/ McL Trading for someone like Robinson on a 1 yr deal makes no sense given our situation. But incorporating a player for the long term, on a good deal no less, does. I’m not saying throw a 1st rounder or even a 2nd at the situation. If you can get him for a 3, you do it. No questions asked. Our biggest need is OL, but if the opportunity presents itself to get a long term answer to a glaring question mark, then double down. Help your young QB.
  17. Robinson has a 15 mil hit this year and he is on the last year of his deal. You will have to prob pay the going rate for a #1 WR to keep him which will be 19 mil a year. OBJ has 4 years left on his deal. no guaranteed money, all at 15 mil a year. That is way more valuable and I'd be all over that like a Zombie on a Brain Not even a debate which direction to go in IMO
  18. Simmons only logged 18 snaps. Not a good look. He was lost out there. I think his first play was a horsecollar penalty
  19. Yeah, I think the “at home” score is 2 sacks and 2 FF, but the NFL didn't give him that I tried to tone back the zombie puns a bit. I don’t think there is any way possible I’ll be doing it on gamedays when we are all rifling posts. I’d be like two pages behind by the time I’d think of one. Don’t worry tho, they are not gone forever. Like a zombies body, the puns will endure (Zombie pun)
  20. Sims late game choices have not improved. He had a big catch and run at the end of the game but didn't remember to get down inbounds until it was too late. I think its all still a little to big for him sometimes. that mistake saved 40 secs for philly
  21. Everybody has to cover up with masks. Makes credentials more necessary Maybe he didn't need it in the before times, but its a new era now
  22. did u see Wes Martin on that first drive. Looked like he was shot out of a cannon backwards. I'm testing Charles at guard as soon as hes healthy
  23. whatever happened to the penalty for piling on? lol how do we know that image was not a group of Wash players consoling him w/ a hug after the loss? Great image. Skins front was wearing Wentz jersey all game.
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