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Everything posted by EmirOfShmo

  1. Smoked some ribs for dinner. Added homemade creamed spinach & crispy small potatoes...
  2. Video Phones Could Land Donald Trump in Big Trouble Donald Trump is facing trial on January 29 for allegedly duping people into investing in a loss-making video phone. The lawsuit, filed in Manhattan, New York, in 2018, alleges Trump received millions of dollars in secret payments "to promote and endorse" ACN, a marketing company promoting a new type of video phone. Video phones, popularized in the 2000s, were replaced by smartphones with the video chat feature. Skype introduced video calling in 2006 and Apple popularized video chat with a front-facing camera installed in its iPhone in 2010. The lawsuit alleges that Trump promoted the product on the TV show Celebrity Apprentice without disclosing that ACN was paying him. The current Republican frontrunner for 2024 allegedly said at the time that ACN's video phones were doing "half-a-billion dollars' worth of sales a year." "Trump also told investors that he had 'experienced the opportunity' and 'done a lot of research,' and that his endorsement was 'not for any money.' Not a word of this was true," the lawsuit states. Newsweek sought email comment on Saturday from Donald Trump's attorney, John Lauro, and from Roberta Kaplan, the attorney representing the plaintiffs. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-lawsuit-manhattan-video-phone-acn-marketing-trial-new-york-1856848
  3. Language Three Houthi boats got smoked by US Navy choppers. The Houthi boat crews are now an impromptu smorgasbord for fish and crustaceans. They fired on the choppers and discovered quickly that was most unwise
  4. RIP to those who passed away in 2023... https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/remembering-the-lives-we-lost-in-2023-201077829766
  5. It's not going to happen. Ever. It's been talked about for 30(?) years. GOP is grasping at straws in VA. 'Tax cuts for everybody' is the new CRT in 2024. In response to @Captain Wiggles comments above: You're right. A quick look at VA avg sales tax 5.75% vs NC 6.99% vs TN 9.55% Shocking I know... https://taxfoundation.org/location/north-carolina/
  6. Yeah, my next email is going to ask for the data on that comment. Also, I want to see the data about people leaving VA for NC & TN - excluding retirees. I'll wait until after January 10th...
  7. I wrote my delegate - David Owen (GOP ran against Susanna Gibson) - asking about the "car tax". Here's his response (misspellings included): Thank you for your message yesterday. I have not seen all the details of the Governor's tax plan, but I will provide you the information I currently have. Included in the Govenor's proposed budget is a reduction of the personal Virginia income tax of approximately 12% for all brackets. The proposed reduction in income tax will be replace by increasing the state sales tax by .9%. Neighboring states have higher sales tax rates than Virginia and lower income tax rates. This change is the Govenor's plan to make us more competitive with neighboring states so we can reverse the trend over the last decade of more Virginias leaving Virginia for states like Tennessee and North Carolina than we have coming to Virginia. The elimination of the car tax is not in the current budget proposal, but the Govenor would like to replace the car tax with an additional increase in the sales tax for localities. This change is more complicated since it provides funding for localities across the Commonwealth. As you pointed out the "car tax" is a personal property tax on more than just cars. It impacts all vehicles, and it impacts businesses personal property. I will try to get the clarification you have requested to determine the extent of the personal property elimination from the tax. I do not know where to obtain the information about Goochland's revenue and expenses you have requested. I suggest you contact the the Goochland County Manager's office or your Supervisor. We will also contact Goochland County to try to obtain the answers to your questions about Goochland's income and cost. I am sorry I do not have all the answers to your questions, but I hope this helps with a better understanding of the overall proposed changes in generating tax revenue for the Commonwealth. We are just getting set up in our General Assembly office and I will be sworn in on January 10th, so we do not have access to all our resources yet. I did receive a complete copy of the proposed budget yesterday and I will be reviewing it over the next several weeks before the session starts.
  8. Bucks County mom behind conservative school movement charged with assault, giving teens alcohol A former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor candidate and outspoken voice in the conservative “parental rights” school movement has been charged with punching a teenager while hosting an underage drinking party at her Bucks County home in September. Clarice Schillinger, 36, is facing criminal charges of assault, harassment and furnishing minors with alcohol during her daughter’s birthday party, according to the case filed in late October. Her attorney has denied all charges and said she will fight them in court. Schillinger made an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor as a Republican last year and has played an instrumental role in a political action committee that has poured more than $800,000 into Pennsylvania school district races since 2021. The PAC has focused on supporting school board candidates who opposed COVID-19 lockdowns and argue left-wing ideologies are invading the education system. In the recent criminal case, Schillinger is accused of punching a partygoer several times in the face during a series of alleged outbursts by drunken adults at her home on Liz Circle in Doylestown, according to an affidavit of probable cause. The documents state that during the event — which started Sept. 29 and went past midnight — Schillinger’s then-boyfriend allegedly grabbed a 16-year-old by the neck for intervening in a fight between the couple and hit a 15-year-old in the face during an argument over football. According to the allegations in court papers, her intoxicated mother also punched the older teen in the eye and chased him around the kitchen island. Police said they had cellphone recordings of some of these reported events. To escape the unruly adults, several minors started making their way out of the home, even as Schillinger ordered them to stay, court documents allege. Cellphone footage showed that as the teens gathered in the foyer Schillinger lunged toward one partygoer before others began restraining her. That individual told police Schillinger struck him three times with a closed fist but that he wasn’t injured, according to the affidavit. Schillinger had been throwing a 17th birthday party for her daughter that night, hosting about 20 teens in her basement, where there was a bar stocked with New Amsterdam vodka and Malibu Bay Breeze rum, police wrote in the affidavit. In addition to supplying the underage group with alcohol, she allegedly poured liquor for the teens, asked them to take a shot with her and played beer pong with them, witnesses later told authorities. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bucks-county-mom-behind-conservative-095810297.html
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