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Everything posted by EmirOfShmo

  1. Yes. Pretty sure he was asked "Did you attend the first trial?" and he said "No"
  2. I don't watch CNN but Collins is one of my favorite interviewers.
  3. Yes. Not all current road signs/changes are on G-maps - that can & does include roads that are one-way. Sometimes it's wrong & I can't make the turn it wants me to. Or, ****, that came up quickly (watching closely driving in the country to make sure some critter/deer doesn't run out from either side of the road) & I was supposed to make that turn. Arrrg... **** happens & I need to make u-turns. Back to the point: I'm not making them in peoples driveways.
  4. Of course. Google maps isn't perfect. I've had deliveries to an address - confirmed in G-maps before I leave - driven to the spot & it's in the middle of a road with nothing around but woods. Why? And that's happened on more than 1 occasion. Or maybe you lose GPS signal in the middle of East BF. Now what? One last example: Property address is on street A. I drive there and it's a business, not a house. The home is a mile past the business to the end of the road, make a left & start looking for the address on mailbox posts. Ah, there it is 2 miles and a left hand turn past where G-maps told me to go.
  5. Ukrainian defenders kill 960 Russians and destroy 59 armoured combat vehicles and 51 artillery systems in one day Ukraine’s Defence Forces continue to make progress towards defeating the Russians, as they killed 960 Russian soldiers and destroyed 59 armoured combat vehicles, 51 artillery systems and 22 tanks belonging to the Russians over the past day alone. https://post.news/@/ukrpravda/2bLj3vU1prAgjbuVEnJVE1Y4y4O
  6. I'm so glad I don't need to listen to that **** anymore. New hire VPs spewing that **** was an immediate dismissal of anything he/she said. Ever.
  7. I do the same thing for the same reason. Especially on a country road. It's either a business I pull into (rarely), make a u-turn at a T intersection or the good ol' 3-point turn in the middle of the road.
  8. Fun fact: The owner of one of my first clients - Tillotson Healthcare (Neil Tillotson) - was the first to vote in every Presidential election & primary from 1960-2001 in Dixville Notch, NH. I met him once. Haley swept the vote there (6 people). Carry on.
  9. Dude been a grazing at the trough since he's not working. He looks like Joey when he put on all of Chandler's clothes...
  10. I haven't been keeping up with this. Here's a thread with some analysis of the divorce filings.
  11. Looks like ~10 states are still open to file to run. A couple of states end late March 2024 but most others are early February. To your point - it's too late. https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024
  12. First, a tip of the hat for using my late mother's favorite 'cuss' word - dunderhead. Second, I have seen some articles talking about existing members of Congress who should be worried if the SCOTUS rules with states on the 14th Amendment Section 3 decision. Jordan, et al. will be facing expulsion when the dust settles.
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